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Differential Geometry: Geometry in Mathematical Physics and Related Topics
Edited by:
Robert Greene

Hardcover ISBN: | 978-0-8218-1495-6 |
Product Code: | PSPUM/54.2 |
List Price: | $139.00 |
MAA Member Price: | $125.10 |
AMS Member Price: | $111.20 |
eBook ISBN: | 978-0-8218-9353-1 |
Product Code: | PSPUM/54.2.E |
List Price: | $135.00 |
MAA Member Price: | $121.50 |
AMS Member Price: | $108.00 |
Hardcover ISBN: | 978-0-8218-1495-6 |
eBook: ISBN: | 978-0-8218-9353-1 |
Product Code: | PSPUM/54.2.B |
List Price: | $274.00 $206.50 |
MAA Member Price: | $246.60 $185.85 |
AMS Member Price: | $219.20 $165.20 |

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Differential Geometry: Geometry in Mathematical Physics and Related Topics
Edited by:
Robert Greene
Hardcover ISBN: | 978-0-8218-1495-6 |
Product Code: | PSPUM/54.2 |
List Price: | $139.00 |
MAA Member Price: | $125.10 |
AMS Member Price: | $111.20 |
eBook ISBN: | 978-0-8218-9353-1 |
Product Code: | PSPUM/54.2.E |
List Price: | $135.00 |
MAA Member Price: | $121.50 |
AMS Member Price: | $108.00 |
Hardcover ISBN: | 978-0-8218-1495-6 |
eBook ISBN: | 978-0-8218-9353-1 |
Product Code: | PSPUM/54.2.B |
List Price: | $274.00 $206.50 |
MAA Member Price: | $246.60 $185.85 |
AMS Member Price: | $219.20 $165.20 |
Book DetailsProceedings of Symposia in Pure MathematicsVolume: 54; 1993; 655 ppMSC: Primary 32; 53; 58; 81; 83This item is also available as part of a set:
Table of Contents
Malcolm Adams, Clint McCrory, Ted Shifrin and Robert Varley — Invariants of Gauss maps of theta divisors [ MR 1216524 ]
Augustin Banyaga — On characteristics of hypersurfaces in symplectic manifolds [ MR 1216525 ]
John K. Beem — Disprisoning and pseudoconvex manifolds [ MR 1216526 ]
L. Bérard-Bergery and A. Ikemakhen — On the holonomy of Lorentzian manifolds [ MR 1216527 ]
Jean-Pierre Bourguignon — Spinors, Dirac operators, and changes of metrics [ MR 1216528 ]
Charles P. Boyer and Benjamin M. Mann — The hyper-Kähler geometry of the ADHM construction and quaternionic geometric invariant theory [ MR 1216529 ]
Steven B. Bradlow — Nonabelian vortices and a new Yang-Mills-Higgs energy [ MR 1216530 ]
Eugenio Calabi and Herman Gluck — What are the best almost-complex structures on the 6-sphere? [ MR 1216531 ]
Luis A. Cordero, Marisa Fernández and Alfred Gray — The failure of complex and symplectic manifolds to be Kählerian [ MR 1216532 ]
Kevin Corlette — Nonabelian Hodge theory [ MR 1216533 ]
Xianzhe Dai — Geometric invariants and their adiabatic limits [ MR 1216534 ]
Andrzej Derdziński — Geometry of elementary particles [ MR 1216535 ]
Dennis DeTurck, Hubert Goldschmidt and Janet Talvacchia — Existence of connections with prescribed Yang-Mills currents [ MR 1216536 ]
Lance D. Drager and Robert L. Foote — Vector bundles over homogeneous spaces and complete, locally symmetric spaces [ MR 1216537 ]
Todd A. Drumm — Margulis space-times [ MR 1216538 ]
D. Duncan and E. Ihrig — Incomplete flat homogeneous geometries [ MR 1216539 ]
Paul E. Ehrlich and Gérard G. Emch — Geodesic and causal behavior of gravitational plane waves: astigmatic conjugacy [ MR 1216540 ]
Joseph H. G. Fu — Curvature of singular spaces via the normal cycle [ MR 1216541 ]
Ronald O. Fulp — The nonintegrable phase factor and gauge theory [ MR 1216542 ]
Gregory J. Galloway — The Lorentzian version of the Cheeger-Gromoll splitting theorem and its application to general relativity [ MR 1216543 ]
Paul Gauduchon — Weyl structures on self-dual conformal manifolds [ MR 1216544 ]
James F. Glazebrook and Franz W. Kamber — Chiral anomalies and Dirac families in Riemannian foliations [ MR 1216545 ]
Steven G. Harris — What is the shape of space in a spacetime? [ MR 1216546 ]
Adam D. Helfer — The kinematics of the gravitational field [ MR 1216547 ]
Sigurdur Helgason — Support theorems in integral geometry and their applications [ MR 1216548 ]
Oussama Hijazi — Killing spinors and eigenvalues of the Dirac operator [ MR 1216549 ]
Gary R. Jensen and Marco Rigoli — Einstein metrics on circle bundles [ MR 1216550 ]
Tan Jiang and Stephen S.-T. Yau — Topological and differentiable structures of the complement of an arrangement of hyperplanes [ MR 1216551 ]
Hoil Kim — The relationship between the moduli spaces of vector bundles on $K3$ surfaces and Enriques surfaces [ MR 1216552 ]
C. LeBrun and Y. S. Poon — Self-dual manifolds with symmetry [ MR 1216553 ]
Elliott H. Lieb — Remarks on the Skyrme model [ MR 1216554 ]
E. B. Lin — Geometric settings for quantum systems with isospin [ MR 1216555 ]
John Lott — Heat kernels on covering spaces and topological invariants [ MR 1216556 ]
Qi Keng Lu — The heat kernels of symmetric spaces [ MR 1216557 ]
John J. Millson — CR-geometry and deformations of isolated singularities [ MR 1216558 ]
L. K. Norris — Generalized symplectic geometry on the frame bundle of a manifold [ MR 1216559 ]
D. H. Phong — Complex geometry and string theory [ MR 1216560 ]
Lorenzo Sadun and Jan Segert — Constructing non-self-dual Yang-Mills connections on $S^4$ with arbitrary Chern number [ MR 1216561 ]
Ambar Sengupta — The Yang-Mills measure for the two-sphere [ MR 1216562 ]
L. M. Sibner — Examples of nonminimal critical points in gauge theory [ MR 1216563 ]
Nancy K. Stanton — Spectral invariants of pseudoconformal manifolds [ MR 1216564 ]
Mark Stern — $L_2$-cohomology and index theory of noncompact manifolds [ MR 1216565 ]
Wing-Wah Sung — On Calabi-Yau three-folds fibered over smooth complex surfaces [ MR 1216566 ]
Gang Tian — Degeneration of Kähler-Einstein manifolds. I [ MR 1216567 ]
Yue Lin L. Tong — Flat connections on products of determinant bundles [ MR 1216568 ]
Marc Troyanov — Surfaces riemanniennes à singularités simples [ MR 1216569 ]
S.-T. Yau and F. Zheng — Remarks on certain higher-dimensional quasi-Fuchsian domains [ MR 1216570 ]
Steven Zucker — $L^p$-cohomology: Banach spaces and homological methods on Riemannian manifolds [ MR 1216571 ]
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- Book Details
- Table of Contents
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Volume: 54; 1993; 655 pp
MSC: Primary 32; 53; 58; 81; 83
This item is also available as part of a set:
Malcolm Adams, Clint McCrory, Ted Shifrin and Robert Varley — Invariants of Gauss maps of theta divisors [ MR 1216524 ]
Augustin Banyaga — On characteristics of hypersurfaces in symplectic manifolds [ MR 1216525 ]
John K. Beem — Disprisoning and pseudoconvex manifolds [ MR 1216526 ]
L. Bérard-Bergery and A. Ikemakhen — On the holonomy of Lorentzian manifolds [ MR 1216527 ]
Jean-Pierre Bourguignon — Spinors, Dirac operators, and changes of metrics [ MR 1216528 ]
Charles P. Boyer and Benjamin M. Mann — The hyper-Kähler geometry of the ADHM construction and quaternionic geometric invariant theory [ MR 1216529 ]
Steven B. Bradlow — Nonabelian vortices and a new Yang-Mills-Higgs energy [ MR 1216530 ]
Eugenio Calabi and Herman Gluck — What are the best almost-complex structures on the 6-sphere? [ MR 1216531 ]
Luis A. Cordero, Marisa Fernández and Alfred Gray — The failure of complex and symplectic manifolds to be Kählerian [ MR 1216532 ]
Kevin Corlette — Nonabelian Hodge theory [ MR 1216533 ]
Xianzhe Dai — Geometric invariants and their adiabatic limits [ MR 1216534 ]
Andrzej Derdziński — Geometry of elementary particles [ MR 1216535 ]
Dennis DeTurck, Hubert Goldschmidt and Janet Talvacchia — Existence of connections with prescribed Yang-Mills currents [ MR 1216536 ]
Lance D. Drager and Robert L. Foote — Vector bundles over homogeneous spaces and complete, locally symmetric spaces [ MR 1216537 ]
Todd A. Drumm — Margulis space-times [ MR 1216538 ]
D. Duncan and E. Ihrig — Incomplete flat homogeneous geometries [ MR 1216539 ]
Paul E. Ehrlich and Gérard G. Emch — Geodesic and causal behavior of gravitational plane waves: astigmatic conjugacy [ MR 1216540 ]
Joseph H. G. Fu — Curvature of singular spaces via the normal cycle [ MR 1216541 ]
Ronald O. Fulp — The nonintegrable phase factor and gauge theory [ MR 1216542 ]
Gregory J. Galloway — The Lorentzian version of the Cheeger-Gromoll splitting theorem and its application to general relativity [ MR 1216543 ]
Paul Gauduchon — Weyl structures on self-dual conformal manifolds [ MR 1216544 ]
James F. Glazebrook and Franz W. Kamber — Chiral anomalies and Dirac families in Riemannian foliations [ MR 1216545 ]
Steven G. Harris — What is the shape of space in a spacetime? [ MR 1216546 ]
Adam D. Helfer — The kinematics of the gravitational field [ MR 1216547 ]
Sigurdur Helgason — Support theorems in integral geometry and their applications [ MR 1216548 ]
Oussama Hijazi — Killing spinors and eigenvalues of the Dirac operator [ MR 1216549 ]
Gary R. Jensen and Marco Rigoli — Einstein metrics on circle bundles [ MR 1216550 ]
Tan Jiang and Stephen S.-T. Yau — Topological and differentiable structures of the complement of an arrangement of hyperplanes [ MR 1216551 ]
Hoil Kim — The relationship between the moduli spaces of vector bundles on $K3$ surfaces and Enriques surfaces [ MR 1216552 ]
C. LeBrun and Y. S. Poon — Self-dual manifolds with symmetry [ MR 1216553 ]
Elliott H. Lieb — Remarks on the Skyrme model [ MR 1216554 ]
E. B. Lin — Geometric settings for quantum systems with isospin [ MR 1216555 ]
John Lott — Heat kernels on covering spaces and topological invariants [ MR 1216556 ]
Qi Keng Lu — The heat kernels of symmetric spaces [ MR 1216557 ]
John J. Millson — CR-geometry and deformations of isolated singularities [ MR 1216558 ]
L. K. Norris — Generalized symplectic geometry on the frame bundle of a manifold [ MR 1216559 ]
D. H. Phong — Complex geometry and string theory [ MR 1216560 ]
Lorenzo Sadun and Jan Segert — Constructing non-self-dual Yang-Mills connections on $S^4$ with arbitrary Chern number [ MR 1216561 ]
Ambar Sengupta — The Yang-Mills measure for the two-sphere [ MR 1216562 ]
L. M. Sibner — Examples of nonminimal critical points in gauge theory [ MR 1216563 ]
Nancy K. Stanton — Spectral invariants of pseudoconformal manifolds [ MR 1216564 ]
Mark Stern — $L_2$-cohomology and index theory of noncompact manifolds [ MR 1216565 ]
Wing-Wah Sung — On Calabi-Yau three-folds fibered over smooth complex surfaces [ MR 1216566 ]
Gang Tian — Degeneration of Kähler-Einstein manifolds. I [ MR 1216567 ]
Yue Lin L. Tong — Flat connections on products of determinant bundles [ MR 1216568 ]
Marc Troyanov — Surfaces riemanniennes à singularités simples [ MR 1216569 ]
S.-T. Yau and F. Zheng — Remarks on certain higher-dimensional quasi-Fuchsian domains [ MR 1216570 ]
Steven Zucker — $L^p$-cohomology: Banach spaces and homological methods on Riemannian manifolds [ MR 1216571 ]
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