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Math from Three to Seven: The Story of a Mathematical Circle for Preschoolers
Alexander Zvonkin Université Bordeaux I, Talence, France
A co-publication of the AMS and Mathematical Sciences Research Institute
Math from Three to Seven
Softcover ISBN:  978-0-8218-6873-7
Product Code:  MCL/5
List Price: $35.00
Individual Price: $26.25
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Expected availability date: March 31, 2025
eBook ISBN:  978-1-4704-1616-4
EPUB ISBN:  978-1-4704-6842-2
Product Code:  MCL/5.E
List Price: $30.00
Individual Price: $22.50
Softcover ISBN:  978-0-8218-6873-7
eBook: ISBN:  978-1-4704-1616-4
Product Code:  MCL/5.B
List Price: $65.00 $50.00
This item is temporarily out of stock. Order now and your item will ship as soon as stock becomes available.
Expected availability date: March 31, 2025
Please Note: Purchasing the eBook version includes access to both a PDF and EPUB version
Math from Three to Seven
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Math from Three to Seven: The Story of a Mathematical Circle for Preschoolers
Alexander Zvonkin Université Bordeaux I, Talence, France
A co-publication of the AMS and Mathematical Sciences Research Institute
Softcover ISBN:  978-0-8218-6873-7
Product Code:  MCL/5
List Price: $35.00
Individual Price: $26.25
This item is temporarily out of stock. Order now and your item will ship as soon as stock becomes available.
Expected availability date: March 31, 2025
eBook ISBN:  978-1-4704-1616-4
EPUB ISBN:  978-1-4704-6842-2
Product Code:  MCL/5.E
List Price: $30.00
Individual Price: $22.50
Softcover ISBN:  978-0-8218-6873-7
eBook ISBN:  978-1-4704-1616-4
Product Code:  MCL/5.B
List Price: $65.00 $50.00
This item is temporarily out of stock. Order now and your item will ship as soon as stock becomes available.
Expected availability date: March 31, 2025
Please Note: Purchasing the eBook version includes access to both a PDF and EPUB version
  • Book Details
    MSRI Mathematical Circles Library
    Volume: 52011; 300 pp
    MSC: Primary 00; 97

    This book is a captivating account of a professional mathematician's experiences conducting a math circle for preschoolers in his apartment in Moscow in the 1980s. As anyone who has taught or raised young children knows, mathematical education for little kids is a real mystery. What are they capable of? What should they learn first? How hard should they work? Should they even “work” at all? Should we push them, or just let them be? There are no correct answers to these questions, and the author deals with them in classic math-circle style: he doesn't ask and then answer a question, but shows us a problem—be it mathematical or pedagogical—and describes to us what happened. His book is a narrative about what he did, what he tried, what worked, what failed, but most important, what the kids experienced.

    This book does not purport to show you how to create precocious high achievers. It is just one person's story about things he tried with a half-dozen young children. Mathematicians, psychologists, educators, parents, and everybody interested in the intellectual development in young children will find this book to be an invaluable, inspiring resource.

    In the interest of fostering a greater awareness and appreciation of mathematics and its connections to other disciplines and everyday life, MSRI and the AMS are publishing books in the Mathematical Circles Library series as a service to young people, their parents and teachers, and the mathematics profession.

    Titles in this series are co-published with the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute (MSRI).


    Parents and teachers interested in working on math with young children.

  • Table of Contents
    • Chapters
    • Title page
    • Contents
    • Foreword to the American edition
    • Introduction
    • The first session: Narrative and reflections
    • The boys’ math circle, year one
    • Children and $(^5_2)$: The story of one problem
    • The boys’ math circle, year two
    • Notation, abstraction, mathematics, and language
    • The boys’ math circle, year three
    • The boys’ math circle, final six months
    • At home and in school
    • The girls’ math circle, year one
    • The girls’ math circle, year two
    • This is not an epilogue
    • Index of math, pedagogy, and psychology
  • Requests
    Review Copy – for publishers of book reviews
    Accessibility – to request an alternate format of an AMS title
Volume: 52011; 300 pp
MSC: Primary 00; 97

This book is a captivating account of a professional mathematician's experiences conducting a math circle for preschoolers in his apartment in Moscow in the 1980s. As anyone who has taught or raised young children knows, mathematical education for little kids is a real mystery. What are they capable of? What should they learn first? How hard should they work? Should they even “work” at all? Should we push them, or just let them be? There are no correct answers to these questions, and the author deals with them in classic math-circle style: he doesn't ask and then answer a question, but shows us a problem—be it mathematical or pedagogical—and describes to us what happened. His book is a narrative about what he did, what he tried, what worked, what failed, but most important, what the kids experienced.

This book does not purport to show you how to create precocious high achievers. It is just one person's story about things he tried with a half-dozen young children. Mathematicians, psychologists, educators, parents, and everybody interested in the intellectual development in young children will find this book to be an invaluable, inspiring resource.

In the interest of fostering a greater awareness and appreciation of mathematics and its connections to other disciplines and everyday life, MSRI and the AMS are publishing books in the Mathematical Circles Library series as a service to young people, their parents and teachers, and the mathematics profession.

Titles in this series are co-published with the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute (MSRI).


Parents and teachers interested in working on math with young children.

  • Chapters
  • Title page
  • Contents
  • Foreword to the American edition
  • Introduction
  • The first session: Narrative and reflections
  • The boys’ math circle, year one
  • Children and $(^5_2)$: The story of one problem
  • The boys’ math circle, year two
  • Notation, abstraction, mathematics, and language
  • The boys’ math circle, year three
  • The boys’ math circle, final six months
  • At home and in school
  • The girls’ math circle, year one
  • The girls’ math circle, year two
  • This is not an epilogue
  • Index of math, pedagogy, and psychology
Review Copy – for publishers of book reviews
Accessibility – to request an alternate format of an AMS title
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