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Existence of the Sectional Capacity
Robert Rumely University of Georgia, Athens, GA
Chi Fong Lau DKB Financial Products, Ltd., Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Robert Varley University of Georgia, Athens, GA
Existence of the Sectional Capacity
eBook ISBN:  978-1-4704-0281-5
Product Code:  MEMO/145/690.E
List Price: $53.00
MAA Member Price: $47.70
AMS Member Price: $31.80
Existence of the Sectional Capacity
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Existence of the Sectional Capacity
Robert Rumely University of Georgia, Athens, GA
Chi Fong Lau DKB Financial Products, Ltd., Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Robert Varley University of Georgia, Athens, GA
eBook ISBN:  978-1-4704-0281-5
Product Code:  MEMO/145/690.E
List Price: $53.00
MAA Member Price: $47.70
AMS Member Price: $31.80
  • Book Details
    Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society
    Volume: 1452000; 130 pp
    MSC: Primary 14; 11; Secondary 31

    Let \(K\) be a global field, and let \(X/K\) be an equidimensional, geometrically reduced projective variety. For an ample line bundle \(\overline{\mathcal L}\) on \(X\) with norms \(\|\|_v\) on the spaces of sections \(K_v \otimes_K \Gamma(X,\mathcal{L}^{\otimes n})\), we prove the existence of the sectional capacity \(S_\gamma(\overline{\mathcal L})\), giving content to a theory proposed by Chinburg. In the language of Arakelov Theory, the quantity \(-\log(S_\gamma(\overline{\mathcal L}))\) generalizes the top arithmetic self-intersection number of a metrized line bundle, and the existence of the sectional capacity is equivalent to an arithmetic Hilbert-Samuel Theorem for line bundles with singular metrics.

    In the case where the norms are induced by metrics on the fibres of \({\mathcal L}\), we establish the functoriality of the sectional capacity under base change, pullbacks by finite surjective morphisms, and products. We study the continuity of \(S_\gamma(\overline{\mathcal L})\) under variation of the metric and line bundle, and we apply this to show that the notion of \(v\)-adic sets in \(X(\mathbb C_v)\) of capacity \(0\) is well-defined. Finally, we show that sectional capacities for arbitrary norms can be well-approximated using objects of finite type.


    Graduate students and research mathematicians interested in algebraic geometry.

  • Table of Contents
    • Chapters
    • Introduction
    • 1. The standard hypotheses
    • 2. The definition of the sectional capacity
    • 3. Reductions
    • 4. Existence of the monic basis for very ample line bundles
    • 5. Zaharjuta’s construction
    • 6. Local capacities
    • 7. Existence of the global sectional capacity
    • 8. A positivity criterion
    • 9. Base change
    • 10. Pullbacks
    • 11. Products
    • 12. Continuity, Part I
    • 13. Continuity, Part II
    • 14. Local capacities of sets
    • 15. Approximation theorems
  • Requests
    Review Copy – for publishers of book reviews
    Permission – for use of book, eBook, or Journal content
    Accessibility – to request an alternate format of an AMS title
Volume: 1452000; 130 pp
MSC: Primary 14; 11; Secondary 31

Let \(K\) be a global field, and let \(X/K\) be an equidimensional, geometrically reduced projective variety. For an ample line bundle \(\overline{\mathcal L}\) on \(X\) with norms \(\|\|_v\) on the spaces of sections \(K_v \otimes_K \Gamma(X,\mathcal{L}^{\otimes n})\), we prove the existence of the sectional capacity \(S_\gamma(\overline{\mathcal L})\), giving content to a theory proposed by Chinburg. In the language of Arakelov Theory, the quantity \(-\log(S_\gamma(\overline{\mathcal L}))\) generalizes the top arithmetic self-intersection number of a metrized line bundle, and the existence of the sectional capacity is equivalent to an arithmetic Hilbert-Samuel Theorem for line bundles with singular metrics.

In the case where the norms are induced by metrics on the fibres of \({\mathcal L}\), we establish the functoriality of the sectional capacity under base change, pullbacks by finite surjective morphisms, and products. We study the continuity of \(S_\gamma(\overline{\mathcal L})\) under variation of the metric and line bundle, and we apply this to show that the notion of \(v\)-adic sets in \(X(\mathbb C_v)\) of capacity \(0\) is well-defined. Finally, we show that sectional capacities for arbitrary norms can be well-approximated using objects of finite type.


Graduate students and research mathematicians interested in algebraic geometry.

  • Chapters
  • Introduction
  • 1. The standard hypotheses
  • 2. The definition of the sectional capacity
  • 3. Reductions
  • 4. Existence of the monic basis for very ample line bundles
  • 5. Zaharjuta’s construction
  • 6. Local capacities
  • 7. Existence of the global sectional capacity
  • 8. A positivity criterion
  • 9. Base change
  • 10. Pullbacks
  • 11. Products
  • 12. Continuity, Part I
  • 13. Continuity, Part II
  • 14. Local capacities of sets
  • 15. Approximation theorems
Review Copy – for publishers of book reviews
Permission – for use of book, eBook, or Journal content
Accessibility – to request an alternate format of an AMS title
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