eBook ISBN: | 978-1-4704-3401-4 |
Product Code: | TRANS2/190.E |
List Price: | $165.00 |
MAA Member Price: | $148.50 |
AMS Member Price: | $132.00 |

eBook ISBN: | 978-1-4704-3401-4 |
Product Code: | TRANS2/190.E |
List Price: | $165.00 |
MAA Member Price: | $148.50 |
AMS Member Price: | $132.00 |
Book DetailsAmerican Mathematical Society Translations - Series 2Advances in the Mathematical SciencesVolume: 190; 1999; 286 ppMSC: Primary 57; Secondary 53
This book presents a collection of papers on two related topics: topology of knots and knot-like objects (such as curves on surfaces) and topology of Legendrian knots and links in 3-dimensional contact manifolds.
Featured is the work of international experts in knot theory ("quantum" knot invariants, knot invariants of finite type), in symplectic and contact topology, and in singularity theory. The interplay of diverse methods from these fields makes this volume unique in the study of Legendrian knots and knot-like objects such as wave fronts. A particularly enticing feature of the volume is its international significance. The volume successfully embodies a fine collaborative effort by worldwide experts from Belgium, France, Germany, Israel, Japan, Poland, Russia, Sweden, the U.K., and the U.S.
ReadershipGraduate students and research mathematicians working in manifolds and cell complexes.
Table of Contents
Juan Carlos Álvarez Paiva — Contact topology, taut immersions, and Hilbert’s fourth problem
Emmanuel Ferrand — On Legendre cobordisms
Victor Goryunov — Vassiliev invariants of knots in $\mathbb {R}^3$ and in a solid torus
Tadeusz Januszkiewicz and Jacek Świa̧tkowski — Finite type invariants of generic immersions of $M^n$ into $\mathbb {R}^{2n}$ are trivial
Sergei K. Lando — On enumeration of unicursal curves
Alexander B. Merkov — Vassiliev invariants classify flat braids
Michael Polyak — New Whitney-type formulas for plane curves
Boris Shapiro — Tree-like curves and their number of inflection points
Serge Tabachnikov — Geometry of exact transverse line fields and projective billiards
Vladimir Tchernov — Shadows of wave fronts and Arnold-Bennequin type invariants of fronts on surfaces and orbifolds
Masaaki Umehara — A unified approach to the four vertex theorems. I
Gudlaugur Thorbergsson and Masaaki Umehara — A unified approach to the four vertex theorems. II
Victor A. Vassiliev — Topology of two-connected graphs and homology of spaces of knots
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This book presents a collection of papers on two related topics: topology of knots and knot-like objects (such as curves on surfaces) and topology of Legendrian knots and links in 3-dimensional contact manifolds.
Featured is the work of international experts in knot theory ("quantum" knot invariants, knot invariants of finite type), in symplectic and contact topology, and in singularity theory. The interplay of diverse methods from these fields makes this volume unique in the study of Legendrian knots and knot-like objects such as wave fronts. A particularly enticing feature of the volume is its international significance. The volume successfully embodies a fine collaborative effort by worldwide experts from Belgium, France, Germany, Israel, Japan, Poland, Russia, Sweden, the U.K., and the U.S.
Graduate students and research mathematicians working in manifolds and cell complexes.
Juan Carlos Álvarez Paiva — Contact topology, taut immersions, and Hilbert’s fourth problem
Emmanuel Ferrand — On Legendre cobordisms
Victor Goryunov — Vassiliev invariants of knots in $\mathbb {R}^3$ and in a solid torus
Tadeusz Januszkiewicz and Jacek Świa̧tkowski — Finite type invariants of generic immersions of $M^n$ into $\mathbb {R}^{2n}$ are trivial
Sergei K. Lando — On enumeration of unicursal curves
Alexander B. Merkov — Vassiliev invariants classify flat braids
Michael Polyak — New Whitney-type formulas for plane curves
Boris Shapiro — Tree-like curves and their number of inflection points
Serge Tabachnikov — Geometry of exact transverse line fields and projective billiards
Vladimir Tchernov — Shadows of wave fronts and Arnold-Bennequin type invariants of fronts on surfaces and orbifolds
Masaaki Umehara — A unified approach to the four vertex theorems. I
Gudlaugur Thorbergsson and Masaaki Umehara — A unified approach to the four vertex theorems. II
Victor A. Vassiliev — Topology of two-connected graphs and homology of spaces of knots