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Sixteen Papers on Differential Equations

eBook ISBN: | 978-1-4704-3329-1 |
Product Code: | TRANS2/118.E |
List Price: | $165.00 |
MAA Member Price: | $148.50 |
AMS Member Price: | $132.00 |

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Sixteen Papers on Differential Equations
eBook ISBN: | 978-1-4704-3329-1 |
Product Code: | TRANS2/118.E |
List Price: | $165.00 |
MAA Member Price: | $148.50 |
AMS Member Price: | $132.00 |
Book DetailsAmerican Mathematical Society Translations - Series 2Volume: 118; 1982; 339 ppMSC: Primary 34; Secondary 35; 42; 47; 57
Table of Contents
D. M. Galin — Versal deformations of linear Hamiltonian systems
O. A. Oleĭnik and E. V. Radkevič — On the analyticity of solutions of linear second order partial differential equations
V. M. Petkov — Necessary conditions for the Cauchy problem for nonsymmetrizable hyperbolic systems to be well-posed
P. R. Popivanov — On the local solvability of a class of pseudodifferential equations with double characteristics
A. N. Šošitaĭšvili — On bifurcation of topological type of singular points of vector fields depending on parameters
D. A. Silaev — Construction of the solutions of a system of boundary-layer equations by the method of lines with respect to time
A. I. Suslov — On Prandtl’s system of equations for the boundary layer with a surface of discontinuity
M. I. Višik and A. I. Komeč — On the solvability of the Cauchy problem for the Hopf equation corresponding to a nonlinear hyperbolic equation
Ju. V. Egorov and C. V. Rangelov — On a class of pseudodifferential equations with multiple characteristics
Ju. S. Il′jašenko — The multiplicity of limit cycles arising from perturbations of the form $w’ = P_2/Q_1$ of a Hamilton equation in the real and complex domain
T. F. Kalugina — A priori estimates for equations of parabolic type
V. Ju. Kiselev — Almost periodic Fourier integral operators and some of their applications
A. A. Lokšin — Fundamental solutions of quasihyperbolic equations and polynomials of several variables
O. A. Oleĭnik and N. O. Maksimova — On the behavior of solutions of inhomogeneous elliptic systems in unbounded domains
A. V. Fursikov — First integrals and integrability of systems of quasilinear equations
M. A. Šubin — The density of states of selfadjoint elliptic operators with almost periodic coefficients
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Volume: 118; 1982; 339 pp
MSC: Primary 34; Secondary 35; 42; 47; 57
D. M. Galin — Versal deformations of linear Hamiltonian systems
O. A. Oleĭnik and E. V. Radkevič — On the analyticity of solutions of linear second order partial differential equations
V. M. Petkov — Necessary conditions for the Cauchy problem for nonsymmetrizable hyperbolic systems to be well-posed
P. R. Popivanov — On the local solvability of a class of pseudodifferential equations with double characteristics
A. N. Šošitaĭšvili — On bifurcation of topological type of singular points of vector fields depending on parameters
D. A. Silaev — Construction of the solutions of a system of boundary-layer equations by the method of lines with respect to time
A. I. Suslov — On Prandtl’s system of equations for the boundary layer with a surface of discontinuity
M. I. Višik and A. I. Komeč — On the solvability of the Cauchy problem for the Hopf equation corresponding to a nonlinear hyperbolic equation
Ju. V. Egorov and C. V. Rangelov — On a class of pseudodifferential equations with multiple characteristics
Ju. S. Il′jašenko — The multiplicity of limit cycles arising from perturbations of the form $w’ = P_2/Q_1$ of a Hamilton equation in the real and complex domain
T. F. Kalugina — A priori estimates for equations of parabolic type
V. Ju. Kiselev — Almost periodic Fourier integral operators and some of their applications
A. A. Lokšin — Fundamental solutions of quasihyperbolic equations and polynomials of several variables
O. A. Oleĭnik and N. O. Maksimova — On the behavior of solutions of inhomogeneous elliptic systems in unbounded domains
A. V. Fursikov — First integrals and integrability of systems of quasilinear equations
M. A. Šubin — The density of states of selfadjoint elliptic operators with almost periodic coefficients
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