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The Math Behind the Magic: Fascinating Card and Number Tricks and How They Work
Ehrhard Behrends Freie Universität, Berlin, Germany

Translated by David Kramer

The Math Behind the Magic
Softcover ISBN:  978-1-4704-4866-0
Product Code:  MBK/122
List Price: $35.00
MAA Member Price: $31.50
AMS Member Price: $28.00
The Math Behind the Magic
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The Math Behind the Magic: Fascinating Card and Number Tricks and How They Work
Ehrhard Behrends Freie Universität, Berlin, Germany

Translated by David Kramer

Softcover ISBN:  978-1-4704-4866-0
Product Code:  MBK/122
List Price: $35.00
MAA Member Price: $31.50
AMS Member Price: $28.00
  • Book Details
    2019; 208 pp
    MSC: Primary 00; 97

    A magician appears able to banish chaos at will: a deck of cards arranged in order is shuffled—apparently randomly—by a member of the audience. Then, hey presto! The deck is suddenly put back in its original order! Magic tricks like this are easy to perform and have an interesting mathematical foundation. In this rich, colorfully illustrated volume, Ehrhard Behrends presents around 30 card tricks and number games that are easy to learn, with no prior knowledge required. This is math as you've never experienced it before: entertaining and fun!


    Undergraduate and graduate students, math teachers, researchers, professional and amateur magicians, as well as middle- and high-school students interested in magic and mathematics.

  • Reviews
    • The 'Math Behind the Magic' is a fun little book that leads the reader through a series of number and card tricks that are advanced enough so as not to be too obvious to the audience and yet simple enough for a novice magician to be able to master with practice. The book is clearly written for an audience with no assumed level of mathematical understanding.

      Michael Caulfield, MAA Reviews
  • Requests
    Review Copy – for publishers of book reviews
    Permission – for use of book, eBook, or Journal content
    Accessibility – to request an alternate format of an AMS title
2019; 208 pp
MSC: Primary 00; 97

A magician appears able to banish chaos at will: a deck of cards arranged in order is shuffled—apparently randomly—by a member of the audience. Then, hey presto! The deck is suddenly put back in its original order! Magic tricks like this are easy to perform and have an interesting mathematical foundation. In this rich, colorfully illustrated volume, Ehrhard Behrends presents around 30 card tricks and number games that are easy to learn, with no prior knowledge required. This is math as you've never experienced it before: entertaining and fun!


Undergraduate and graduate students, math teachers, researchers, professional and amateur magicians, as well as middle- and high-school students interested in magic and mathematics.

  • The 'Math Behind the Magic' is a fun little book that leads the reader through a series of number and card tricks that are advanced enough so as not to be too obvious to the audience and yet simple enough for a novice magician to be able to master with practice. The book is clearly written for an audience with no assumed level of mathematical understanding.

    Michael Caulfield, MAA Reviews
Review Copy – for publishers of book reviews
Permission – for use of book, eBook, or Journal content
Accessibility – to request an alternate format of an AMS title
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