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Heegner Points, Stark-Heegner Points, and Diagonal Classes
Massimo Bertolini Essen, Germany
Henri Darmon Montreal, Canada
Victor Rotger Universitat Politecnica De Catalyunya, Barcelona, Spain
Marco Adamo Seveso Milano, Italy
Rodolfo Venerucci Milano, Italy
A publication of the Société Mathématique de France
Heegner Points, Stark-Heegner Points, and Diagonal Classes
Softcover ISBN:  978-2-85629-959-3
Product Code:  AST/434
List Price: $74.00
AMS Member Price: $59.20
Please note AMS points can not be used for this product
Heegner Points, Stark-Heegner Points, and Diagonal Classes
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Heegner Points, Stark-Heegner Points, and Diagonal Classes
Massimo Bertolini Essen, Germany
Henri Darmon Montreal, Canada
Victor Rotger Universitat Politecnica De Catalyunya, Barcelona, Spain
Marco Adamo Seveso Milano, Italy
Rodolfo Venerucci Milano, Italy
A publication of the Société Mathématique de France
Softcover ISBN:  978-2-85629-959-3
Product Code:  AST/434
List Price: $74.00
AMS Member Price: $59.20
Please note AMS points can not be used for this product
  • Book Details
    Volume: 4342022; 228 pp
    MSC: Primary 11

    This volume comprises four interrelated articles whose unifying theme is the study of Heegner and Stark-Heegner points and their connections with the \(p\)-adic logarithm of certain global cohomology classes attached to a pair of weight one theta series of a common (imaginary or real) quadratic field. These global classes are obtained from \(p\)-adic deformations of diagonal classes attached to triples of modular forms of weight \(> 1\), and naturally generalize a construction of Kato, which one recovers when the two theta series are replaced by Eisenstein series of weight one.

    Understanding the extent to which such classes obtained via the \(p\)-adic interpolation of motivic cohomology classes are themselves motivic is a key motivation for this study. A second is the desire to show that Stark-Heegner points, whose global nature is still poorly understood theoretically, arise from classes in global Galois cohomology.

    A publication of the Société Mathématique de France, Marseilles (SMF), distributed by the AMS in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico. Orders from other countries should be sent to the SMF. Members of the SMF receive a 30% discount from list.


    Graduate students and research mathematicians interested in Heegner points, Stark-Heegner points, and diagonal classes.

  • Additional Material
  • Requests
    Review Copy – for publishers of book reviews
    Accessibility – to request an alternate format of an AMS title
Volume: 4342022; 228 pp
MSC: Primary 11

This volume comprises four interrelated articles whose unifying theme is the study of Heegner and Stark-Heegner points and their connections with the \(p\)-adic logarithm of certain global cohomology classes attached to a pair of weight one theta series of a common (imaginary or real) quadratic field. These global classes are obtained from \(p\)-adic deformations of diagonal classes attached to triples of modular forms of weight \(> 1\), and naturally generalize a construction of Kato, which one recovers when the two theta series are replaced by Eisenstein series of weight one.

Understanding the extent to which such classes obtained via the \(p\)-adic interpolation of motivic cohomology classes are themselves motivic is a key motivation for this study. A second is the desire to show that Stark-Heegner points, whose global nature is still poorly understood theoretically, arise from classes in global Galois cohomology.

A publication of the Société Mathématique de France, Marseilles (SMF), distributed by the AMS in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico. Orders from other countries should be sent to the SMF. Members of the SMF receive a 30% discount from list.


Graduate students and research mathematicians interested in Heegner points, Stark-Heegner points, and diagonal classes.

Review Copy – for publishers of book reviews
Accessibility – to request an alternate format of an AMS title
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