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122 Challenging Inequalities
Titu Andreescu University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, Texas
A publication of XYZ Press
Hardcover ISBN:  979-8-9890528-5-1
Product Code:  XYZ/55
List Price: $59.95
AMS Member Price: $47.96
Not yet published - Preorder Now!
Expected availability date: April 09, 2025
Please note AMS points can not be used for this product
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122 Challenging Inequalities
Titu Andreescu University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, Texas
A publication of XYZ Press
Hardcover ISBN:  979-8-9890528-5-1
Product Code:  XYZ/55
List Price: $59.95
AMS Member Price: $47.96
Not yet published - Preorder Now!
Expected availability date: April 09, 2025
Please note AMS points can not be used for this product
  • Book Details
    XYZ Series
    Volume: 552024; 218 pp
    MSC: Primary 00; 97

    Authors selected the most interesting and beautiful inequalities that appeared in the Mathematical Reflections Journal issues from 2021 to 2024. They also chose new, refined problems from other important online math resources, recent math competitions, and the Romanian journal Gazeta Matematica. Many ingenious and concise solutions are present in the book with the goal of stimulating readers to develop their problem-solving skills and passion for the subject. Some of the problems included require laborious algebraic calculations, which may discourage the reader at first, but the authors wanted to prove that the techniques showcased are very useful for solving strong inequalities.

    The problems are divided into two categories: introductory and advanced. The inequalities from each section are ordered increasingly by the number of variables involved and their degree of difficulty. Each problem has at least one complete solution and many have several solutions or remarks. As a bonus, the authors have dedicated a section to a collection of 25 elegant inequalities along with their solutions.

    A publication of XYZ Press. Distributed in North America by the American Mathematical Society.


    This book is a great resource for students training for advanced national and international mathematics competitions, such as USAMO and IMO.

  • Additional Material
  • Requests
    Review Copy – for publishers of book reviews
    Accessibility – to request an alternate format of an AMS title
Volume: 552024; 218 pp
MSC: Primary 00; 97

Authors selected the most interesting and beautiful inequalities that appeared in the Mathematical Reflections Journal issues from 2021 to 2024. They also chose new, refined problems from other important online math resources, recent math competitions, and the Romanian journal Gazeta Matematica. Many ingenious and concise solutions are present in the book with the goal of stimulating readers to develop their problem-solving skills and passion for the subject. Some of the problems included require laborious algebraic calculations, which may discourage the reader at first, but the authors wanted to prove that the techniques showcased are very useful for solving strong inequalities.

The problems are divided into two categories: introductory and advanced. The inequalities from each section are ordered increasingly by the number of variables involved and their degree of difficulty. Each problem has at least one complete solution and many have several solutions or remarks. As a bonus, the authors have dedicated a section to a collection of 25 elegant inequalities along with their solutions.

A publication of XYZ Press. Distributed in North America by the American Mathematical Society.


This book is a great resource for students training for advanced national and international mathematics competitions, such as USAMO and IMO.

Review Copy – for publishers of book reviews
Accessibility – to request an alternate format of an AMS title
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