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Metrics, Connections and Gluing Theorems
Clifford Henry Taubes Harvard University, Cambridge, MA
A co-publication of the AMS and CBMS
Metrics, Connections and Gluing Theorems
eBook ISBN:  978-1-4704-2449-7
Product Code:  CBMS/89.E
List Price: $21.00
Individual Price: $16.80
Metrics, Connections and Gluing Theorems
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Metrics, Connections and Gluing Theorems
Clifford Henry Taubes Harvard University, Cambridge, MA
A co-publication of the AMS and CBMS
eBook ISBN:  978-1-4704-2449-7
Product Code:  CBMS/89.E
List Price: $21.00
Individual Price: $16.80
  • Book Details
    CBMS Regional Conference Series in Mathematics
    Volume: 891996; 90 pp
    MSC: Primary 53; Secondary 58

    In this book, the author's goal is to provide an introduction to some of the analytic underpinnings for the geometry of anti-self duality in 4-dimensions. Anti-self duality is rather special to 4-dimensions and the imposition of this condition on curvatures of connections on vector bundles and on curvatures of Riemannian metrics has resulted in some spectacular mathematics.

    The book reviews some basic geometry, but it is assumed that the reader has a general background in differential geometry (as would be obtained by reading a standard text on the subject). Some of the fundamental references include Atiyah, Hitchin and Singer, Freed and Uhlenbeck, Donaldson and Kronheimer, and Kronheimer and Mrowka. The last chapter contains open problems and conjectures.


    Graduate students and research mathematicians interested in differential geometry.

  • Table of Contents
    • Chapters
    • 1. Introduction
    • 2. The anti-self dual equations
    • 3. Grafting theorems
    • 4. Deformations to anti-self duality I
    • 5. Deformations to anti-self duality II
    • 6. Metrics with $W_+ \equiv 0$
    • 7. Grafting metrics
    • 8. Deforming the metric
    • 9. Strategy for connect sums
    • 10. Open questions
  • Reviews
    • Provides an excellent introduction to the application of certain analytic techniques to problems in differential geometry ... the casual style in which this book is written together with the straightforward explanations of the key ideas underlying the theory makes it an excellent source for those wishing to learn about these basic techniques ... a perfect balance seems to have been struck in the choice between what to include and what to refer the reader elsewhere for.

      Mathematical Reviews
    • Easy to read ... well written in a pleasant, informal style, with occasional humour ... should be accessible to graduate students in differential geometry and others.

      Bulletin of the LMS
  • Requests
    Review Copy – for publishers of book reviews
    Accessibility – to request an alternate format of an AMS title
Volume: 891996; 90 pp
MSC: Primary 53; Secondary 58

In this book, the author's goal is to provide an introduction to some of the analytic underpinnings for the geometry of anti-self duality in 4-dimensions. Anti-self duality is rather special to 4-dimensions and the imposition of this condition on curvatures of connections on vector bundles and on curvatures of Riemannian metrics has resulted in some spectacular mathematics.

The book reviews some basic geometry, but it is assumed that the reader has a general background in differential geometry (as would be obtained by reading a standard text on the subject). Some of the fundamental references include Atiyah, Hitchin and Singer, Freed and Uhlenbeck, Donaldson and Kronheimer, and Kronheimer and Mrowka. The last chapter contains open problems and conjectures.


Graduate students and research mathematicians interested in differential geometry.

  • Chapters
  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. The anti-self dual equations
  • 3. Grafting theorems
  • 4. Deformations to anti-self duality I
  • 5. Deformations to anti-self duality II
  • 6. Metrics with $W_+ \equiv 0$
  • 7. Grafting metrics
  • 8. Deforming the metric
  • 9. Strategy for connect sums
  • 10. Open questions
  • Provides an excellent introduction to the application of certain analytic techniques to problems in differential geometry ... the casual style in which this book is written together with the straightforward explanations of the key ideas underlying the theory makes it an excellent source for those wishing to learn about these basic techniques ... a perfect balance seems to have been struck in the choice between what to include and what to refer the reader elsewhere for.

    Mathematical Reviews
  • Easy to read ... well written in a pleasant, informal style, with occasional humour ... should be accessible to graduate students in differential geometry and others.

    Bulletin of the LMS
Review Copy – for publishers of book reviews
Accessibility – to request an alternate format of an AMS title
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