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Asymptotic Methods in Mechanics
A co-publication of the AMS and Centre de Recherches Mathématiques
Asymptotic Methods in Mechanics
Softcover ISBN:  978-0-8218-6993-2
Product Code:  CRMP/3
List Price: $104.00
MAA Member Price: $93.60
AMS Member Price: $83.20
eBook ISBN:  978-1-4704-3917-0
Product Code:  CRMP/3.E
List Price: $98.00
MAA Member Price: $88.20
AMS Member Price: $78.40
Print ISBN: 
eBook: ISBN:  978-1-4704-3917-0
Product Code:  CRMP/3.B
List Price: $153.00
MAA Member Price: $137.70
AMS Member Price: $122.40
Asymptotic Methods in Mechanics
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Asymptotic Methods in Mechanics
A co-publication of the AMS and Centre de Recherches Mathématiques
Softcover ISBN:  978-0-8218-6993-2
Product Code:  CRMP/3
List Price: $104.00
MAA Member Price: $93.60
AMS Member Price: $83.20
eBook ISBN:  978-1-4704-3917-0
Product Code:  CRMP/3.E
List Price: $98.00
MAA Member Price: $88.20
AMS Member Price: $78.40
Print ISBN: 
eBook ISBN:  978-1-4704-3917-0
Product Code:  CRMP/3.B
List Price: $153.00
MAA Member Price: $137.70
AMS Member Price: $122.40
  • Book Details
    CRM Proceedings & Lecture Notes
    Volume: 31993; 282 pp
    MSC: Primary 34; Secondary 35

    Asymptotic methods constitute an important area of both pure and applied mathematics and have applications to a vast array of problems. This collection of papers is devoted to asymptotic methods applied to mechanical problems, primarily thin structure problems. The first section presents a survey of asymptotic methods and a review of the literature, including the considerable body of Russian works in this area. This part may be used as a reference book or as a textbook for advanced undergraduate or graduate students in mathematics or engineering. The second part presents original papers containing new results. Among the key features of the book are its analysis of the general theory of asymptotic integration with applications to the theory of thin shells and plates, and new results about the local forms of vibrations and buckling of thin shells which have not yet made their way into other monographs on this subject.

    Titles in this series are co-published with the Centre de Recherches Mathématiques.


    Mathematics, physics, and engineering advanced undergraduates and graduate students in a course on asymptotic methods and solid mechanics. Scientists and engineers interested in the application of asymptotic methods to problems of mechanics and buckling and vibrations of thin structures.

  • Table of Contents
    • Part 1. A Survey
    • Asymptotic methods in mechanics with applications to thin shells and plates (introduction)
    • Chapter 1. Asymptotic expansions
    • Chapter 2. Singular perturbation of linear differential equations
    • Chapter 3. Degenerate boundary value problems
    • Chapter 4. Asymptotic solutions of partial differential equations
    • Chapter 5. Asymptotic solutions of nonlinear differential equations
    • References
    • Part 2. Thirteen Papers
    • Perturbation methods in eddy current testing
    • Buckling of thin cylindrical shells and shells of negative Gaussian curvature
    • Thermo-elastic deformations of mirrors
    • A mathematical model for hydroelastic problems with a fluid memory. Part I
    • A mathematical model for hydroelastic problems with a fluid memory. Part II
    • Low-frequency vibrations of cylindrical shells. Part I: Shells with a slanted edge
    • Low-frequency vibrations of cylindrical shells. Part II: Connected shells
    • Buckling of convex shells under nonaxisymmetric loading
    • Elasto-plastic deformations of ribbed plates
    • Elastic wave propagation through elastic shells
    • Dynmamic stability and forced vibrations of a horizontal rotor with a cracked shaft
    • Edge effect under large axisymmetric deformations of shells of revolution
    • Turning points and caustics in linear problems of thin shell free vibrations and buckling
  • Requests
    Review Copy – for publishers of book reviews
    Accessibility – to request an alternate format of an AMS title
Volume: 31993; 282 pp
MSC: Primary 34; Secondary 35

Asymptotic methods constitute an important area of both pure and applied mathematics and have applications to a vast array of problems. This collection of papers is devoted to asymptotic methods applied to mechanical problems, primarily thin structure problems. The first section presents a survey of asymptotic methods and a review of the literature, including the considerable body of Russian works in this area. This part may be used as a reference book or as a textbook for advanced undergraduate or graduate students in mathematics or engineering. The second part presents original papers containing new results. Among the key features of the book are its analysis of the general theory of asymptotic integration with applications to the theory of thin shells and plates, and new results about the local forms of vibrations and buckling of thin shells which have not yet made their way into other monographs on this subject.

Titles in this series are co-published with the Centre de Recherches Mathématiques.


Mathematics, physics, and engineering advanced undergraduates and graduate students in a course on asymptotic methods and solid mechanics. Scientists and engineers interested in the application of asymptotic methods to problems of mechanics and buckling and vibrations of thin structures.

  • Part 1. A Survey
  • Asymptotic methods in mechanics with applications to thin shells and plates (introduction)
  • Chapter 1. Asymptotic expansions
  • Chapter 2. Singular perturbation of linear differential equations
  • Chapter 3. Degenerate boundary value problems
  • Chapter 4. Asymptotic solutions of partial differential equations
  • Chapter 5. Asymptotic solutions of nonlinear differential equations
  • References
  • Part 2. Thirteen Papers
  • Perturbation methods in eddy current testing
  • Buckling of thin cylindrical shells and shells of negative Gaussian curvature
  • Thermo-elastic deformations of mirrors
  • A mathematical model for hydroelastic problems with a fluid memory. Part I
  • A mathematical model for hydroelastic problems with a fluid memory. Part II
  • Low-frequency vibrations of cylindrical shells. Part I: Shells with a slanted edge
  • Low-frequency vibrations of cylindrical shells. Part II: Connected shells
  • Buckling of convex shells under nonaxisymmetric loading
  • Elasto-plastic deformations of ribbed plates
  • Elastic wave propagation through elastic shells
  • Dynmamic stability and forced vibrations of a horizontal rotor with a cracked shaft
  • Edge effect under large axisymmetric deformations of shells of revolution
  • Turning points and caustics in linear problems of thin shell free vibrations and buckling
Review Copy – for publishers of book reviews
Accessibility – to request an alternate format of an AMS title
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