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Moduli of Riemann Surfaces, Real Algebraic Curves, and Their Superanalogs
S. M. Natanzon Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia and Independent University of Moscow, Moscow, Russia
Moduli of Riemann Surfaces, Real Algebraic Curves, and Their Superanalogs
Hardcover ISBN:  978-0-8218-3594-4
Product Code:  MMONO/225
List Price: $165.00
MAA Member Price: $148.50
AMS Member Price: $132.00
eBook ISBN:  978-1-4704-4649-9
Product Code:  MMONO/225.E
List Price: $155.00
MAA Member Price: $139.50
AMS Member Price: $124.00
Hardcover ISBN:  978-0-8218-3594-4
eBook: ISBN:  978-1-4704-4649-9
Product Code:  MMONO/225.B
List Price: $320.00 $242.50
MAA Member Price: $288.00 $218.25
AMS Member Price: $256.00 $194.00
Moduli of Riemann Surfaces, Real Algebraic Curves, and Their Superanalogs
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Moduli of Riemann Surfaces, Real Algebraic Curves, and Their Superanalogs
S. M. Natanzon Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia and Independent University of Moscow, Moscow, Russia
Hardcover ISBN:  978-0-8218-3594-4
Product Code:  MMONO/225
List Price: $165.00
MAA Member Price: $148.50
AMS Member Price: $132.00
eBook ISBN:  978-1-4704-4649-9
Product Code:  MMONO/225.E
List Price: $155.00
MAA Member Price: $139.50
AMS Member Price: $124.00
Hardcover ISBN:  978-0-8218-3594-4
eBook ISBN:  978-1-4704-4649-9
Product Code:  MMONO/225.B
List Price: $320.00 $242.50
MAA Member Price: $288.00 $218.25
AMS Member Price: $256.00 $194.00
  • Book Details
    Translations of Mathematical Monographs
    Volume: 2252004; 160 pp
    MSC: Primary 14; 32; Secondary 30; 57

    The space of all Riemann surfaces (the so-called moduli space) plays an important role in algebraic geometry and its applications to quantum field theory. The present book is devoted to the study of topological properties of this space and of similar moduli spaces, such as the space of real algebraic curves, the space of mappings, and also superanalogs of all these spaces.

    The book can be used by researchers and graduate students working in algebraic geometry, topology, and mathematical physics.


    Graduate students and research mathematicians interested in algebraic geometry and its applications to mathematical physics.

  • Table of Contents
    • Chapters
    • Introduction
    • Moduli of Riemann surfaces, Hurwitz type spaces and their superanalogs
    • Moduli of real algebraic curves and their superanalogs. Differentials, spinors, and Jacobians of real curves
    • Spaces of meromorphic functions on complex and real algebraic curves
  • Reviews
    • This monograph presents a detailed and mainly self-contained exposition ... may serve as a source for special courses on the subject.

      Zentralblatt MATH
  • Requests
    Review Copy – for publishers of book reviews
    Permission – for use of book, eBook, or Journal content
    Accessibility – to request an alternate format of an AMS title
Volume: 2252004; 160 pp
MSC: Primary 14; 32; Secondary 30; 57

The space of all Riemann surfaces (the so-called moduli space) plays an important role in algebraic geometry and its applications to quantum field theory. The present book is devoted to the study of topological properties of this space and of similar moduli spaces, such as the space of real algebraic curves, the space of mappings, and also superanalogs of all these spaces.

The book can be used by researchers and graduate students working in algebraic geometry, topology, and mathematical physics.


Graduate students and research mathematicians interested in algebraic geometry and its applications to mathematical physics.

  • Chapters
  • Introduction
  • Moduli of Riemann surfaces, Hurwitz type spaces and their superanalogs
  • Moduli of real algebraic curves and their superanalogs. Differentials, spinors, and Jacobians of real curves
  • Spaces of meromorphic functions on complex and real algebraic curves
  • This monograph presents a detailed and mainly self-contained exposition ... may serve as a source for special courses on the subject.

    Zentralblatt MATH
Review Copy – for publishers of book reviews
Permission – for use of book, eBook, or Journal content
Accessibility – to request an alternate format of an AMS title
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