Softcover ISBN: | 978-1-4704-5085-4 |
Product Code: | CLRM/64 |
List Price: | $59.00 |
MAA Member Price: | $44.25 |
AMS Member Price: | $44.25 |
eBook ISBN: | 978-1-4704-5444-9 |
Product Code: | CLRM/64.E |
List Price: | $55.00 |
MAA Member Price: | $41.25 |
AMS Member Price: | $41.25 |
Softcover ISBN: | 978-1-4704-5085-4 |
eBook: ISBN: | 978-1-4704-5444-9 |
Product Code: | CLRM/64.B |
List Price: | $114.00 $86.50 |
MAA Member Price: | $85.50 $64.88 |
AMS Member Price: | $85.50 $64.88 |

Softcover ISBN: | 978-1-4704-5085-4 |
Product Code: | CLRM/64 |
List Price: | $59.00 |
MAA Member Price: | $44.25 |
AMS Member Price: | $44.25 |
eBook ISBN: | 978-1-4704-5444-9 |
Product Code: | CLRM/64.E |
List Price: | $55.00 |
MAA Member Price: | $41.25 |
AMS Member Price: | $41.25 |
Softcover ISBN: | 978-1-4704-5085-4 |
eBook ISBN: | 978-1-4704-5444-9 |
Product Code: | CLRM/64.B |
List Price: | $114.00 $86.50 |
MAA Member Price: | $85.50 $64.88 |
AMS Member Price: | $85.50 $64.88 |
Book DetailsClassroom Resource MaterialsVolume: 64; 2019; 282 ppMSC: Primary 00; 01; 97
What can you do with a degree in math? This book addresses this question with 125 career profiles written by people with degrees and backgrounds in mathematics. With job titles ranging from sports analyst to science writer to inventory specialist to CEO, the volume provides ample evidence that one really can do nearly anything with a degree in mathematics. These professionals share how their mathematical education shaped their career choices and how mathematics, or the skills acquired in a mathematics education, is used in their daily work. The degrees earned by the authors profiled here are a good mix of bachelors, masters, and PhDs. With 114 completely new profiles since the third edition, the careers featured within accurately reflect current trends in the job market.
College mathematics faculty, high school teachers, and career counselors will all find this a useful resource. Career centers, mathematics departments, and student lounges should have a copy available for student browsing. In addition to the career profiles, the volume contains essays from career counseling professionals on the topics of job-searching, interviewing, and applying to graduate school.
ReadershipUndergraduate and graduate students interested in career possibilities in mathematics.
Table of Contents
Charlotte Abrams
Xiaoling (Ling Ling) Lim Ang
Noelle Balandi
Brian T. Bares
Paige Bartholomew
Ben Baumer
Stacy Beaudoin
Ebonii Bell
Robert M. Bell
Nicholas Bennett
Nicole Bertram
Toni Bluher
Kate Brady
Marina Brockway
Sarah Brown
Lisa Byrne
Jenna P. Carpenter
Tim Chartier
Bill Correll, Jr.
Carla Cotwright-Williams
Mimi Cukier
Michael Dairyko
Kathleen Daly
Joshua R. Davis
Erick Deras
Lizette Ortega Dickey
Alyson Doles
Samantha Drost
Kate Dyson
Berton Earnshaw
Chandra Erdman
Katie Evans
Jaquelyn Fernandez Rieke
Stephanie Fitchett
Kathie Flood
Tamara Fuenzalida
Angela Gallant
Skip Garibaldi
Sommer Gentry
Jennika Gold Thomas
Amanda (Quiring) Gonzales
Amanda Hanford
Harold Hausman
Ebony Hitch
Kelly Hobson
Marylesa Howard
Rachel Insoft
Eleisha Jackson
"CJ" Jaynes
Maribeth Johnson
Marina Johnson
Erin Jones
Barbara Jordan
Harlan Kadish
David Keyes
Stacey Faulkenberg Larsen
Dan Loeb
Aaron Luttman
Dana Mackenzie
Chad Magers
Alex McAdams
Carissa Mendoza
Carol Meyers
Erika Meza
Christopher Minck
George Mohler
David Moore
Tanya Moore
Walter Morales
Janeth Moran-Cervantes
Elizabet Morgan
Carol Muehrcke
Grace Nabholz
Aisha Nájera Chesler
Andy Niedermaier
Jacqueline Nolis
Kyle Novak
Dean Oliver
Laurel Paget-Seekins
Christine Papai
Yolanda Parker
Karoline Pershell
Cara D. Petonic
Jacqueline Pfadt
Ashley Pitlyk
Kimberly Plesnicar
Amanda Plunkett
Elizabeth Pontius
Emilie Purvine
Gregory Rae
Rachel Ramirez
Blake Rector
Mary Lynn Reed
Adam L. Rich
Christina Roberts
Shannon Rogers
Lucas Sabalka
Jeffrey Saltzman
Bonita V. Saunders
Kayli Schafer
Jeanette Shakalli
Julie Shapiro
Ali Shappy
Richard Sharp
Danielle Shepherd
Benjamin P. Simmons
Andrew Stein
Jean Steiner
Courtney Stephens
Sumanth Swaminathan
Rebecca Swanson
Shree Taylor
Alec Torigian
Robert Troy
Jane Turnbull
Jasmin Uribe
Liz Uribe
Kim Van Duzer
Andrea Walker
Clemmie B. Whatley
Beatrice White
Chris Wiggins
Bryan Williams
Donald C. Williams
Joyce Yen
Starting your job search
Preparing for an interview
Applying to graduate school
Contents by career area
Contents by highest degree earned
Additional Material
RequestsReview Copy – for publishers of book reviewsAccessibility – to request an alternate format of an AMS title
- Book Details
- Table of Contents
- Additional Material
- Requests
What can you do with a degree in math? This book addresses this question with 125 career profiles written by people with degrees and backgrounds in mathematics. With job titles ranging from sports analyst to science writer to inventory specialist to CEO, the volume provides ample evidence that one really can do nearly anything with a degree in mathematics. These professionals share how their mathematical education shaped their career choices and how mathematics, or the skills acquired in a mathematics education, is used in their daily work. The degrees earned by the authors profiled here are a good mix of bachelors, masters, and PhDs. With 114 completely new profiles since the third edition, the careers featured within accurately reflect current trends in the job market.
College mathematics faculty, high school teachers, and career counselors will all find this a useful resource. Career centers, mathematics departments, and student lounges should have a copy available for student browsing. In addition to the career profiles, the volume contains essays from career counseling professionals on the topics of job-searching, interviewing, and applying to graduate school.
Undergraduate and graduate students interested in career possibilities in mathematics.
Charlotte Abrams
Xiaoling (Ling Ling) Lim Ang
Noelle Balandi
Brian T. Bares
Paige Bartholomew
Ben Baumer
Stacy Beaudoin
Ebonii Bell
Robert M. Bell
Nicholas Bennett
Nicole Bertram
Toni Bluher
Kate Brady
Marina Brockway
Sarah Brown
Lisa Byrne
Jenna P. Carpenter
Tim Chartier
Bill Correll, Jr.
Carla Cotwright-Williams
Mimi Cukier
Michael Dairyko
Kathleen Daly
Joshua R. Davis
Erick Deras
Lizette Ortega Dickey
Alyson Doles
Samantha Drost
Kate Dyson
Berton Earnshaw
Chandra Erdman
Katie Evans
Jaquelyn Fernandez Rieke
Stephanie Fitchett
Kathie Flood
Tamara Fuenzalida
Angela Gallant
Skip Garibaldi
Sommer Gentry
Jennika Gold Thomas
Amanda (Quiring) Gonzales
Amanda Hanford
Harold Hausman
Ebony Hitch
Kelly Hobson
Marylesa Howard
Rachel Insoft
Eleisha Jackson
"CJ" Jaynes
Maribeth Johnson
Marina Johnson
Erin Jones
Barbara Jordan
Harlan Kadish
David Keyes
Stacey Faulkenberg Larsen
Dan Loeb
Aaron Luttman
Dana Mackenzie
Chad Magers
Alex McAdams
Carissa Mendoza
Carol Meyers
Erika Meza
Christopher Minck
George Mohler
David Moore
Tanya Moore
Walter Morales
Janeth Moran-Cervantes
Elizabet Morgan
Carol Muehrcke
Grace Nabholz
Aisha Nájera Chesler
Andy Niedermaier
Jacqueline Nolis
Kyle Novak
Dean Oliver
Laurel Paget-Seekins
Christine Papai
Yolanda Parker
Karoline Pershell
Cara D. Petonic
Jacqueline Pfadt
Ashley Pitlyk
Kimberly Plesnicar
Amanda Plunkett
Elizabeth Pontius
Emilie Purvine
Gregory Rae
Rachel Ramirez
Blake Rector
Mary Lynn Reed
Adam L. Rich
Christina Roberts
Shannon Rogers
Lucas Sabalka
Jeffrey Saltzman
Bonita V. Saunders
Kayli Schafer
Jeanette Shakalli
Julie Shapiro
Ali Shappy
Richard Sharp
Danielle Shepherd
Benjamin P. Simmons
Andrew Stein
Jean Steiner
Courtney Stephens
Sumanth Swaminathan
Rebecca Swanson
Shree Taylor
Alec Torigian
Robert Troy
Jane Turnbull
Jasmin Uribe
Liz Uribe
Kim Van Duzer
Andrea Walker
Clemmie B. Whatley
Beatrice White
Chris Wiggins
Bryan Williams
Donald C. Williams
Joyce Yen
Starting your job search
Preparing for an interview
Applying to graduate school
Contents by career area
Contents by highest degree earned