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The Search for E.T. Bell: Also Known as John Taine
The Search for E.T. Bell
MAA Press: An Imprint of the American Mathematical Society
Hardcover ISBN:  978-0-88385-508-9
Product Code:  SPEC/7
List Price: $35.00
MAA Member Price: $26.25
AMS Member Price: $26.25
eBook ISBN:  978-1-4704-5847-8
Product Code:  SPEC/7.E
List Price: $30.00
MAA Member Price: $22.50
AMS Member Price: $22.50
Hardcover ISBN:  978-0-88385-508-9
eBook: ISBN:  978-1-4704-5847-8
Product Code:  SPEC/7.B
List Price: $65.00 $50.00
MAA Member Price: $48.75 $37.50
AMS Member Price: $48.75 $37.50
The Search for E.T. Bell
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The Search for E.T. Bell: Also Known as John Taine
MAA Press: An Imprint of the American Mathematical Society
Hardcover ISBN:  978-0-88385-508-9
Product Code:  SPEC/7
List Price: $35.00
MAA Member Price: $26.25
AMS Member Price: $26.25
eBook ISBN:  978-1-4704-5847-8
Product Code:  SPEC/7.E
List Price: $30.00
MAA Member Price: $22.50
AMS Member Price: $22.50
Hardcover ISBN:  978-0-88385-508-9
eBook ISBN:  978-1-4704-5847-8
Product Code:  SPEC/7.B
List Price: $65.00 $50.00
MAA Member Price: $48.75 $37.50
AMS Member Price: $48.75 $37.50
  • Book Details
    Volume: 71993; 372 pp
    Recipient of the Mathematical Association of America's Beckenbach Book Prize in 1996!

    Eric Temple Bell (1883–1960) was a distinguished mathematician and a best selling popularizer of mathematics. His Men of Mathematics, still in print after almost sixty years, inspired scores of young readers to become mathematicians. Under the name of John Taine, he also published science fiction novels (among them The Time Stream, Before the Dawn, and The Crystal Horde) that served to broaden the subject matter of that genre during its early years. In The Search for E. T. Bell, Constance Reid has given us a compelling account of this complicated, difficult man who never divulged to anyone, not even to his wife and son, the story of his early life and family background. Her book is, thus, more of a mystery than a traditional biography. It begins with the discovery of an unexpected inscription in an English churchyard and a series of cryptic notations in a boy's schoolbook. Then comes an inadvertent revelation by Bell himself in a respected mathematical journal. You will have to read the book to learn the rest.

  • Table of Contents
    • Chapters
    • ONE the eloquence of facts
    • TWO a habit of independent work
    • THREE imagination’s other place
    • FOUR the prime years
    • FIVE the low road
  • Reviews
    • Constance Reid, the foremost mathematical biographer of our time, has written a remarkable book, her best and most compelling yet. A writer of skill and intelligence, she could make even dull subjects interesting; given Bell to sink her teeth into, she has produced a dazzling piece of work.

      College Mathematics Journal
  • Requests
    Review Copy – for publishers of book reviews
    Accessibility – to request an alternate format of an AMS title
Volume: 71993; 372 pp
Recipient of the Mathematical Association of America's Beckenbach Book Prize in 1996!

Eric Temple Bell (1883–1960) was a distinguished mathematician and a best selling popularizer of mathematics. His Men of Mathematics, still in print after almost sixty years, inspired scores of young readers to become mathematicians. Under the name of John Taine, he also published science fiction novels (among them The Time Stream, Before the Dawn, and The Crystal Horde) that served to broaden the subject matter of that genre during its early years. In The Search for E. T. Bell, Constance Reid has given us a compelling account of this complicated, difficult man who never divulged to anyone, not even to his wife and son, the story of his early life and family background. Her book is, thus, more of a mystery than a traditional biography. It begins with the discovery of an unexpected inscription in an English churchyard and a series of cryptic notations in a boy's schoolbook. Then comes an inadvertent revelation by Bell himself in a respected mathematical journal. You will have to read the book to learn the rest.

  • Chapters
  • ONE the eloquence of facts
  • TWO a habit of independent work
  • THREE imagination’s other place
  • FOUR the prime years
  • FIVE the low road
  • Constance Reid, the foremost mathematical biographer of our time, has written a remarkable book, her best and most compelling yet. A writer of skill and intelligence, she could make even dull subjects interesting; given Bell to sink her teeth into, she has produced a dazzling piece of work.

    College Mathematics Journal
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Accessibility – to request an alternate format of an AMS title
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