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Never a Dull Moment: Hassler Whitney, Mathematics Pioneer
Keith Kendig Cleveland State University, Cleveland, OH
Never a Dull Moment
MAA Press: An Imprint of the American Mathematical Society
Softcover ISBN:  978-1-4704-4828-8
Product Code:  SPEC/93
List Price: $60.00
MAA Member Price: $45.00
AMS Member Price: $45.00
eBook ISBN:  978-1-4704-4911-7
Product Code:  SPEC/93.E
List Price: $55.00
MAA Member Price: $41.25
AMS Member Price: $41.25
Softcover ISBN:  978-1-4704-4828-8
eBook: ISBN:  978-1-4704-4911-7
Product Code:  SPEC/93.B
List Price: $115.00 $87.50
MAA Member Price: $86.25 $65.63
AMS Member Price: $86.25 $65.63
Never a Dull Moment
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Never a Dull Moment: Hassler Whitney, Mathematics Pioneer
Keith Kendig Cleveland State University, Cleveland, OH
MAA Press: An Imprint of the American Mathematical Society
Softcover ISBN:  978-1-4704-4828-8
Product Code:  SPEC/93
List Price: $60.00
MAA Member Price: $45.00
AMS Member Price: $45.00
eBook ISBN:  978-1-4704-4911-7
Product Code:  SPEC/93.E
List Price: $55.00
MAA Member Price: $41.25
AMS Member Price: $41.25
Softcover ISBN:  978-1-4704-4828-8
eBook ISBN:  978-1-4704-4911-7
Product Code:  SPEC/93.B
List Price: $115.00 $87.50
MAA Member Price: $86.25 $65.63
AMS Member Price: $86.25 $65.63
  • Book Details
    Volume: 932018; 385 pp
    MSC: Primary 01; 05; 57; 58; 37; 97

    Hassler Whitney was a giant of twentieth-century mathematics. This biography paints a picture of him and includes dozens of revealing anecdotes. Mathematically, he had a rare detector that went off whenever he spotted a piece of mathematical gold, and he would then draw countless pictures, gradually forging a path from hunch to proof. This geometric path is seldom reflected in the rigor of his formal papers, but thanks to a close friendship and many conversations over decades, author Kendig was able to see how he actually worked. This book shows this through accessible accounts of his major mathematical contributions, with figures copiously supplied.

    Whitney is probably best known for introducing the grandfather of today's innumerable embedding theorems—his strong embedding theorem stating that any smooth manifold can be smoothly embedded in a Euclidean space of twice the manifold's dimension. This in turn led to several standard techniques used every day in algebraic topology. Whitney also established the fundamentals of graph theory, the four-color problem, matroids, extending smooth functions, and singularities of smooth functions. He almost never used complicated technical machinery, so most of his work is accessible to a general reader with a modest mathematical background.

    His math-music connection was intense: He played piano, violin, and viola and won “best composition of the year” while earning a Bachelor's degree in music at Yale. He was an accomplished mountain climber, and as a tinkerer, at age fourteen he built the large-format camera used to take this book's cover photograph. Whitney's family generously provided dozens of photographs appearing here for the very first time. This biography is a revealing portrait of a fascinating personality and a titan of twentieth-century mathematics.


    Undergraduate and graduate students and researchers interested in history, biography, and the history of topology.

  • Table of Contents
    • Chapters
    • Chapter 1. Some Snapshots
    • Chapter 2. How Hassler Chose His Genes
    • Chapter 3. Growing Up
    • Chapter 4. Hassler Goes to College
    • Chapter 5. Early Days at Harvard
    • Chapter 6. The Four-Color Problem: Some History and Whitney’s Contributions to It
    • Chapter 7. Whitney and the Four-Color Problem: A Closer Look
    • Chapter 8. Whitney Discovers a Big Brother to the Matrix: The Matroid
    • Chapter 9. Topology: Its Beginnings
    • Chapter 10. Topology Grows Into a Branch of Mathematics
    • Chapter 11. Whitney Helped Revolutionize Algebraic Topology
    • Chapter 12. Whitney’s Extension Theorems
    • Chapter 13. Whitney’s Weak Embedding Theorem
    • Chapter 14. Whitney’s Strong Embedding Theorem
    • Chapter 15. World War II
    • Chapter 16. From Harvard to the Institute; Insights on Smooth Mappings
    • Chapter 17. Are There Decomposition Theorems for Nonmanifolds?
    • Chapter 18. After Research
    • Chapter 19. Evolution or Revolution?
    • Chapter 20. Other Happenings at the Institute
    • Chapter 21. The Unspeakable Was About to Happen
    • Chapter 22. Sometimes You Get to Know People Through the Little Things
    • Chapter 23. Parting Shots: A Gallery of Photos
    • Notes
  • Requests
    Review Copy – for publishers of book reviews
    Accessibility – to request an alternate format of an AMS title
Volume: 932018; 385 pp
MSC: Primary 01; 05; 57; 58; 37; 97

Hassler Whitney was a giant of twentieth-century mathematics. This biography paints a picture of him and includes dozens of revealing anecdotes. Mathematically, he had a rare detector that went off whenever he spotted a piece of mathematical gold, and he would then draw countless pictures, gradually forging a path from hunch to proof. This geometric path is seldom reflected in the rigor of his formal papers, but thanks to a close friendship and many conversations over decades, author Kendig was able to see how he actually worked. This book shows this through accessible accounts of his major mathematical contributions, with figures copiously supplied.

Whitney is probably best known for introducing the grandfather of today's innumerable embedding theorems—his strong embedding theorem stating that any smooth manifold can be smoothly embedded in a Euclidean space of twice the manifold's dimension. This in turn led to several standard techniques used every day in algebraic topology. Whitney also established the fundamentals of graph theory, the four-color problem, matroids, extending smooth functions, and singularities of smooth functions. He almost never used complicated technical machinery, so most of his work is accessible to a general reader with a modest mathematical background.

His math-music connection was intense: He played piano, violin, and viola and won “best composition of the year” while earning a Bachelor's degree in music at Yale. He was an accomplished mountain climber, and as a tinkerer, at age fourteen he built the large-format camera used to take this book's cover photograph. Whitney's family generously provided dozens of photographs appearing here for the very first time. This biography is a revealing portrait of a fascinating personality and a titan of twentieth-century mathematics.


Undergraduate and graduate students and researchers interested in history, biography, and the history of topology.

  • Chapters
  • Chapter 1. Some Snapshots
  • Chapter 2. How Hassler Chose His Genes
  • Chapter 3. Growing Up
  • Chapter 4. Hassler Goes to College
  • Chapter 5. Early Days at Harvard
  • Chapter 6. The Four-Color Problem: Some History and Whitney’s Contributions to It
  • Chapter 7. Whitney and the Four-Color Problem: A Closer Look
  • Chapter 8. Whitney Discovers a Big Brother to the Matrix: The Matroid
  • Chapter 9. Topology: Its Beginnings
  • Chapter 10. Topology Grows Into a Branch of Mathematics
  • Chapter 11. Whitney Helped Revolutionize Algebraic Topology
  • Chapter 12. Whitney’s Extension Theorems
  • Chapter 13. Whitney’s Weak Embedding Theorem
  • Chapter 14. Whitney’s Strong Embedding Theorem
  • Chapter 15. World War II
  • Chapter 16. From Harvard to the Institute; Insights on Smooth Mappings
  • Chapter 17. Are There Decomposition Theorems for Nonmanifolds?
  • Chapter 18. After Research
  • Chapter 19. Evolution or Revolution?
  • Chapter 20. Other Happenings at the Institute
  • Chapter 21. The Unspeakable Was About to Happen
  • Chapter 22. Sometimes You Get to Know People Through the Little Things
  • Chapter 23. Parting Shots: A Gallery of Photos
  • Notes
Review Copy – for publishers of book reviews
Accessibility – to request an alternate format of an AMS title
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