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Fluids and Plasmas: Geometry and Dynamics
Edited by:
Jerrold E. Marsden

eBook ISBN: | 978-0-8218-7613-8 |
Product Code: | CONM/28.E |
List Price: | $125.00 |
MAA Member Price: | $112.50 |
AMS Member Price: | $100.00 |

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Fluids and Plasmas: Geometry and Dynamics
Edited by:
Jerrold E. Marsden
eBook ISBN: | 978-0-8218-7613-8 |
Product Code: | CONM/28.E |
List Price: | $125.00 |
MAA Member Price: | $112.50 |
AMS Member Price: | $100.00 |
Book DetailsContemporary MathematicsVolume: 28; 1984; 448 ppMSC: Primary 58; Secondary 76
Table of Contents
Part I. Geometric-Analytic Methods [ MR 751970 ]
Alan Weinstein — Stability of Poisson-Hamilton equilibria [ MR 751971 ]
Darryl Holm, Jerrold Marsden, Tudor Ratiu and Alan Weinstein — Stability of rigid body motion using the energy-Casimir method [ MR 751972 ]
Darryl D. Holm — Stability of planar multifluid plasma equilibria by Arnol′d’s method [ MR 751973 ]
Allan N. Kaufman and Robert L. Dewar — Canonical derivation of the Vlasov-Coulomb noncanonical Poisson structure [ MR 751974 ]
Jerrold E. Marsden, Tudor Ratiu and Alan Weinstein — Reduction and Hamiltonian structures on duals of semidirect product Lie algebras [ MR 751975 ]
Richard Montgomery, Jerrold Marsden and Tudor Ratiu — Gauged Lie-Poisson structures [ MR 751976 ]
Jerrold E. Marsden, Philip J. Morrison and Alan Weinstein — The Hamiltonian structure of the BBGKY hierarchy equations [ MR 751977 ]
Miroslav Grmela — Particle and bracket formulations of kinetic equations [ MR 751978 ]
Jerrold E. Marsden and Philip J. Morrison — Noncanonical Hamiltonian field theory and reduced MHD [ MR 751979 ]
Robert G. Littlejohn — Geometry and guiding center motion [ MR 751980 ]
Allan N. Kaufman and Bruce M. Boghosian — Lie-transform derivation of the gyrokinetic Hamiltonian system [ MR 751981 ]
Meinhard E. Mayer — Poisson structures for relativistic systems (relativistic superfluids) [ MR 751982 ]
Gerald A. Goldin — Diffeomorphism groups, semidirect products, and quantum theory [ MR 751983 ]
Part II. Analytic and Numerical Methods [ MR 751970 ]
Norman J. Zabusky — Contour dynamics for two-dimensional flows [ MR 751984 ]
Yieh Hei Wan — On the nonlinear stability of circular vortex patches [ MR 751985 ]
J. Thomas Beale and Andrew Majda — Vortex methods for fluid flow in two or three dimensions [ MR 751986 ]
Peter Olver — Hamiltonian perturbation theory and water waves [ MR 751987 ]
Stephen Wollman — Results on existence and uniqueness of solutions to the Vlasov equation [ MR 751988 ]
Robert T. Glassey and Walter A. Strauss — Remarks on collisionless plasmas [ MR 751989 ]
Harvey Segur — Toward a new kinetic theory for resonant triads [ MR 751990 ]
Philippe R. Spalart — A spectral method for external viscous flows [ MR 751991 ]
Robert N. Miller — Forecasting the ocean’s weather: numerical models for application to oceanographic data [ MR 751992 ]
Part III. Bifurcation and Dynamical Systems [ MR 751970 ]
Harry L. Swinney — Geometry and dynamics in experiments on chaotic systems [ MR 751993 ]
John Guckenheimer — Dimension estimates for attractors [ MR 751994 ]
D. W. McLaughlin, J. V. Moloney and A. C. Newell — Solitary waves as fixed points of infinite-dimensional maps in an optical bistable ring cavity [ MR 751995 ]
John David Crawford — Hopf bifurcation and the beam-plasma instability [ MR 751996 ]
Philip Holmes — Some remarks on chaotic particle paths in time-periodic, three-dimensional swirling flows [ MR 751997 ]
Eric D. Siggia — A universal transition from quasiperiodicity to chaos [ MR 751998 ]
James H. Curry and C. Eugene Wayne — On the nonpathological behavior of Newton’s method [ MR 751999 ]
Jürgen Scheurle — Successive bifurcations in the interaction of steady state and Hopf bifurcations [ MR 752000 ]
James W. Swift — Convection in a rotating fluid layer [ MR 752001 ]
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Part I. Geometric-Analytic Methods [ MR 751970 ]
Alan Weinstein — Stability of Poisson-Hamilton equilibria [ MR 751971 ]
Darryl Holm, Jerrold Marsden, Tudor Ratiu and Alan Weinstein — Stability of rigid body motion using the energy-Casimir method [ MR 751972 ]
Darryl D. Holm — Stability of planar multifluid plasma equilibria by Arnol′d’s method [ MR 751973 ]
Allan N. Kaufman and Robert L. Dewar — Canonical derivation of the Vlasov-Coulomb noncanonical Poisson structure [ MR 751974 ]
Jerrold E. Marsden, Tudor Ratiu and Alan Weinstein — Reduction and Hamiltonian structures on duals of semidirect product Lie algebras [ MR 751975 ]
Richard Montgomery, Jerrold Marsden and Tudor Ratiu — Gauged Lie-Poisson structures [ MR 751976 ]
Jerrold E. Marsden, Philip J. Morrison and Alan Weinstein — The Hamiltonian structure of the BBGKY hierarchy equations [ MR 751977 ]
Miroslav Grmela — Particle and bracket formulations of kinetic equations [ MR 751978 ]
Jerrold E. Marsden and Philip J. Morrison — Noncanonical Hamiltonian field theory and reduced MHD [ MR 751979 ]
Robert G. Littlejohn — Geometry and guiding center motion [ MR 751980 ]
Allan N. Kaufman and Bruce M. Boghosian — Lie-transform derivation of the gyrokinetic Hamiltonian system [ MR 751981 ]
Meinhard E. Mayer — Poisson structures for relativistic systems (relativistic superfluids) [ MR 751982 ]
Gerald A. Goldin — Diffeomorphism groups, semidirect products, and quantum theory [ MR 751983 ]
Part II. Analytic and Numerical Methods [ MR 751970 ]
Norman J. Zabusky — Contour dynamics for two-dimensional flows [ MR 751984 ]
Yieh Hei Wan — On the nonlinear stability of circular vortex patches [ MR 751985 ]
J. Thomas Beale and Andrew Majda — Vortex methods for fluid flow in two or three dimensions [ MR 751986 ]
Peter Olver — Hamiltonian perturbation theory and water waves [ MR 751987 ]
Stephen Wollman — Results on existence and uniqueness of solutions to the Vlasov equation [ MR 751988 ]
Robert T. Glassey and Walter A. Strauss — Remarks on collisionless plasmas [ MR 751989 ]
Harvey Segur — Toward a new kinetic theory for resonant triads [ MR 751990 ]
Philippe R. Spalart — A spectral method for external viscous flows [ MR 751991 ]
Robert N. Miller — Forecasting the ocean’s weather: numerical models for application to oceanographic data [ MR 751992 ]
Part III. Bifurcation and Dynamical Systems [ MR 751970 ]
Harry L. Swinney — Geometry and dynamics in experiments on chaotic systems [ MR 751993 ]
John Guckenheimer — Dimension estimates for attractors [ MR 751994 ]
D. W. McLaughlin, J. V. Moloney and A. C. Newell — Solitary waves as fixed points of infinite-dimensional maps in an optical bistable ring cavity [ MR 751995 ]
John David Crawford — Hopf bifurcation and the beam-plasma instability [ MR 751996 ]
Philip Holmes — Some remarks on chaotic particle paths in time-periodic, three-dimensional swirling flows [ MR 751997 ]
Eric D. Siggia — A universal transition from quasiperiodicity to chaos [ MR 751998 ]
James H. Curry and C. Eugene Wayne — On the nonpathological behavior of Newton’s method [ MR 751999 ]
Jürgen Scheurle — Successive bifurcations in the interaction of steady state and Hopf bifurcations [ MR 752000 ]
James W. Swift — Convection in a rotating fluid layer [ MR 752001 ]
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