Softcover ISBN: | 978-0-8218-4317-8 |
Product Code: | CONM/457 |
List Price: | $130.00 |
MAA Member Price: | $117.00 |
AMS Member Price: | $104.00 |
eBook ISBN: | 978-0-8218-8136-1 |
Product Code: | CONM/457.E |
List Price: | $125.00 |
MAA Member Price: | $112.50 |
AMS Member Price: | $100.00 |
Softcover ISBN: | 978-0-8218-4317-8 |
eBook: ISBN: | 978-0-8218-8136-1 |
Product Code: | CONM/457.B |
List Price: | $255.00 $192.50 |
MAA Member Price: | $229.50 $173.25 |
AMS Member Price: | $204.00 $154.00 |

Softcover ISBN: | 978-0-8218-4317-8 |
Product Code: | CONM/457 |
List Price: | $130.00 |
MAA Member Price: | $117.00 |
AMS Member Price: | $104.00 |
eBook ISBN: | 978-0-8218-8136-1 |
Product Code: | CONM/457.E |
List Price: | $125.00 |
MAA Member Price: | $112.50 |
AMS Member Price: | $100.00 |
Softcover ISBN: | 978-0-8218-4317-8 |
eBook ISBN: | 978-0-8218-8136-1 |
Product Code: | CONM/457.B |
List Price: | $255.00 $192.50 |
MAA Member Price: | $229.50 $173.25 |
AMS Member Price: | $204.00 $154.00 |
Book DetailsContemporary MathematicsVolume: 457; 2008; 292 ppMSC: Primary 05; 11; 13; 33; 34; 52
Experimental Mathematics is a recently structured field of Mathematics that uses a computer and advanced computing technology as tools to perform experiments such as analysis of examples, testing of new ideas, and the search of patterns.
The development of a broad spectrum of mathematical software products such as Mathematica® and MapleTM has allowed mathematicians of diverse backgrounds and interests to make the computer an essential part of their daily working environment.
This volume represents the AMS Special Session on Experimental Mathematics held in January 2007 in New Orleans. This gathering is part of an annual meeting of a growing number of scientists that have been labeled experimental mathematicians.
The guiding principles of the field, some of which are included in the introduction to these proceedings, are similar to those of laboratory experiments in the physical and biological sciences.
ReadershipGraduate students and research mathematicians interested in experimental/emperical mathematics with application to various sciences.
Table of Contents
Arvind Ayyer and Doron Zeilberger — Two dimensional directed lattice walks with boundaries [ MR 2427662 ]
David H. Bailey and Jonathan M. Borwein — Computer-assisted discovery and proof [ MR 2427663 ]
Curtis D. Bennett and Edward Mosteig — On the collection of integers that index the fixed points of maps on the space of rational functions [ MR 2427664 ]
Bruce C. Berndt, O-Yeat Chan, Sung-Geun Lim and Alexandru Zaharescu — Questionable claims found in Ramanujan’s lost notebook [ MR 2427665 ]
Robert P. Boyer and William M. Y. Goh — Partition polynomials: asymptotics and zeros [ MR 2427666 ]
David M. Bradley — Hypergeometric functions related to series acceleration formulas [ MR 2427667 ]
Marc Chamberland — Using integer relations algorithms for finding relationships among functions [ MR 2427668 ]
Mark W. Coffey — Conjecturing the optimal order of the components of the Li/Keiper constants [ MR 2427669 ]
Scott Crass — An experimental approach to equation-solving: symmetry and dynamics [ MR 2427670 ]
Eva Curry — Multidimensional radix representations and hot spot theorem [ MR 2427671 ]
Diego Dominici — Some properties of the inverse error function [ MR 2427672 ]
M. Lawrence Glasser and Dante Manna — On the Laplace transform of the psi function [ MR 2427673 ]
Manuel Kauers — Computer algebra for special function inequalities [ MR 2427674 ]
Michael J. Mossinghoff — An isodiametric problem for equilateral polygons [ MR 2427675 ]
Olivier Oloa — Some Euler-type integrals and a new rational series for Euler’s constant [ MR 2427676 ]
Andrew V. Sills — Disturbing the $q$-Dyson conjecture [ MR 2427677 ]
Jonathan Sondow and Kyle Schalm — Which partial sums of the Taylor series for $e$ are convergents to $e$? (and a link to the primes 2, 5, 13, 37, 463) [ MR 2427678 ]
Doron Zeilberger — Symbol-crunching with the gambler’s ruin problem [ MR 2427679 ]
Additional Material
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- Book Details
- Table of Contents
- Additional Material
- Requests
Experimental Mathematics is a recently structured field of Mathematics that uses a computer and advanced computing technology as tools to perform experiments such as analysis of examples, testing of new ideas, and the search of patterns.
The development of a broad spectrum of mathematical software products such as Mathematica® and MapleTM has allowed mathematicians of diverse backgrounds and interests to make the computer an essential part of their daily working environment.
This volume represents the AMS Special Session on Experimental Mathematics held in January 2007 in New Orleans. This gathering is part of an annual meeting of a growing number of scientists that have been labeled experimental mathematicians.
The guiding principles of the field, some of which are included in the introduction to these proceedings, are similar to those of laboratory experiments in the physical and biological sciences.
Graduate students and research mathematicians interested in experimental/emperical mathematics with application to various sciences.
Arvind Ayyer and Doron Zeilberger — Two dimensional directed lattice walks with boundaries [ MR 2427662 ]
David H. Bailey and Jonathan M. Borwein — Computer-assisted discovery and proof [ MR 2427663 ]
Curtis D. Bennett and Edward Mosteig — On the collection of integers that index the fixed points of maps on the space of rational functions [ MR 2427664 ]
Bruce C. Berndt, O-Yeat Chan, Sung-Geun Lim and Alexandru Zaharescu — Questionable claims found in Ramanujan’s lost notebook [ MR 2427665 ]
Robert P. Boyer and William M. Y. Goh — Partition polynomials: asymptotics and zeros [ MR 2427666 ]
David M. Bradley — Hypergeometric functions related to series acceleration formulas [ MR 2427667 ]
Marc Chamberland — Using integer relations algorithms for finding relationships among functions [ MR 2427668 ]
Mark W. Coffey — Conjecturing the optimal order of the components of the Li/Keiper constants [ MR 2427669 ]
Scott Crass — An experimental approach to equation-solving: symmetry and dynamics [ MR 2427670 ]
Eva Curry — Multidimensional radix representations and hot spot theorem [ MR 2427671 ]
Diego Dominici — Some properties of the inverse error function [ MR 2427672 ]
M. Lawrence Glasser and Dante Manna — On the Laplace transform of the psi function [ MR 2427673 ]
Manuel Kauers — Computer algebra for special function inequalities [ MR 2427674 ]
Michael J. Mossinghoff — An isodiametric problem for equilateral polygons [ MR 2427675 ]
Olivier Oloa — Some Euler-type integrals and a new rational series for Euler’s constant [ MR 2427676 ]
Andrew V. Sills — Disturbing the $q$-Dyson conjecture [ MR 2427677 ]
Jonathan Sondow and Kyle Schalm — Which partial sums of the Taylor series for $e$ are convergents to $e$? (and a link to the primes 2, 5, 13, 37, 463) [ MR 2427678 ]
Doron Zeilberger — Symbol-crunching with the gambler’s ruin problem [ MR 2427679 ]