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Galois Extensions of Structured Ring Spectra/Stably Dualizable Groups
John Rognes University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway
Galois Extensions of Structured Ring Spectra/Stably Dualizable Groups
eBook ISBN:  978-1-4704-0504-5
Product Code:  MEMO/192/898.E
List Price: $73.00
MAA Member Price: $65.70
AMS Member Price: $43.80
Galois Extensions of Structured Ring Spectra/Stably Dualizable Groups
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Galois Extensions of Structured Ring Spectra/Stably Dualizable Groups
John Rognes University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway
eBook ISBN:  978-1-4704-0504-5
Product Code:  MEMO/192/898.E
List Price: $73.00
MAA Member Price: $65.70
AMS Member Price: $43.80
  • Book Details
    Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society
    Volume: 1922008; 137 pp
    MSC: Primary 55; 57

    The author introduces the notion of a Galois extension of commutative \(S\)-algebras (\(E_\infty\) ring spectra), often localized with respect to a fixed homology theory. There are numerous examples, including some involving Eilenberg–Mac Lane spectra of commutative rings, real and complex topological \(K\)-theory, Lubin–Tate spectra and cochain \(S\)-algebras. He establishes the main theorem of Galois theory in this generality. Its proof involves the notions of separable and étale extensions of commutative \(S\)-algebras, and the Goerss–Hopkins–Miller theory for \(E_\infty\) mapping spaces. He shows that the global sphere spectrum \(S\) is separably closed, using Minkowski's discriminant theorem, and he estimates the separable closure of its localization with respect to each of the Morava \(K\)-theories. He also defines Hopf–Galois extensions of commutative \(S\)-algebras and studies the complex cobordism spectrum \(MU\) as a common integral model for all of the local Lubin–Tate Galois extensions.

    The author extends the duality theory for topological groups from the classical theory for compact Lie groups, via the topological study by J. R. Klein and the \(p\)-complete study for \(p\)-compact groups by T. Bauer, to a general duality theory for stably dualizable groups in the \(E\)-local stable homotopy category, for any spectrum \(E\).

  • Table of Contents
    • Chapters
    • Galois extensions of structured ring spectra
    • 1. Introduction
    • 2. Galois extensions in algebra
    • 3. Closed categories of structured module spectra
    • 4. Galois extensions in topology
    • 5. Examples of Galois extensions
    • 6. Dualizability and alternate characterizations
    • 7. Galois theory I
    • 8. Pro-Galois extensions and the Amitsur complex
    • 9. Separable and étale extensions
    • 10. Mapping spaces of commutative $S$-algebras
    • 11. Galois theory II
    • 12. Hopf–Galois extensions in topology
    • Stably dualizable groups
    • 1. Introduction
    • 2. The dualizing spectrum
    • 3. Duality theory
    • 4. Computations
    • 5. Norm and transfer maps
  • Requests
    Review Copy – for publishers of book reviews
    Permission – for use of book, eBook, or Journal content
    Accessibility – to request an alternate format of an AMS title
Volume: 1922008; 137 pp
MSC: Primary 55; 57

The author introduces the notion of a Galois extension of commutative \(S\)-algebras (\(E_\infty\) ring spectra), often localized with respect to a fixed homology theory. There are numerous examples, including some involving Eilenberg–Mac Lane spectra of commutative rings, real and complex topological \(K\)-theory, Lubin–Tate spectra and cochain \(S\)-algebras. He establishes the main theorem of Galois theory in this generality. Its proof involves the notions of separable and étale extensions of commutative \(S\)-algebras, and the Goerss–Hopkins–Miller theory for \(E_\infty\) mapping spaces. He shows that the global sphere spectrum \(S\) is separably closed, using Minkowski's discriminant theorem, and he estimates the separable closure of its localization with respect to each of the Morava \(K\)-theories. He also defines Hopf–Galois extensions of commutative \(S\)-algebras and studies the complex cobordism spectrum \(MU\) as a common integral model for all of the local Lubin–Tate Galois extensions.

The author extends the duality theory for topological groups from the classical theory for compact Lie groups, via the topological study by J. R. Klein and the \(p\)-complete study for \(p\)-compact groups by T. Bauer, to a general duality theory for stably dualizable groups in the \(E\)-local stable homotopy category, for any spectrum \(E\).

  • Chapters
  • Galois extensions of structured ring spectra
  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Galois extensions in algebra
  • 3. Closed categories of structured module spectra
  • 4. Galois extensions in topology
  • 5. Examples of Galois extensions
  • 6. Dualizability and alternate characterizations
  • 7. Galois theory I
  • 8. Pro-Galois extensions and the Amitsur complex
  • 9. Separable and étale extensions
  • 10. Mapping spaces of commutative $S$-algebras
  • 11. Galois theory II
  • 12. Hopf–Galois extensions in topology
  • Stably dualizable groups
  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. The dualizing spectrum
  • 3. Duality theory
  • 4. Computations
  • 5. Norm and transfer maps
Review Copy – for publishers of book reviews
Permission – for use of book, eBook, or Journal content
Accessibility – to request an alternate format of an AMS title
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