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Lectures on Representations of Locally Compact Groups
Ion Colojoară University of Bucharest, Romania
Aurelian Gheondea Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey and IMAR, Bucharest, Romania
A publication of Theta Foundation
Lectures on Representations of Locally Compact Groups
Hardcover ISBN:  978-606-8443-10-2
Product Code:  THETA/24
List Price: $59.00
AMS Member Price: $47.20
Please note AMS points can not be used for this product
Lectures on Representations of Locally Compact Groups
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Lectures on Representations of Locally Compact Groups
Ion Colojoară University of Bucharest, Romania
Aurelian Gheondea Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey and IMAR, Bucharest, Romania
A publication of Theta Foundation
Hardcover ISBN:  978-606-8443-10-2
Product Code:  THETA/24
List Price: $59.00
AMS Member Price: $47.20
Please note AMS points can not be used for this product
  • Book Details
    Theta Foundation International Book Series of Mathematical Texts
    Volume: 242018; 186 pp
    MSC: Primary 22

    This is a modern presentation of the theory of representations of locally compact groups. In a small number of pages, the reader can get some of the most important theorems on this subject. Many examples are provided.

    Highlights of the volume include:

    (1) A generous introduction explaining the origins of group theory and their representations, the motivation for the main problems in this theory, and the deep connections with modern physics.

    (2) A solid presentation of the theory of topological groups and of Lie groups.

    (3) Two proofs of the existence of Haar measures.

    (4) The detailed study of continuous representations on general locally convex spaces, with an emphasis on unitary representations of compact groups on Hilbert spaces.

    (5) A careful presentation of induced representations on locally convex spaces and G. W. Mackey's Theorem of Imprimitivity.

    About half of the results included in this volume appear for the first time in a book, while the theory of \(p\)-induced representations on locally convex spaces is new. To facilitate reading, several appendices present the concepts and basic results from general topology, differential manifolds, abstract measures and integration, topological vector spaces, Banach spaces, Banach algebras, \(C^*\)-algebras, and operator theory on Hilbert spaces.

    A publication of the Theta Foundation. Distributed worldwide, except in Romania, by the AMS.


    Graduate students and researchers interested in representations of locally compact groups.

  • Additional Material
  • Requests
    Review Copy – for publishers of book reviews
    Accessibility – to request an alternate format of an AMS title
Volume: 242018; 186 pp
MSC: Primary 22

This is a modern presentation of the theory of representations of locally compact groups. In a small number of pages, the reader can get some of the most important theorems on this subject. Many examples are provided.

Highlights of the volume include:

(1) A generous introduction explaining the origins of group theory and their representations, the motivation for the main problems in this theory, and the deep connections with modern physics.

(2) A solid presentation of the theory of topological groups and of Lie groups.

(3) Two proofs of the existence of Haar measures.

(4) The detailed study of continuous representations on general locally convex spaces, with an emphasis on unitary representations of compact groups on Hilbert spaces.

(5) A careful presentation of induced representations on locally convex spaces and G. W. Mackey's Theorem of Imprimitivity.

About half of the results included in this volume appear for the first time in a book, while the theory of \(p\)-induced representations on locally convex spaces is new. To facilitate reading, several appendices present the concepts and basic results from general topology, differential manifolds, abstract measures and integration, topological vector spaces, Banach spaces, Banach algebras, \(C^*\)-algebras, and operator theory on Hilbert spaces.

A publication of the Theta Foundation. Distributed worldwide, except in Romania, by the AMS.


Graduate students and researchers interested in representations of locally compact groups.

Review Copy – for publishers of book reviews
Accessibility – to request an alternate format of an AMS title
Please select which format for which you are requesting permissions.