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Selected Papers in $K$-Theory
Edited by:
Simeon Ivanov

eBook ISBN: | 978-1-4704-3365-9 |
Product Code: | TRANS2/154.E |
List Price: | $165.00 |
MAA Member Price: | $148.50 |
AMS Member Price: | $132.00 |

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Selected Papers in $K$-Theory
Edited by:
Simeon Ivanov
eBook ISBN: | 978-1-4704-3365-9 |
Product Code: | TRANS2/154.E |
List Price: | $165.00 |
MAA Member Price: | $148.50 |
AMS Member Price: | $132.00 |
Book DetailsAmerican Mathematical Society Translations - Series 2Volume: 154; 1992; 195 ppMSC: Primary 11; 13; 16; 18; 19
This book contains papers ranging over a number of topics relating to \(K\)-theory, including algebraic number theory, Grothendieck and Whitehead groups, group representation theory, linear algebraic groups, selfadjoint operator algebras, linear operators, homology and cohomology, and the use of \(K\)-theory in geometry.
ReadershipResearch mathematicians.
Table of Contents
V. P. Platonov and A. A. Sharomet — On the congruence problem for linear groups over arithmetic rings
V. P. Platonov — Birational properties of the reduced Whitehead group
V. A. Artamonov — Projective modules over group rings of nilpotent groups
S. V. Vostokov and I. B. Fesenko — On torsion in higher Milnor functors for multidimensional local fields
A. A. Klyachko — $K$-theory of Demazure models
V. A. Lipnitskiĭ — Norms in fields of real algebraic functions, and the reduced Whitehead group
V. A. Lipnitskiĭ — The reduced Whitehead group of weakly and totally ramified division algebras
V. I. Kaskevich — The structure of unitary and orthogonal groups over Henselian discretely normed Azumaya algebras
V. I. Yanchevskiĭ — Reduced unitary Whitehead groups and noncommutative rational functions
I. I. Voronovich and V. I. Yanchevskiĭ — Rational splitting fields of simple algebras and unirationality of conic bundles
V. V. Kursov and V. I. Yanchevskiĭ — Crossed products of simple algebras and their automorphism groups
A. S. Rapinchuk — On the metaplectic kernel for anisotropic groups
A. S. Rapinchuk — The metaplectic kernel for the group $SL(1,D)$
A. S. Rapinchuk — On finite presentability of reduced norms in simple algebras
A. Bovdi — Unitarity of the multiplicative group of a group algebra
O. I. Tavgen′ — Profinite completions of linear solvable groups
O. I. Tavgen′ — On the Grothendieck and Platonov conjectures
A. A. Sharomet — The congruence problem for solvable algebraic groups over global fields of positive characteristic
A. V. Prasolov — $K$-theory of free products and the Bass problem
A. V. Prasolov — On a theorem of Gersten for graded rings
A. V. Prasolov — Algebraic $K$-theory of Banach algebras
V. V. Benyash-Krivets — On the finite generation of the character ring of three-dimensional unimodular group representations
S. A. Baĭramov — The $K_G$-functor on the category of inverse spectra of topological spaces
M. R. Bunyatov and S. A. Baĭramov — $K$-theory on the category of distributive lattices
M. R. Bunyatov and S. A. Baĭramov — $K$-theory on the category of topological spaces
M. R. Bunyatov and S. A. Baĭramov — $K$-theory on the category of Boolean algebras with closure
M. R. Bunyatov and S. A. Baĭramov — On index theory for a family of Fredholm complexes
A. M. Bikchentaev — On noncommutative function spaces
A. V. Shtraus — Generalized resolvents of nondensely defined bounded symmetric operators
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Volume: 154; 1992; 195 pp
MSC: Primary 11; 13; 16; 18; 19
This book contains papers ranging over a number of topics relating to \(K\)-theory, including algebraic number theory, Grothendieck and Whitehead groups, group representation theory, linear algebraic groups, selfadjoint operator algebras, linear operators, homology and cohomology, and the use of \(K\)-theory in geometry.
Research mathematicians.
V. P. Platonov and A. A. Sharomet — On the congruence problem for linear groups over arithmetic rings
V. P. Platonov — Birational properties of the reduced Whitehead group
V. A. Artamonov — Projective modules over group rings of nilpotent groups
S. V. Vostokov and I. B. Fesenko — On torsion in higher Milnor functors for multidimensional local fields
A. A. Klyachko — $K$-theory of Demazure models
V. A. Lipnitskiĭ — Norms in fields of real algebraic functions, and the reduced Whitehead group
V. A. Lipnitskiĭ — The reduced Whitehead group of weakly and totally ramified division algebras
V. I. Kaskevich — The structure of unitary and orthogonal groups over Henselian discretely normed Azumaya algebras
V. I. Yanchevskiĭ — Reduced unitary Whitehead groups and noncommutative rational functions
I. I. Voronovich and V. I. Yanchevskiĭ — Rational splitting fields of simple algebras and unirationality of conic bundles
V. V. Kursov and V. I. Yanchevskiĭ — Crossed products of simple algebras and their automorphism groups
A. S. Rapinchuk — On the metaplectic kernel for anisotropic groups
A. S. Rapinchuk — The metaplectic kernel for the group $SL(1,D)$
A. S. Rapinchuk — On finite presentability of reduced norms in simple algebras
A. Bovdi — Unitarity of the multiplicative group of a group algebra
O. I. Tavgen′ — Profinite completions of linear solvable groups
O. I. Tavgen′ — On the Grothendieck and Platonov conjectures
A. A. Sharomet — The congruence problem for solvable algebraic groups over global fields of positive characteristic
A. V. Prasolov — $K$-theory of free products and the Bass problem
A. V. Prasolov — On a theorem of Gersten for graded rings
A. V. Prasolov — Algebraic $K$-theory of Banach algebras
V. V. Benyash-Krivets — On the finite generation of the character ring of three-dimensional unimodular group representations
S. A. Baĭramov — The $K_G$-functor on the category of inverse spectra of topological spaces
M. R. Bunyatov and S. A. Baĭramov — $K$-theory on the category of distributive lattices
M. R. Bunyatov and S. A. Baĭramov — $K$-theory on the category of topological spaces
M. R. Bunyatov and S. A. Baĭramov — $K$-theory on the category of Boolean algebras with closure
M. R. Bunyatov and S. A. Baĭramov — On index theory for a family of Fredholm complexes
A. M. Bikchentaev — On noncommutative function spaces
A. V. Shtraus — Generalized resolvents of nondensely defined bounded symmetric operators
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