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121 Number Theory Problems for Mathematics Competitions
Titu Andreescu University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, Texas
Alessandro Ventullo University of Milan, Milan, Italy
A publication of XYZ Press
Hardcover ISBN:  979-8-9890528-4-4
Product Code:  XYZ/52
List Price: $59.95
AMS Member Price: $47.96
Please note AMS points can not be used for this product
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121 Number Theory Problems for Mathematics Competitions
Titu Andreescu University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, Texas
Alessandro Ventullo University of Milan, Milan, Italy
A publication of XYZ Press
Hardcover ISBN:  979-8-9890528-4-4
Product Code:  XYZ/52
List Price: $59.95
AMS Member Price: $47.96
Please note AMS points can not be used for this product
  • Book Details
    XYZ Series
    Volume: 522024; 237 pp
    MSC: Primary 00; 97

    Even though there are plenty of number theory books for students preparing for mathematics competitions, many are either outdated or actually addressed to experts in the field. Therefore, this book is aimed at those who have little or moderate knowledge of the subject.

    The book follows almost the same line of the lectures of the level one number theory course taught by the second author at the AwesomeMath Summer program (AMSP) combined with the vast problem-solving experience and style of the first author. The book contains many examples, proposed problems followed by solutions, and a selection from many recent mathematical contests and Olympiads, journals, as well as tests given to students during recent years at AMSP.

    A publication of XYZ Press. Distributed in North America by the American Mathematical Society.


    This book is a great resource for those who have basic mathematics knowledge, especially in algebra, and want to learn more about fundamental concepts in number theory. Students wishing to participate in math competitions, as well as those looking to learn more about the beauty of mathematics, will benefit the most by having this book on their shelves.

  • Additional Material
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    Review Copy – for publishers of book reviews
    Accessibility – to request an alternate format of an AMS title
Volume: 522024; 237 pp
MSC: Primary 00; 97

Even though there are plenty of number theory books for students preparing for mathematics competitions, many are either outdated or actually addressed to experts in the field. Therefore, this book is aimed at those who have little or moderate knowledge of the subject.

The book follows almost the same line of the lectures of the level one number theory course taught by the second author at the AwesomeMath Summer program (AMSP) combined with the vast problem-solving experience and style of the first author. The book contains many examples, proposed problems followed by solutions, and a selection from many recent mathematical contests and Olympiads, journals, as well as tests given to students during recent years at AMSP.

A publication of XYZ Press. Distributed in North America by the American Mathematical Society.


This book is a great resource for those who have basic mathematics knowledge, especially in algebra, and want to learn more about fundamental concepts in number theory. Students wishing to participate in math competitions, as well as those looking to learn more about the beauty of mathematics, will benefit the most by having this book on their shelves.

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