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Geometric and Topological Invariants of Elliptic Operators
Edited by: Jerry Kaminker
Geometric and Topological Invariants of Elliptic Operators
eBook ISBN:  978-0-8218-7693-0
Product Code:  CONM/105.E
List Price: $125.00
MAA Member Price: $112.50
AMS Member Price: $100.00
Geometric and Topological Invariants of Elliptic Operators
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Geometric and Topological Invariants of Elliptic Operators
Edited by: Jerry Kaminker
eBook ISBN:  978-0-8218-7693-0
Product Code:  CONM/105.E
List Price: $125.00
MAA Member Price: $112.50
AMS Member Price: $100.00
  • Book Details
    Contemporary Mathematics
    Volume: 1051990; 297 pp
    MSC: Primary 58; Secondary 46; 57

    This volume contains the proceedings of the AMS-IMS-SIAM Summer Research Conference on “Geometric and Topological Invariants of Elliptic Operators,” held in August 1988 at Bowdoin College. Some of the themes covered at the conference and appearing in the articles are: the use of more sophisticated asymptotic methods to obtain index theorems, the study of the \(\eta\) invariant and analytic torsion, and index theory on open manifolds and foliated manifolds. The current state of noncommutative differential geometry, as well as operator algebraic and \(K\)-theoretic methods, are also presented in several the articles.

    This book will be useful to researchers in index theory, operator algebras, foliations, and mathematical physics. Topologists and geometers are also likely to find useful the view the book provides of recent work in this area. In addition, because of the expository nature of several of the articles, it will be useful to graduate students interested in working in these areas.

  • Table of Contents
    • Articles
    • Jonathan Block and Jeffrey Fox — Asymptotic pseudodifferential operators and index theory [ MR 1047274 ]
    • James L. Heitsch and Connor Lazarov — A Lefschetz theorem on open manifolds [ MR 1047275 ]
    • Steven Hurder — Eta invariants and the odd index theorem for coverings [ MR 1047276 ]
    • Connor Lazarov and James Heitsch — The Lefschetz fixed point theorem for foliated manifolds [ MR 1047277 ]
    • Varghese Mathai and Alan L. Carey — $L^2$-acyclicity and $L^2$-torsion invariants [ MR 1047278 ]
    • H. Moriyoshi — Secondary characteristic numbers and locally free $S^1$-actions [ MR 1047279 ]
    • Werner Müller — $L^2$-index theory, eta invariants and values of $L$-functions [ MR 1047280 ]
    • Marc A. Rieffel — Noncommutative tori—a case study of noncommutative differentiable manifolds [ MR 1047281 ]
    • Mel Rothenberg — Analytic and combinatorial torsion [ MR 1047282 ]
    • Michael E. Taylor — Pseudodifferential operators and $K$-homology. II [ MR 1047283 ]
    • Philippe Tondeur and Jesús A. Alvarez López — The heat flow along the leaves of a Riemannian foliation [ MR 1047284 ]
    • Shmuel Weinberger — Aspects of the Novikov conjecture [ MR 1047285 ]
  • Requests
    Review Copy – for publishers of book reviews
    Permission – for use of book, eBook, or Journal content
    Accessibility – to request an alternate format of an AMS title
Volume: 1051990; 297 pp
MSC: Primary 58; Secondary 46; 57

This volume contains the proceedings of the AMS-IMS-SIAM Summer Research Conference on “Geometric and Topological Invariants of Elliptic Operators,” held in August 1988 at Bowdoin College. Some of the themes covered at the conference and appearing in the articles are: the use of more sophisticated asymptotic methods to obtain index theorems, the study of the \(\eta\) invariant and analytic torsion, and index theory on open manifolds and foliated manifolds. The current state of noncommutative differential geometry, as well as operator algebraic and \(K\)-theoretic methods, are also presented in several the articles.

This book will be useful to researchers in index theory, operator algebras, foliations, and mathematical physics. Topologists and geometers are also likely to find useful the view the book provides of recent work in this area. In addition, because of the expository nature of several of the articles, it will be useful to graduate students interested in working in these areas.

  • Articles
  • Jonathan Block and Jeffrey Fox — Asymptotic pseudodifferential operators and index theory [ MR 1047274 ]
  • James L. Heitsch and Connor Lazarov — A Lefschetz theorem on open manifolds [ MR 1047275 ]
  • Steven Hurder — Eta invariants and the odd index theorem for coverings [ MR 1047276 ]
  • Connor Lazarov and James Heitsch — The Lefschetz fixed point theorem for foliated manifolds [ MR 1047277 ]
  • Varghese Mathai and Alan L. Carey — $L^2$-acyclicity and $L^2$-torsion invariants [ MR 1047278 ]
  • H. Moriyoshi — Secondary characteristic numbers and locally free $S^1$-actions [ MR 1047279 ]
  • Werner Müller — $L^2$-index theory, eta invariants and values of $L$-functions [ MR 1047280 ]
  • Marc A. Rieffel — Noncommutative tori—a case study of noncommutative differentiable manifolds [ MR 1047281 ]
  • Mel Rothenberg — Analytic and combinatorial torsion [ MR 1047282 ]
  • Michael E. Taylor — Pseudodifferential operators and $K$-homology. II [ MR 1047283 ]
  • Philippe Tondeur and Jesús A. Alvarez López — The heat flow along the leaves of a Riemannian foliation [ MR 1047284 ]
  • Shmuel Weinberger — Aspects of the Novikov conjecture [ MR 1047285 ]
Review Copy – for publishers of book reviews
Permission – for use of book, eBook, or Journal content
Accessibility – to request an alternate format of an AMS title
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