eBook ISBN: | 978-1-4704-3424-3 |
Product Code: | TRANS2/213.E |
List Price: | $165.00 |
MAA Member Price: | $148.50 |
AMS Member Price: | $132.00 |

eBook ISBN: | 978-1-4704-3424-3 |
Product Code: | TRANS2/213.E |
List Price: | $165.00 |
MAA Member Price: | $148.50 |
AMS Member Price: | $132.00 |
Book DetailsAmerican Mathematical Society Translations - Series 2Advances in the Mathematical SciencesVolume: 213; 2005; 270 ppMSC: Primary 22; Secondary 14
This volume, devoted to the 70th birthday of A. L. Onishchik, contains a collection of articles by participants in the Moscow Seminar on Lie Groups and Invariant Theory headed by E. B. Vinberg and A. L. Onishchik. The book is suitable for graduate students and researchers interested in Lie groups and related topics.
ReadershipGraduate students and research mathematicians interested in Lie groups and related topics.
Table of Contents
D. N. Akhiezer — Real forms of complex reductive groups acting on quasiaffine varieties
A. Alexeevski — Component groups of the centralizers of unipotent elements in semisimple algebraic groups
Dmitri V. Alekseevsky and Vicente Cortés — Classification of pseudo-Riemannian symmetric spaces of quaternionic Kähler type
Ivan V. Arzhantsev and Dimitrii A. Timashev — On the canonical embeddings of certain homogeneous spaces
A. G. Elashvili and V. G. Kac — Classification of good gradings of simple Lie algebras
Simon Gindikin — The separation of the continuous spectrum on symmetric spaces of Cayley type
V. Gorbatsevich — Connected sums of compact manifolds and homogeneity
P. I. Katsylo — On curvatures of sections of tensor bundles
Yusupdjan Khakimdjanov — Affine structures on filiform Lie algebras
Alexei Lebedev, Dimitry Leites and Ilya Shereshevskii — Lie superalgebra structures in $C^{\mathbin {\hbox {\raise .4ex\hbox {\bf .}}}}(\mathfrak {n};\mathfrak {n})$ and $H^{\mathbin {\hbox {\raise .4ex\hbox {\bf .}}}}(\mathfrak {n};\mathfrak {n})$
A. L. Onishchik and A. A. Serov — On isotropic super-Grassmannians of maximal type associated with an odd bilinear form
Dmitri I. Panyushev — Ideals of Heisenberg type and minimax elements of affine Weyl groups
Vladimir L. Popov — Projective duality and principal nilpotent elements of symmetric pairs
Vera Serganova — On representations of Cartan type Lie superalgebras
E. B. Vinberg — Construction of the exceptional simple Lie algebras
E. B. Vinberg — Short $\textup {SO}_3$-structures on simple Lie algebras and associated quasielliptic planes
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This volume, devoted to the 70th birthday of A. L. Onishchik, contains a collection of articles by participants in the Moscow Seminar on Lie Groups and Invariant Theory headed by E. B. Vinberg and A. L. Onishchik. The book is suitable for graduate students and researchers interested in Lie groups and related topics.
Graduate students and research mathematicians interested in Lie groups and related topics.
D. N. Akhiezer — Real forms of complex reductive groups acting on quasiaffine varieties
A. Alexeevski — Component groups of the centralizers of unipotent elements in semisimple algebraic groups
Dmitri V. Alekseevsky and Vicente Cortés — Classification of pseudo-Riemannian symmetric spaces of quaternionic Kähler type
Ivan V. Arzhantsev and Dimitrii A. Timashev — On the canonical embeddings of certain homogeneous spaces
A. G. Elashvili and V. G. Kac — Classification of good gradings of simple Lie algebras
Simon Gindikin — The separation of the continuous spectrum on symmetric spaces of Cayley type
V. Gorbatsevich — Connected sums of compact manifolds and homogeneity
P. I. Katsylo — On curvatures of sections of tensor bundles
Yusupdjan Khakimdjanov — Affine structures on filiform Lie algebras
Alexei Lebedev, Dimitry Leites and Ilya Shereshevskii — Lie superalgebra structures in $C^{\mathbin {\hbox {\raise .4ex\hbox {\bf .}}}}(\mathfrak {n};\mathfrak {n})$ and $H^{\mathbin {\hbox {\raise .4ex\hbox {\bf .}}}}(\mathfrak {n};\mathfrak {n})$
A. L. Onishchik and A. A. Serov — On isotropic super-Grassmannians of maximal type associated with an odd bilinear form
Dmitri I. Panyushev — Ideals of Heisenberg type and minimax elements of affine Weyl groups
Vladimir L. Popov — Projective duality and principal nilpotent elements of symmetric pairs
Vera Serganova — On representations of Cartan type Lie superalgebras
E. B. Vinberg — Construction of the exceptional simple Lie algebras
E. B. Vinberg — Short $\textup {SO}_3$-structures on simple Lie algebras and associated quasielliptic planes