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Quantum Computation: A Grand Mathematical Challenge for the Twenty-First Century and the Millennium
Quantum Computation
Hardcover ISBN:  978-0-8218-2084-1
Product Code:  PSAPM/58
List Price: $129.00
MAA Member Price: $116.10
AMS Member Price: $103.20
eBook ISBN:  978-0-8218-9273-2
Product Code:  PSAPM/58.E
List Price: $125.00
MAA Member Price: $112.50
AMS Member Price: $100.00
Hardcover ISBN:  978-0-8218-2084-1
eBook: ISBN:  978-0-8218-9273-2
Product Code:  PSAPM/58.B
List Price: $254.00 $191.50
MAA Member Price: $228.60 $172.35
AMS Member Price: $203.20 $153.20
Quantum Computation
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Quantum Computation: A Grand Mathematical Challenge for the Twenty-First Century and the Millennium
Hardcover ISBN:  978-0-8218-2084-1
Product Code:  PSAPM/58
List Price: $129.00
MAA Member Price: $116.10
AMS Member Price: $103.20
eBook ISBN:  978-0-8218-9273-2
Product Code:  PSAPM/58.E
List Price: $125.00
MAA Member Price: $112.50
AMS Member Price: $100.00
Hardcover ISBN:  978-0-8218-2084-1
eBook ISBN:  978-0-8218-9273-2
Product Code:  PSAPM/58.B
List Price: $254.00 $191.50
MAA Member Price: $228.60 $172.35
AMS Member Price: $203.20 $153.20
  • Book Details
    Proceedings of Symposia in Applied Mathematics
    Volume: 582002; 358 pp
    MSC: Primary 81; 68; 94; Secondary 22; 57

    This book presents written versions of the eight lectures given during the AMS Short Course held at the Joint Mathematics Meetings in Washington, D.C. The objective of this course was to share with the scientific community the many exciting mathematical challenges arising from the new field of quantum computation and quantum information science. The course was geared toward demonstrating the great breadth and depth of this mathematically rich research field. Interrelationships with existing mathematical research areas were emphasized as much as possible. Moreover, the course was designed so that participants with little background in quantum mechanics would, upon completion, be prepared to begin reading the research literature on quantum computation and quantum information science.

    Based on audience feedback and questions, the written versions of the lectures have been greatly expanded, and supplementary material has been added. The book features an overview of relevant parts of quantum mechanics with an introduction to quantum computation, including many potential quantum mechanical computing devices; introduction to quantum algorithms and quantum complexity theory; in-depth discussion on quantum error correcting codes and quantum cryptography; and finally, exploration into diverse connections between quantum computation and various areas of mathematics and physics.

    This book is the companion volume to Quantum Computation and Quantum Information, CONM/305, Volume 305 in the Contemporary Mathematics series.


    Graduate students, research mathematicians, and physicists interested in quantum theory, computer science, information, communication, and circuits.

  • Table of Contents
    • Chapter I. An invitation to quantum computation
    • Samuel J. Lomonaco, Jr. — A Rosetta Stone for quantum mechanics with an introduction to quantum computation [ MR 1922894 ]
    • Howard E. Brandt — Qubit devices [ MR 1922895 ]
    • Chapter II. Quantum algorithms and quantum complexity theory
    • Peter W. Shor — Introduction to quantum algorithms [ MR 1922896 ]
    • Samuel J. Lomonaco, Jr. — Shor’s quantum factoring algorithm [ MR 1922897 ]
    • Samuel J. Lomonaco, Jr. — Grover’s quantum search algorithm [ MR 1922898 ]
    • Umesh V. Vazirani — A survey of quantum complexity theory [ MR 1922899 ]
    • Chapter III. Quantum error correcting codes and quantum cryptography
    • Daniel Gottesman — An introduction to quantum error correction [ MR 1922900 ]
    • Samuel J. Lomonaco, Jr. — A talk on quantum cryptography: Or how Alice outwits Eve [ MR 1922901 ]
    • Chapter IV. More mathematical connections
    • Alexei Kitaev — Topological quantum codes and anyons [ MR 1922902 ]
    • Louis H. Kauffman — Quantum topology and quantum computing [ MR 1922903 ]
    • Samuel J. Lomonaco, Jr. — An entangled tale of quantum entanglement [ MR 1922904 ]
  • Reviews
    • A very accessible invitation to some of the essential aspects of quantum computation ... The book is great both for self-study and for a beginning course, and it is enjoyable reading.

      Palle Jorgensen
  • Requests
    Review Copy – for publishers of book reviews
    Permission – for use of book, eBook, or Journal content
    Accessibility – to request an alternate format of an AMS title
Volume: 582002; 358 pp
MSC: Primary 81; 68; 94; Secondary 22; 57

This book presents written versions of the eight lectures given during the AMS Short Course held at the Joint Mathematics Meetings in Washington, D.C. The objective of this course was to share with the scientific community the many exciting mathematical challenges arising from the new field of quantum computation and quantum information science. The course was geared toward demonstrating the great breadth and depth of this mathematically rich research field. Interrelationships with existing mathematical research areas were emphasized as much as possible. Moreover, the course was designed so that participants with little background in quantum mechanics would, upon completion, be prepared to begin reading the research literature on quantum computation and quantum information science.

Based on audience feedback and questions, the written versions of the lectures have been greatly expanded, and supplementary material has been added. The book features an overview of relevant parts of quantum mechanics with an introduction to quantum computation, including many potential quantum mechanical computing devices; introduction to quantum algorithms and quantum complexity theory; in-depth discussion on quantum error correcting codes and quantum cryptography; and finally, exploration into diverse connections between quantum computation and various areas of mathematics and physics.

This book is the companion volume to Quantum Computation and Quantum Information, CONM/305, Volume 305 in the Contemporary Mathematics series.


Graduate students, research mathematicians, and physicists interested in quantum theory, computer science, information, communication, and circuits.

  • Chapter I. An invitation to quantum computation
  • Samuel J. Lomonaco, Jr. — A Rosetta Stone for quantum mechanics with an introduction to quantum computation [ MR 1922894 ]
  • Howard E. Brandt — Qubit devices [ MR 1922895 ]
  • Chapter II. Quantum algorithms and quantum complexity theory
  • Peter W. Shor — Introduction to quantum algorithms [ MR 1922896 ]
  • Samuel J. Lomonaco, Jr. — Shor’s quantum factoring algorithm [ MR 1922897 ]
  • Samuel J. Lomonaco, Jr. — Grover’s quantum search algorithm [ MR 1922898 ]
  • Umesh V. Vazirani — A survey of quantum complexity theory [ MR 1922899 ]
  • Chapter III. Quantum error correcting codes and quantum cryptography
  • Daniel Gottesman — An introduction to quantum error correction [ MR 1922900 ]
  • Samuel J. Lomonaco, Jr. — A talk on quantum cryptography: Or how Alice outwits Eve [ MR 1922901 ]
  • Chapter IV. More mathematical connections
  • Alexei Kitaev — Topological quantum codes and anyons [ MR 1922902 ]
  • Louis H. Kauffman — Quantum topology and quantum computing [ MR 1922903 ]
  • Samuel J. Lomonaco, Jr. — An entangled tale of quantum entanglement [ MR 1922904 ]
  • A very accessible invitation to some of the essential aspects of quantum computation ... The book is great both for self-study and for a beginning course, and it is enjoyable reading.

    Palle Jorgensen
Review Copy – for publishers of book reviews
Permission – for use of book, eBook, or Journal content
Accessibility – to request an alternate format of an AMS title
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