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Singularities, Part 2
Edited by:
Peter Orlik

Hardcover ISBN: | 978-0-8218-1466-6 |
Product Code: | PSPUM/40.2 |
List Price: | $139.00 |
MAA Member Price: | $125.10 |
AMS Member Price: | $111.20 |
eBook ISBN: | 978-0-8218-9332-6 |
Product Code: | PSPUM/40.2.E |
List Price: | $135.00 |
MAA Member Price: | $121.50 |
AMS Member Price: | $108.00 |
Hardcover ISBN: | 978-0-8218-1466-6 |
eBook: ISBN: | 978-0-8218-9332-6 |
Product Code: | PSPUM/40.2.B |
List Price: | $274.00 $206.50 |
MAA Member Price: | $246.60 $185.85 |
AMS Member Price: | $219.20 $165.20 |

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Singularities, Part 2
Edited by:
Peter Orlik
Hardcover ISBN: | 978-0-8218-1466-6 |
Product Code: | PSPUM/40.2 |
List Price: | $139.00 |
MAA Member Price: | $125.10 |
AMS Member Price: | $111.20 |
eBook ISBN: | 978-0-8218-9332-6 |
Product Code: | PSPUM/40.2.E |
List Price: | $135.00 |
MAA Member Price: | $121.50 |
AMS Member Price: | $108.00 |
Hardcover ISBN: | 978-0-8218-1466-6 |
eBook ISBN: | 978-0-8218-9332-6 |
Product Code: | PSPUM/40.2.B |
List Price: | $274.00 $206.50 |
MAA Member Price: | $246.60 $185.85 |
AMS Member Price: | $219.20 $165.20 |
Book DetailsProceedings of Symposia in Pure MathematicsVolume: 40; 1983; 680 ppMSC: Primary 14; Secondary 32; 57; 58This item is also available as part of a set:
Table of Contents
Henry B. Laufer — Weak simultaneous resolution for deformations of Gorenstein surface singularities [ MR 713236 ]
Lê Dũng Tráng and Zoghman Mebkhout — Introduction to linear differential systems [ MR 713237 ]
Lê Dũng Tráng and B. Teissier — Cycles evanescents, sections planes et conditions de Whitney II [ MR 713238 ]
Lê D ung Tráng and B. Teissier — Report on the problem session [ MR 713239 ]
Harm van der Lek — Extended Artin groups [ MR 713240 ]
Anatoly S. Libgober and John W. Wood — Differentiable structures on complete intersections II [ MR 713241 ]
A. Libgober — Alexander invariants of plane algebraic curves [ MR 713242 ]
Ben Lichtin — A connection between polar invariants and roots of the Bernstein-Sato polynomial [ MR 713243 ]
Ben Lichtin — Estimates and formulae for the $C^{0}$ degree of sufficiency of plane curves [ MR 713244 ]
Joseph Lipman — Quasi-ordinary singularities of surfaces in $\mathbf {C}^{3}$ [ MR 713245 ]
Eduard Looijenga — The smoothing components of a triangle singularity. I [ MR 713246 ]
Ignacio Luengo — On the structure of embedded algebroid surfaces [ MR 713247 ]
Richard Mandelbaum — Some new surfaces of general type [ MR 713248 ]
John N. Mather — Distance from a submanifold in Euclidean space [ MR 713249 ]
Clint McCrory — On the topology of Deligne’s weight filtration [ MR 713250 ]
Isao Nakai — Topological types of polynomial map germs [ MR 713251 ]
Walter D. Neumann — Abelian covers of quasihomogeneous surface singularities [ MR 713252 ]
Walter D. Neumann — Geometry of quasihomogeneous surface singularities [ MR 713253 ]
Mutsuo Oka — On the stability of the Newton boundary [ MR 713254 ]
Peter Orlik and Louis Solomon — Coxeter arrangements [ MR 713255 ]
Donal B. O’Shea — Vanishing folds in families of singularities [ MR 713256 ]
Jürgen Pesselhoy and Oswald Riemenschneider — Projective resolutions of Hodge algebras: some examples [ MR 713257 ]
Frédéric Pham — Vanishing homologies and the $n$ variable saddlepoint method [ MR 713258 ]
Ragni Piene — A note on higher order dual varieties, with an application to scrolls [ MR 713259 ]
Henry C. Pinkham — Factorization of birational maps in dimension $3$ [ MR 713260 ]
Henry C. Pinkham — Smoothings of the $D_{pqr}$ singularities, $p+q+r=22$ [ MR 713261 ]
Ian R. Porteous — The normal singularities of surfaces in $\mathbf {R}^{3}$ [ MR 713262 ]
Ian R. Porteous — Probing singularities [ MR 713263 ]
Fernando Puerta — $\mathbf {C}^*$-equivariant deformations of germs of coherent sheaves [ MR 713264 ]
John D. Randall — The real Jacobian problem [ MR 713265 ]
Richard Randell — Milnor fibers and Alexander polynomials of plane curves [ MR 713266 ]
Felice Ronga — Multiple points of real mappings [ MR 713267 ]
Felice Ronga — A new look at Faà de Bruno’s formula for higher derivatives of composite functions and the expression of some intrinsic derivatives [ MR 713268 ]
C. Sabbah — Le type topologique éclaté d’une application analytique [ MR 713269 ]
Kyoji Saito — The higher residue pairings $K_{F}^{(k)}$ for a family of hypersurface singular points [ MR 713270 ]
Morihiko Saito — On the exponents and the geometric genus of an isolated hypersurface singularity [ MR 713271 ]
John Scherk — A note on two local Hodge filtrations [ MR 713272 ]
José A. Séade — A cobordism invariant for surface singularities [ MR 713273 ]
Dirk Siersma — Isolated line singularities [ MR 713274 ]
Andrew John Sommese — A convexity theorem [ MR 713275 ]
Robert Speiser — Triple contact of plane curves: Schubert’s enumerative theory [ MR 713276 ]
J. H. M. Steenbrink — Mixed Hodge structures associated with isolated singularities [ MR 713277 ]
David A. Stone — The tangent space and exponential map at an isolated singular point [ MR 713278 ]
Tatsuo Suwa — Singularities of complex analytic foliations [ MR 713279 ]
Hiroaki Terao — The exponents of a free hypersurface [ MR 713280 ]
J. G. Timourian — Local triviality of families of maps [ MR 713281 ]
David Trotman — Comparing regularity conditions on stratifications [ MR 713282 ]
Tohsuke Urabe — On singularities on degenerate del Pezzo surfaces of degree $1,$ $2$ [ MR 713283 ]
Philip Wagreich — The structure of quasihomogeneous singularities [ MR 713284 ]
Jonathan M. Wahl — Derivations, automorphisms and deformations of quasihomogeneous singularities [ MR 713285 ]
C. T. C. Wall — Classification of unimodal isolated singularities of complete intersections [ MR 713286 ]
Tamaki Yano — $b$-functions and exponents of hypersurface isolated singularities [ MR 713287 ]
Stephen S.-T. Yau — On irregularity and geometric genus of isolated singularities [ MR 713288 ]
Yosef Yomdin — The structure of strata $\mu =\mathrm {const}$ in a critical set of a complete intersection singularity [ MR 713289 ]
Yosef Yomdin — Some results on finite determinacy and stability not requiring the explicit use of smoothness [ MR 713290 ]
Steven Zucker — $L_{2}$-cohomology and intersection homology of locally symmetric varieties [ MR 713291 ]
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- Book Details
- Table of Contents
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Volume: 40; 1983; 680 pp
MSC: Primary 14; Secondary 32; 57; 58
This item is also available as part of a set:
Henry B. Laufer — Weak simultaneous resolution for deformations of Gorenstein surface singularities [ MR 713236 ]
Lê Dũng Tráng and Zoghman Mebkhout — Introduction to linear differential systems [ MR 713237 ]
Lê Dũng Tráng and B. Teissier — Cycles evanescents, sections planes et conditions de Whitney II [ MR 713238 ]
Lê D ung Tráng and B. Teissier — Report on the problem session [ MR 713239 ]
Harm van der Lek — Extended Artin groups [ MR 713240 ]
Anatoly S. Libgober and John W. Wood — Differentiable structures on complete intersections II [ MR 713241 ]
A. Libgober — Alexander invariants of plane algebraic curves [ MR 713242 ]
Ben Lichtin — A connection between polar invariants and roots of the Bernstein-Sato polynomial [ MR 713243 ]
Ben Lichtin — Estimates and formulae for the $C^{0}$ degree of sufficiency of plane curves [ MR 713244 ]
Joseph Lipman — Quasi-ordinary singularities of surfaces in $\mathbf {C}^{3}$ [ MR 713245 ]
Eduard Looijenga — The smoothing components of a triangle singularity. I [ MR 713246 ]
Ignacio Luengo — On the structure of embedded algebroid surfaces [ MR 713247 ]
Richard Mandelbaum — Some new surfaces of general type [ MR 713248 ]
John N. Mather — Distance from a submanifold in Euclidean space [ MR 713249 ]
Clint McCrory — On the topology of Deligne’s weight filtration [ MR 713250 ]
Isao Nakai — Topological types of polynomial map germs [ MR 713251 ]
Walter D. Neumann — Abelian covers of quasihomogeneous surface singularities [ MR 713252 ]
Walter D. Neumann — Geometry of quasihomogeneous surface singularities [ MR 713253 ]
Mutsuo Oka — On the stability of the Newton boundary [ MR 713254 ]
Peter Orlik and Louis Solomon — Coxeter arrangements [ MR 713255 ]
Donal B. O’Shea — Vanishing folds in families of singularities [ MR 713256 ]
Jürgen Pesselhoy and Oswald Riemenschneider — Projective resolutions of Hodge algebras: some examples [ MR 713257 ]
Frédéric Pham — Vanishing homologies and the $n$ variable saddlepoint method [ MR 713258 ]
Ragni Piene — A note on higher order dual varieties, with an application to scrolls [ MR 713259 ]
Henry C. Pinkham — Factorization of birational maps in dimension $3$ [ MR 713260 ]
Henry C. Pinkham — Smoothings of the $D_{pqr}$ singularities, $p+q+r=22$ [ MR 713261 ]
Ian R. Porteous — The normal singularities of surfaces in $\mathbf {R}^{3}$ [ MR 713262 ]
Ian R. Porteous — Probing singularities [ MR 713263 ]
Fernando Puerta — $\mathbf {C}^*$-equivariant deformations of germs of coherent sheaves [ MR 713264 ]
John D. Randall — The real Jacobian problem [ MR 713265 ]
Richard Randell — Milnor fibers and Alexander polynomials of plane curves [ MR 713266 ]
Felice Ronga — Multiple points of real mappings [ MR 713267 ]
Felice Ronga — A new look at Faà de Bruno’s formula for higher derivatives of composite functions and the expression of some intrinsic derivatives [ MR 713268 ]
C. Sabbah — Le type topologique éclaté d’une application analytique [ MR 713269 ]
Kyoji Saito — The higher residue pairings $K_{F}^{(k)}$ for a family of hypersurface singular points [ MR 713270 ]
Morihiko Saito — On the exponents and the geometric genus of an isolated hypersurface singularity [ MR 713271 ]
John Scherk — A note on two local Hodge filtrations [ MR 713272 ]
José A. Séade — A cobordism invariant for surface singularities [ MR 713273 ]
Dirk Siersma — Isolated line singularities [ MR 713274 ]
Andrew John Sommese — A convexity theorem [ MR 713275 ]
Robert Speiser — Triple contact of plane curves: Schubert’s enumerative theory [ MR 713276 ]
J. H. M. Steenbrink — Mixed Hodge structures associated with isolated singularities [ MR 713277 ]
David A. Stone — The tangent space and exponential map at an isolated singular point [ MR 713278 ]
Tatsuo Suwa — Singularities of complex analytic foliations [ MR 713279 ]
Hiroaki Terao — The exponents of a free hypersurface [ MR 713280 ]
J. G. Timourian — Local triviality of families of maps [ MR 713281 ]
David Trotman — Comparing regularity conditions on stratifications [ MR 713282 ]
Tohsuke Urabe — On singularities on degenerate del Pezzo surfaces of degree $1,$ $2$ [ MR 713283 ]
Philip Wagreich — The structure of quasihomogeneous singularities [ MR 713284 ]
Jonathan M. Wahl — Derivations, automorphisms and deformations of quasihomogeneous singularities [ MR 713285 ]
C. T. C. Wall — Classification of unimodal isolated singularities of complete intersections [ MR 713286 ]
Tamaki Yano — $b$-functions and exponents of hypersurface isolated singularities [ MR 713287 ]
Stephen S.-T. Yau — On irregularity and geometric genus of isolated singularities [ MR 713288 ]
Yosef Yomdin — The structure of strata $\mu =\mathrm {const}$ in a critical set of a complete intersection singularity [ MR 713289 ]
Yosef Yomdin — Some results on finite determinacy and stability not requiring the explicit use of smoothness [ MR 713290 ]
Steven Zucker — $L_{2}$-cohomology and intersection homology of locally symmetric varieties [ MR 713291 ]
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