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Research in Collegiate Mathematics Education. II
Edited by: Jim Kaput University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth, Dartmouth, MA
Alan H. Schoenfeld University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA
Ed Dubinsky Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
Thomas Dick, Managing Editor Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR
A co-publication of the AMS and CBMS
Research in Collegiate Mathematics Education. II
Softcover ISBN:  978-0-8218-0382-0
Product Code:  CBMATH/6
List Price: $48.00
Individual Price: $38.40
eBook ISBN:  978-1-4704-2330-8
Product Code:  CBMATH/6.E
List Price: $48.00
Individual Price: $38.40
Softcover ISBN:  978-0-8218-0382-0
eBook: ISBN:  978-1-4704-2330-8
Product Code:  CBMATH/6.B
List Price: $96.00 $72.00
Research in Collegiate Mathematics Education. II
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Research in Collegiate Mathematics Education. II
Edited by: Jim Kaput University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth, Dartmouth, MA
Alan H. Schoenfeld University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA
Ed Dubinsky Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
Thomas Dick, Managing Editor Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR
A co-publication of the AMS and CBMS
Softcover ISBN:  978-0-8218-0382-0
Product Code:  CBMATH/6
List Price: $48.00
Individual Price: $38.40
eBook ISBN:  978-1-4704-2330-8
Product Code:  CBMATH/6.E
List Price: $48.00
Individual Price: $38.40
Softcover ISBN:  978-0-8218-0382-0
eBook ISBN:  978-1-4704-2330-8
Product Code:  CBMATH/6.B
List Price: $96.00 $72.00
  • Book Details
    CBMS Issues in Mathematics Education
    Volume: 61996; 217 pp
    MSC: Primary 00; 92; 97

    The field of research in collegiate mathematics education has grown rapidly over the past twenty-five years. Many people are convinced that improvement in mathematics education can only come with a greater understanding of what is involved when a student tries to learn mathematics and how pedagogy can be more directly related to the learning process. Today there is a substantial body of work and a growing group of researchers addressing both basic and applied issues of mathematics education at the collegiate level.

    This second volume in Research in Collegiate Mathematics Education begins with a paper that attends to methodology and closes with a list of questions. The lead-off paper describes a distinctive approach to research on key concepts in the undergraduate mathematics curriculum. This approach is distinguished from others in several ways, especially its integration of research and instruction. The papers in this volume exhibit a large diversity in methods and purposes, ranging from historical studies, to theoretical examinations of the role of gender in mathematics education, to practical evaluations of particular practices and circumstances.

    As in RCME I, this volume poses a list of questions to the reader related to undergraduate mathematics education. The eighteen questions were raised at the first Oberwolfach Conference in Undergraduate Mathematics Education, which was held in the fall of 1995, and are related to both research and curriculum.

    This series is published in cooperation with the Mathematical Association of America.


    Researchers and teachers in collegiate mathematics education.

  • Table of Contents
    • Articles
    • Mark Asiala, Anne Brown, David J. DeVries, Ed Dubinsky, David Mathews and Karen Thomas — 1. A framework for research and curriculum development in undergraduate mathematics education
    • David Dennis and Jere Confrey — 2. The creation of continuous exponents: A study of the methods and epistemology of John Wallis
    • Rina Zazkis and Ed Dubinsky — 3. Dihedral groups: A tale of two interpretations
    • Annette Ricks Leitze — 4. To major or not major in mathematics? Affective factors in the choice-of-major decision
    • Maria C. Linn and Cathy Kessel — 5. Success in mathematics: Increasing talent and gender diversity among college majors
    • Sandra L. Burmeister, Patricia Ann Kenney and Doris L. Nice — 6. Analysis of effectiveness of supplemental instruction (SI) sessions for college algebra, calculus, and statistics
    • Kyngmee Park and Kenneth J. Travers — 7. A comparative study of a computer-based and a standard college first-year calculus course
    • Alvin Baranchik and Barry Cherkas — 8. Differential patterns of guessing and omitting in mathematics placement testing
    • Thomas D. DeFranco — 9. A perspective on mathematical problem-solving expertise based on the performances of male Ph.D. mathematicians
    • 10. Questions on new trends in the teaching and learning of mathematics
  • Requests
    Review Copy – for publishers of book reviews
    Accessibility – to request an alternate format of an AMS title
Volume: 61996; 217 pp
MSC: Primary 00; 92; 97

The field of research in collegiate mathematics education has grown rapidly over the past twenty-five years. Many people are convinced that improvement in mathematics education can only come with a greater understanding of what is involved when a student tries to learn mathematics and how pedagogy can be more directly related to the learning process. Today there is a substantial body of work and a growing group of researchers addressing both basic and applied issues of mathematics education at the collegiate level.

This second volume in Research in Collegiate Mathematics Education begins with a paper that attends to methodology and closes with a list of questions. The lead-off paper describes a distinctive approach to research on key concepts in the undergraduate mathematics curriculum. This approach is distinguished from others in several ways, especially its integration of research and instruction. The papers in this volume exhibit a large diversity in methods and purposes, ranging from historical studies, to theoretical examinations of the role of gender in mathematics education, to practical evaluations of particular practices and circumstances.

As in RCME I, this volume poses a list of questions to the reader related to undergraduate mathematics education. The eighteen questions were raised at the first Oberwolfach Conference in Undergraduate Mathematics Education, which was held in the fall of 1995, and are related to both research and curriculum.

This series is published in cooperation with the Mathematical Association of America.


Researchers and teachers in collegiate mathematics education.

  • Articles
  • Mark Asiala, Anne Brown, David J. DeVries, Ed Dubinsky, David Mathews and Karen Thomas — 1. A framework for research and curriculum development in undergraduate mathematics education
  • David Dennis and Jere Confrey — 2. The creation of continuous exponents: A study of the methods and epistemology of John Wallis
  • Rina Zazkis and Ed Dubinsky — 3. Dihedral groups: A tale of two interpretations
  • Annette Ricks Leitze — 4. To major or not major in mathematics? Affective factors in the choice-of-major decision
  • Maria C. Linn and Cathy Kessel — 5. Success in mathematics: Increasing talent and gender diversity among college majors
  • Sandra L. Burmeister, Patricia Ann Kenney and Doris L. Nice — 6. Analysis of effectiveness of supplemental instruction (SI) sessions for college algebra, calculus, and statistics
  • Kyngmee Park and Kenneth J. Travers — 7. A comparative study of a computer-based and a standard college first-year calculus course
  • Alvin Baranchik and Barry Cherkas — 8. Differential patterns of guessing and omitting in mathematics placement testing
  • Thomas D. DeFranco — 9. A perspective on mathematical problem-solving expertise based on the performances of male Ph.D. mathematicians
  • 10. Questions on new trends in the teaching and learning of mathematics
Review Copy – for publishers of book reviews
Accessibility – to request an alternate format of an AMS title
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