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Representations of Linear Groups: An Introduction Based on Examples from Physics and Number Theory
Rolf Berndt University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
A publication of Vieweg+Teubner
Representations of Linear Groups
Softcover ISBN:  978-3-8348-0319-1
Product Code:  VW/15
List Price: $63.00
AMS Member Price: $56.70
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Representations of Linear Groups
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Representations of Linear Groups: An Introduction Based on Examples from Physics and Number Theory
Rolf Berndt University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
A publication of Vieweg+Teubner
Softcover ISBN:  978-3-8348-0319-1
Product Code:  VW/15
List Price: $63.00
AMS Member Price: $56.70
Please note AMS points can not be used for this product
  • Book Details
    Vieweg Monographs
    Volume: 152007; 270 pp
    MSC: Primary 20; Secondary 22

    This is an elementary introduction to the representation theory of real and complex matrix groups. The text is written for students in mathematics and physics who have a good knowledge of differential/integral calculus and linear algebra and are familiar with basic facts from algebra, number theory and complex analysis. The goal is to present the fundamental concepts of representation theory, to describe the connection between them, and to explain some of their background. The focus is on groups which are of particular interest for applications in physics and number theory (e.g. Gell-Mann's eightfold way and theta functions, automorphic forms). The reader finds a large variety of examples which are presented in detail and from different points of view. The examples motivate the general theory well covered already by the existing literature. Hence for complete proofs of most of the essential statements and theorems the reader is often referred to the standard sources. Plenty of exercises are included in the text. Some of these exercises and/or omitted proofs may give a starting point for a bachelor's thesis and further studies in a master's program.

    A publication of Vieweg+Teubner. The AMS is exclusive distributor in North America. Vieweg+Teubner Publications are available worldwide from the AMS outside of Germany, Switzerland, Austria, and Japan.


    Undergraduate and graduate students interested in algebra and algebraic geometry.

  • Requests
    Review Copy – for publishers of book reviews
    Accessibility – to request an alternate format of an AMS title
Volume: 152007; 270 pp
MSC: Primary 20; Secondary 22

This is an elementary introduction to the representation theory of real and complex matrix groups. The text is written for students in mathematics and physics who have a good knowledge of differential/integral calculus and linear algebra and are familiar with basic facts from algebra, number theory and complex analysis. The goal is to present the fundamental concepts of representation theory, to describe the connection between them, and to explain some of their background. The focus is on groups which are of particular interest for applications in physics and number theory (e.g. Gell-Mann's eightfold way and theta functions, automorphic forms). The reader finds a large variety of examples which are presented in detail and from different points of view. The examples motivate the general theory well covered already by the existing literature. Hence for complete proofs of most of the essential statements and theorems the reader is often referred to the standard sources. Plenty of exercises are included in the text. Some of these exercises and/or omitted proofs may give a starting point for a bachelor's thesis and further studies in a master's program.

A publication of Vieweg+Teubner. The AMS is exclusive distributor in North America. Vieweg+Teubner Publications are available worldwide from the AMS outside of Germany, Switzerland, Austria, and Japan.


Undergraduate and graduate students interested in algebra and algebraic geometry.

Review Copy – for publishers of book reviews
Accessibility – to request an alternate format of an AMS title
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