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Pseudo-differential Operators and the Nash–Moser Theorem
Serge Alinhac Université Paris-Sud, Orsay, France
Patrick Gérard Université Paris-Sud, Orsay, France

Translated by Stephen S. Wilson

Pseudo-differential Operators and the Nash--Moser Theorem
Hardcover ISBN:  978-0-8218-3454-1
Product Code:  GSM/82
List Price: $99.00
MAA Member Price: $89.10
AMS Member Price: $79.20
eBook ISBN:  978-1-4704-2112-0
Product Code:  GSM/82.E
List Price: $85.00
MAA Member Price: $76.50
AMS Member Price: $68.00
Hardcover ISBN:  978-0-8218-3454-1
eBook: ISBN:  978-1-4704-2112-0
Product Code:  GSM/82.B
List Price: $184.00 $141.50
MAA Member Price: $165.60 $127.35
AMS Member Price: $147.20 $113.20
Pseudo-differential Operators and the Nash--Moser Theorem
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Pseudo-differential Operators and the Nash–Moser Theorem
Serge Alinhac Université Paris-Sud, Orsay, France
Patrick Gérard Université Paris-Sud, Orsay, France

Translated by Stephen S. Wilson

Hardcover ISBN:  978-0-8218-3454-1
Product Code:  GSM/82
List Price: $99.00
MAA Member Price: $89.10
AMS Member Price: $79.20
eBook ISBN:  978-1-4704-2112-0
Product Code:  GSM/82.E
List Price: $85.00
MAA Member Price: $76.50
AMS Member Price: $68.00
Hardcover ISBN:  978-0-8218-3454-1
eBook ISBN:  978-1-4704-2112-0
Product Code:  GSM/82.B
List Price: $184.00 $141.50
MAA Member Price: $165.60 $127.35
AMS Member Price: $147.20 $113.20
  • Book Details
    Graduate Studies in Mathematics
    Volume: 822007; 168 pp
    MSC: Primary 35; Secondary 47

    This book presents two essential and apparently unrelated subjects. The first, microlocal analysis and the theory of pseudo-differential operators, is a basic tool in the study of partial differential equations and in analysis on manifolds. The second, the Nash–Moser theorem, continues to be fundamentally important in geometry, dynamical systems, and nonlinear PDE.

    Each of the subjects, which are of interest in their own right as well as for applications, can be learned separately. But the book shows the deep connections between the two themes, particularly in the middle part, which is devoted to Littlewood–Paley theory, dyadic analysis, and the paradifferential calculus and its application to interpolation inequalities.

    An important feature is the elementary and self-contained character of the text, to which many exercises and an introductory Chapter \(0\) with basic material have been added. This makes the book readable by graduate students or researchers from one subject who are interested in becoming familiar with the other. It can also be used as a textbook for a graduate course on nonlinear PDE or geometry.


    Graduate students and research mathematicians interested in microlocal analysis, PDE, and geometry.

  • Table of Contents
    • Chapters
    • General introduction
    • Chapter 0. Notation and review of distribution theory
    • Chapter I. Pseudo-differential operators
    • Chapter II. Nonlinear dyadic analysis, microlocal analysis, energy estimates
    • Chapter III. Implicit function theorems
  • Reviews
    • The authors made a great accomplishment in writing this beautiful and elegant text, of great value to both students and researchers.

      Zentralblatt MATH
  • Requests
    Review Copy – for publishers of book reviews
    Permission – for use of book, eBook, or Journal content
    Accessibility – to request an alternate format of an AMS title
Volume: 822007; 168 pp
MSC: Primary 35; Secondary 47

This book presents two essential and apparently unrelated subjects. The first, microlocal analysis and the theory of pseudo-differential operators, is a basic tool in the study of partial differential equations and in analysis on manifolds. The second, the Nash–Moser theorem, continues to be fundamentally important in geometry, dynamical systems, and nonlinear PDE.

Each of the subjects, which are of interest in their own right as well as for applications, can be learned separately. But the book shows the deep connections between the two themes, particularly in the middle part, which is devoted to Littlewood–Paley theory, dyadic analysis, and the paradifferential calculus and its application to interpolation inequalities.

An important feature is the elementary and self-contained character of the text, to which many exercises and an introductory Chapter \(0\) with basic material have been added. This makes the book readable by graduate students or researchers from one subject who are interested in becoming familiar with the other. It can also be used as a textbook for a graduate course on nonlinear PDE or geometry.


Graduate students and research mathematicians interested in microlocal analysis, PDE, and geometry.

  • Chapters
  • General introduction
  • Chapter 0. Notation and review of distribution theory
  • Chapter I. Pseudo-differential operators
  • Chapter II. Nonlinear dyadic analysis, microlocal analysis, energy estimates
  • Chapter III. Implicit function theorems
  • The authors made a great accomplishment in writing this beautiful and elegant text, of great value to both students and researchers.

    Zentralblatt MATH
Review Copy – for publishers of book reviews
Permission – for use of book, eBook, or Journal content
Accessibility – to request an alternate format of an AMS title
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