eBook ISBN: | 978-1-4704-0420-8 |
Product Code: | MEMO/173/819.E |
List Price: | $66.00 |
MAA Member Price: | $59.40 |
AMS Member Price: | $39.60 |

eBook ISBN: | 978-1-4704-0420-8 |
Product Code: | MEMO/173/819.E |
List Price: | $66.00 |
MAA Member Price: | $59.40 |
AMS Member Price: | $39.60 |
Book DetailsMemoirs of the American Mathematical SocietyVolume: 173; 2005; 100 ppMSC: Primary 11; 14
We study Hilbert modular forms in characteristic \(p\) and over \(p\)-adic rings. In the characteristic \(p\) theory we describe the kernel and image of the \(q\)-expansion map and prove the existence of filtration for Hilbert modular forms; we define operators \(U\), \(V\) and \(\Theta_\chi\) and study the variation of the filtration under these operators. Our methods are geometric – comparing holomorphic Hilbert modular forms with rational functions on a moduli scheme with level-\(p\) structure, whose poles are supported on the non-ordinary locus.
In the \(p\)-adic theory we study congruences between Hilbert modular forms. This applies to the study of congruences between special values of zeta functions of totally real fields. It also allows us to define \(p\)-adic Hilbert modular forms “à la Serre” as \(p\)-adic uniform limit of classical modular forms, and compare them with \(p\)-adic modular forms “à la Katz” that are regular functions on a certain formal moduli scheme. We show that the two notions agree for cusp forms and for a suitable class of weights containing all the classical ones. We extend the operators \(V\) and \(\Theta_\chi\) to the \(p\)-adic setting.
ReadershipGraduate students and research mathematicians interested in number theory.
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. Notations
3. Moduli spaces of abelian varieties with real multiplication
4. Properties of $\mathcal {G}$
5. Hilbert modular forms
6. The $q$-expansion map
7. The partial Hasse invariants
8. Reduceness of the partial Hasse invariants
9. A compactification of $\mathfrak {M}(k, \mu _{pN})^{Kum}$
10. Congruences mod $p^n$ and Serre’s $p$-adic modular forms
11. Katz’s $p$-adic Hilbert modular forms
12. The operators $\Theta _{\mathfrak {P},i}$
13. The operator $V$
14. The operator $U$
15. Applications to filtrations of modular forms
16. Theta cycles and parallel filtration (inert case)
17. Functorialities
18. Integrality and congruences for values of zeta functions
19. Numerical examples
20. Comments regarding values of zeta functions
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We study Hilbert modular forms in characteristic \(p\) and over \(p\)-adic rings. In the characteristic \(p\) theory we describe the kernel and image of the \(q\)-expansion map and prove the existence of filtration for Hilbert modular forms; we define operators \(U\), \(V\) and \(\Theta_\chi\) and study the variation of the filtration under these operators. Our methods are geometric – comparing holomorphic Hilbert modular forms with rational functions on a moduli scheme with level-\(p\) structure, whose poles are supported on the non-ordinary locus.
In the \(p\)-adic theory we study congruences between Hilbert modular forms. This applies to the study of congruences between special values of zeta functions of totally real fields. It also allows us to define \(p\)-adic Hilbert modular forms “à la Serre” as \(p\)-adic uniform limit of classical modular forms, and compare them with \(p\)-adic modular forms “à la Katz” that are regular functions on a certain formal moduli scheme. We show that the two notions agree for cusp forms and for a suitable class of weights containing all the classical ones. We extend the operators \(V\) and \(\Theta_\chi\) to the \(p\)-adic setting.
Graduate students and research mathematicians interested in number theory.
1. Introduction
2. Notations
3. Moduli spaces of abelian varieties with real multiplication
4. Properties of $\mathcal {G}$
5. Hilbert modular forms
6. The $q$-expansion map
7. The partial Hasse invariants
8. Reduceness of the partial Hasse invariants
9. A compactification of $\mathfrak {M}(k, \mu _{pN})^{Kum}$
10. Congruences mod $p^n$ and Serre’s $p$-adic modular forms
11. Katz’s $p$-adic Hilbert modular forms
12. The operators $\Theta _{\mathfrak {P},i}$
13. The operator $V$
14. The operator $U$
15. Applications to filtrations of modular forms
16. Theta cycles and parallel filtration (inert case)
17. Functorialities
18. Integrality and congruences for values of zeta functions
19. Numerical examples
20. Comments regarding values of zeta functions