Hardcover ISBN: | 978-0-8218-4730-5 |
Product Code: | PSAPM/67.2 |
List Price: | $129.00 |
MAA Member Price: | $116.10 |
AMS Member Price: | $103.20 |
eBook ISBN: | 978-0-8218-9283-1 |
Product Code: | PSAPM/67.2.E |
List Price: | $125.00 |
MAA Member Price: | $112.50 |
AMS Member Price: | $100.00 |
Hardcover ISBN: | 978-0-8218-4730-5 |
eBook: ISBN: | 978-0-8218-9283-1 |
Product Code: | PSAPM/67.2.B |
List Price: | $254.00 $191.50 |
MAA Member Price: | $228.60 $172.35 |
AMS Member Price: | $203.20 $153.20 |

Hardcover ISBN: | 978-0-8218-4730-5 |
Product Code: | PSAPM/67.2 |
List Price: | $129.00 |
MAA Member Price: | $116.10 |
AMS Member Price: | $103.20 |
eBook ISBN: | 978-0-8218-9283-1 |
Product Code: | PSAPM/67.2.E |
List Price: | $125.00 |
MAA Member Price: | $112.50 |
AMS Member Price: | $100.00 |
Hardcover ISBN: | 978-0-8218-4730-5 |
eBook ISBN: | 978-0-8218-9283-1 |
Product Code: | PSAPM/67.2.B |
List Price: | $254.00 $191.50 |
MAA Member Price: | $228.60 $172.35 |
AMS Member Price: | $203.20 $153.20 |
Book DetailsProceedings of Symposia in Applied MathematicsVolume: 67; 2009; 999 ppMSC: Primary 35; 65; 74
The International Conference on Hyperbolic Problems: Theory, Numerics and Applications, “HYP2008”, was held at the University of Maryland from June 9–13, 2008. This was the twelfth meeting in the bi-annual international series of HYP conferences which originated in 1986 at Saint-Etienne, France, and over the last twenty years has become one of the highest quality and most successful conference series in Applied Mathematics.
This book, the second in a two-part volume, contains more than sixty articles based on contributed talks given at the conference. The articles are written by leading researchers as well as promising young scientists and cover a diverse range of multi-disciplinary topics addressing theoretical, modeling and computational issues arising under the umbrella of “hyperbolic PDEs”.
This volume will bring readers to the forefront of research in this most active and important area in applied mathematics.
ReadershipGraduate students and research mathematicians interested in theory and applications of hyperbolic partial differential equations.
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Table of Contents
Part 2: Contributed talks
Giovanni Alberti, Stefano Bianchini and Gianluca Crippa — Two-dimensional transport equation with Hamiltonian vector fields [ MR 2605229 ]
Amaury C. Alvarez, Gustavo Hime and Dan Marchesin — Analytic regularization of an inverse problem for a system of conservation laws [ MR 2605230 ]
Paolo Antonelli and Pierangelo Marcati — On the finite weak solutions to a system in quantum fluid dynamics [ MR 2605231 ]
Kondo C. Assi and Marc Laforest — Accuracy of modeling error estimates for discrete velocity models [ MR 2605232 ]
Arthur V. Azevedo, Aparecido J. de Souza, Frederico Furtado and Dan Marchesin — The Riemann solution for three-phase flow in a porous medium [ MR 2605233 ]
Jorge Balbás and Xin Qian — Non-oscillatory central schemes for 3D hyperbolic conservation laws [ MR 2605234 ]
Joachim Benz, Andreas Meister and Philipp Andrea Zardo — A conservative, positivity preserving scheme for advection-diffusion-reaction equations in biochemical applications [ MR 2605235 ]
Stefan Berres and Tatiana Voitovich — On the spectrum of a rank two modification of a diagonal matrix for linearized fluxes modelling polydisperse sedimentation [ MR 2605236 ]
Stefano Bianchini and Laura V. Spinolo — Invariant manifolds for viscous profiles of a class of mixed hyperbolic-parabolic systems [ MR 2605237 ]
Philipp Birken and Antony Jameson — Nonlinear iterative solvers for unsteady Navier-Stokes equations [ MR 2605238 ]
François Bouchut, Christian Klingenberg and Knut Waagan — An approximate Riemann solver for ideal MHD based on relaxation [ MR 2605239 ]
Raimund Bürger, Aníbal Coronel and Mauricio Sepúlveda — Numerical solution of an inverse problem for a scalar conservation law modelling sedimentation [ MR 2605240 ]
Raimund Bürger, Kenneth H. Karlsen and John D. Towers — A conservation law with discontinuous flux modelling traffic flow with abruptly changing road surface conditions [ MR 2605241 ]
Manuel J. Castro, Philippe G. LeFloch, María Luz Muñoz-Ruiz and Carlos Parés — Numerical investigation of finite difference schemes for nonconservative hyperbolic systems [ MR 2605242 ]
Fausto Cavalli, Giovanni Naldi, Gabriella Puppo and Matteo Semplice — Relaxed schemes for nonlinear evolutionary PDEs [ MR 2605243 ]
Gregory Chapiro, Gustavo Hime, Alexei A. Mailybaev, Dan Marchesin and Aparecido J. de Souza — Global asymptotic effects of the structure of combustion waves in porous media [ MR 2605244 ]
Bin Cheng — Multiscale dynamics of 2D rotational compressible Euler equations—an analytical approach [ MR 2605245 ]
Ivan Christov, Ilya D. Mishev and Bojan Popov — Finite volume methods on unstructured Voronoi meshes for hyperbolic conservation laws [ MR 2605246 ]
Rinaldo M. Colombo, Giancarlo Facchi, Giulio Maternini and Massimiliano D. Rosini — On the continuum modeling of crowds [ MR 2605247 ]
Rinaldo M. Colombo and Graziano Guerra — Balance laws as quasidifferential equations in metric spaces [ MR 2605248 ]
Olivier Delestre, Stéphane Cordier, François James and Frédéric Darboux — Simulation of rain-water overland-flow [ MR 2605249 ]
Carlotta Donadello — On the vanishing viscosity approximation in the vectorial case [ MR 2605250 ]
Volker Elling — Counterexamples to the sonic and detachment criteria [ MR 2605251 ]
Jörn Thies Frings and Sebastian Noelle — Well-balanced high order scheme for 2-layer shallow water flows [ MR 2605252 ]
Franz G. Fuchs, Andrew D. McMurry and Siddhartha Mishra — High-order finite volume schemes for wave propagation in stratified atmospheres [ MR 2605253 ]
José M. Gallardo, Manuel J. Castro and Carlos Parés — High-order finite volume schemes for shallow water equations with topography and dry areas [ MR 2605254 ]
Mauro Garavello and Benedetto Piccoli — Riemann solvers for conservation laws at a node [ MR 2605255 ]
Bernard Haasdonk and Mario Ohlberger — Reduced basis method for explicit finite volume approximations of nonlinear conservation laws [ MR 2605256 ]
Jenny Haink — Error estimate for the local discontinuous Galerkin scheme of a diffusive-dispersive equation with convolution [ MR 2605257 ]
Boris Haspot — Cauchy problem for capillarity Van der Vaals model [ MR 2605258 ]
Harumi Hattori — Viscous conservation laws with discontinuous initial data [ MR 2605259 ]
Gustavo Hime and Vítor Matos — Parallel computation of large amplitude shocks for a system of conservation laws with small data [ MR 2605260 ]
Helge Holden, Nils Henrik Risebro and Hilde Sande — Convergence of front tracking and the Glimm scheme for a model of the flow of immiscible gases [ MR 2605261 ]
Xianpeng Hu and Dehua Wang — Global existence and incompressible limit of weak solutions to the multi-dimensional compressible magnetohydrodynamics [ MR 2605262 ]
Helge Kristian Jenssen and Irina A. Kogan — Construction of conservative systems [ MR 2605263 ]
Evan A. Johnson and James A. Rossmanith — Collisionless magnetic reconnection in a five-moment two-fluid electron-positron plasma [ MR 2605264 ]
Mouhamad Jradeh — Finite difference scheme for a nonlinear damped wave equation derived from brain modulation [ MR 2605265 ]
Kenneth H. Karlsen and Trygve K. Karper — Convergent finite element methods for compressible barotropic Stokes systems [ MR 2605266 ]
Smadar Karni and Gerardo Hernández-Dueñas — A hybrid scheme for flows in porous media [ MR 2605267 ]
Friedemann Kemm — Discrete involutions, resonance, and the divergence problem in MHD [ MR 2605268 ]
Jihwan Kim and Randall J. LeVeque — Two-layer shallow water system and its applications [ MR 2605269 ]
Wanderson J. Lambert and Dan Marchesin — Asymptotic rarefaction waves for balance laws with stiff sources [ MR 2605270 ]
Richard Liska, Raphaël Loubère, Pierre-Henri Maire, Jérôme Breil, Stéphane Galera and Pavel Váchal — Comparison of staggered and cell-centered Lagrangian and ALE hydrodynamical methods [ MR 2605271 ]
Mária Lukáčová-Medviďová and Eitan Tadmor — On the entropy stability of Roe-type finite volume methods [ MR 2605272 ]
Aziz Madrane and Eitan Tadmor — Entropy stability of Roe-type upwind finite volume methods on unstructured grids [ MR 2605273 ]
Fabien Marche and Christophe Berthon — A robust high order VFRoe scheme for shallow water equations [ MR 2605274 ]
Siddhartha Mishra and Eitan Tadmor — Vorticity preserving schemes using potential-based fluxes for the system wave equation [ MR 2605275 ]
Tohru Nakamura and Shinya Nishibata — Half space problem for the compressible Navier-Stokes equation [ MR 2605276 ]
Martin Nolte and Dietmar Kröner — Computing the effective Hamiltonian for a time-dependent Hamiltonian [ MR 2605277 ]
Ronghua Pan and Kun Zhao — Initial boundary value problems for compressible Euler equations with damping [ MR 2605278 ]
Marica Pelanti and François Bouchut — A relaxation method for modeling two-phase shallow granular flows [ MR 2605279 ]
Yue-Jun Peng and Jérémy Ruiz — Riemann problem for Born-Infeld systems [ MR 2605280 ]
Ellen Peterson, Michael Shearer, Thomas P. Witelski and Rachel Levy — Stability of traveling waves in thin liquid films driven by gravity and surfactant [ MR 2605281 ]
Mikhail V. Popov and Sergey D. Ustyugov — Piecewise parabolic method on a local stencil for hyperbolic conservation laws [ MR 2605282 ]
Xin Qian, Jorge Balbás, Amitava Bhattacharjee and Hongang Yang — A numerical study of magnetic reconnection: a central scheme for Hall MHD [ MR 2605283 ]
Mario Ricchiuto and Andreas Bollermann — Accuracy of stabilized residual distribution for shallow water flows including dry beds [ MR 2605284 ]
Olivier Rouch and Paul Arminjon — Using the entropy production rate to enhance artificial compression [ MR 2605285 ]
Olga Rozanova — Blow up of smooth solutions to the barotropic compressible magnetohydrodynamic equations with finite mass and energy [ MR 2605286 ]
Giovanni Russo and Alexander Khe — High order well balanced schemes for systems of balance laws [ MR 2605287 ]
Vladimir M. Shelkovich — Transport of mass, momentum and energy in zero-pressure gas dynamics [ MR 2605288 ]
Wen Shen — On a model of granular flow [ MR 2605289 ]
Keh-Ming Shyue — A simple unified coordinates method for compressible homogeneous two-phase flows [ MR 2605290 ]
Dmitry L. Tkachev and Aleksander M. Blokhin — Courant-Friedrich’s hypothesis and stability of the weak shock [ MR 2605291 ]
Rony Touma — Unstaggered central schemes for MHD and SMHD [ MR 2605292 ]
Yoshihiro Ueda, Tohru Nakamura and Shuichi Kawashima — Stability of planar stationary wave for damped wave equation with nonlinear convection in half space [ MR 2605293 ]
Daniel Wright, Martin Frank and Axel Klar — The minimum entropy approximation to the radiative transfer equation [ MR 2605294 ]
Additional Material
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The International Conference on Hyperbolic Problems: Theory, Numerics and Applications, “HYP2008”, was held at the University of Maryland from June 9–13, 2008. This was the twelfth meeting in the bi-annual international series of HYP conferences which originated in 1986 at Saint-Etienne, France, and over the last twenty years has become one of the highest quality and most successful conference series in Applied Mathematics.
This book, the second in a two-part volume, contains more than sixty articles based on contributed talks given at the conference. The articles are written by leading researchers as well as promising young scientists and cover a diverse range of multi-disciplinary topics addressing theoretical, modeling and computational issues arising under the umbrella of “hyperbolic PDEs”.
This volume will bring readers to the forefront of research in this most active and important area in applied mathematics.
Graduate students and research mathematicians interested in theory and applications of hyperbolic partial differential equations.
Part 2: Contributed talks
Giovanni Alberti, Stefano Bianchini and Gianluca Crippa — Two-dimensional transport equation with Hamiltonian vector fields [ MR 2605229 ]
Amaury C. Alvarez, Gustavo Hime and Dan Marchesin — Analytic regularization of an inverse problem for a system of conservation laws [ MR 2605230 ]
Paolo Antonelli and Pierangelo Marcati — On the finite weak solutions to a system in quantum fluid dynamics [ MR 2605231 ]
Kondo C. Assi and Marc Laforest — Accuracy of modeling error estimates for discrete velocity models [ MR 2605232 ]
Arthur V. Azevedo, Aparecido J. de Souza, Frederico Furtado and Dan Marchesin — The Riemann solution for three-phase flow in a porous medium [ MR 2605233 ]
Jorge Balbás and Xin Qian — Non-oscillatory central schemes for 3D hyperbolic conservation laws [ MR 2605234 ]
Joachim Benz, Andreas Meister and Philipp Andrea Zardo — A conservative, positivity preserving scheme for advection-diffusion-reaction equations in biochemical applications [ MR 2605235 ]
Stefan Berres and Tatiana Voitovich — On the spectrum of a rank two modification of a diagonal matrix for linearized fluxes modelling polydisperse sedimentation [ MR 2605236 ]
Stefano Bianchini and Laura V. Spinolo — Invariant manifolds for viscous profiles of a class of mixed hyperbolic-parabolic systems [ MR 2605237 ]
Philipp Birken and Antony Jameson — Nonlinear iterative solvers for unsteady Navier-Stokes equations [ MR 2605238 ]
François Bouchut, Christian Klingenberg and Knut Waagan — An approximate Riemann solver for ideal MHD based on relaxation [ MR 2605239 ]
Raimund Bürger, Aníbal Coronel and Mauricio Sepúlveda — Numerical solution of an inverse problem for a scalar conservation law modelling sedimentation [ MR 2605240 ]
Raimund Bürger, Kenneth H. Karlsen and John D. Towers — A conservation law with discontinuous flux modelling traffic flow with abruptly changing road surface conditions [ MR 2605241 ]
Manuel J. Castro, Philippe G. LeFloch, María Luz Muñoz-Ruiz and Carlos Parés — Numerical investigation of finite difference schemes for nonconservative hyperbolic systems [ MR 2605242 ]
Fausto Cavalli, Giovanni Naldi, Gabriella Puppo and Matteo Semplice — Relaxed schemes for nonlinear evolutionary PDEs [ MR 2605243 ]
Gregory Chapiro, Gustavo Hime, Alexei A. Mailybaev, Dan Marchesin and Aparecido J. de Souza — Global asymptotic effects of the structure of combustion waves in porous media [ MR 2605244 ]
Bin Cheng — Multiscale dynamics of 2D rotational compressible Euler equations—an analytical approach [ MR 2605245 ]
Ivan Christov, Ilya D. Mishev and Bojan Popov — Finite volume methods on unstructured Voronoi meshes for hyperbolic conservation laws [ MR 2605246 ]
Rinaldo M. Colombo, Giancarlo Facchi, Giulio Maternini and Massimiliano D. Rosini — On the continuum modeling of crowds [ MR 2605247 ]
Rinaldo M. Colombo and Graziano Guerra — Balance laws as quasidifferential equations in metric spaces [ MR 2605248 ]
Olivier Delestre, Stéphane Cordier, François James and Frédéric Darboux — Simulation of rain-water overland-flow [ MR 2605249 ]
Carlotta Donadello — On the vanishing viscosity approximation in the vectorial case [ MR 2605250 ]
Volker Elling — Counterexamples to the sonic and detachment criteria [ MR 2605251 ]
Jörn Thies Frings and Sebastian Noelle — Well-balanced high order scheme for 2-layer shallow water flows [ MR 2605252 ]
Franz G. Fuchs, Andrew D. McMurry and Siddhartha Mishra — High-order finite volume schemes for wave propagation in stratified atmospheres [ MR 2605253 ]
José M. Gallardo, Manuel J. Castro and Carlos Parés — High-order finite volume schemes for shallow water equations with topography and dry areas [ MR 2605254 ]
Mauro Garavello and Benedetto Piccoli — Riemann solvers for conservation laws at a node [ MR 2605255 ]
Bernard Haasdonk and Mario Ohlberger — Reduced basis method for explicit finite volume approximations of nonlinear conservation laws [ MR 2605256 ]
Jenny Haink — Error estimate for the local discontinuous Galerkin scheme of a diffusive-dispersive equation with convolution [ MR 2605257 ]
Boris Haspot — Cauchy problem for capillarity Van der Vaals model [ MR 2605258 ]
Harumi Hattori — Viscous conservation laws with discontinuous initial data [ MR 2605259 ]
Gustavo Hime and Vítor Matos — Parallel computation of large amplitude shocks for a system of conservation laws with small data [ MR 2605260 ]
Helge Holden, Nils Henrik Risebro and Hilde Sande — Convergence of front tracking and the Glimm scheme for a model of the flow of immiscible gases [ MR 2605261 ]
Xianpeng Hu and Dehua Wang — Global existence and incompressible limit of weak solutions to the multi-dimensional compressible magnetohydrodynamics [ MR 2605262 ]
Helge Kristian Jenssen and Irina A. Kogan — Construction of conservative systems [ MR 2605263 ]
Evan A. Johnson and James A. Rossmanith — Collisionless magnetic reconnection in a five-moment two-fluid electron-positron plasma [ MR 2605264 ]
Mouhamad Jradeh — Finite difference scheme for a nonlinear damped wave equation derived from brain modulation [ MR 2605265 ]
Kenneth H. Karlsen and Trygve K. Karper — Convergent finite element methods for compressible barotropic Stokes systems [ MR 2605266 ]
Smadar Karni and Gerardo Hernández-Dueñas — A hybrid scheme for flows in porous media [ MR 2605267 ]
Friedemann Kemm — Discrete involutions, resonance, and the divergence problem in MHD [ MR 2605268 ]
Jihwan Kim and Randall J. LeVeque — Two-layer shallow water system and its applications [ MR 2605269 ]
Wanderson J. Lambert and Dan Marchesin — Asymptotic rarefaction waves for balance laws with stiff sources [ MR 2605270 ]
Richard Liska, Raphaël Loubère, Pierre-Henri Maire, Jérôme Breil, Stéphane Galera and Pavel Váchal — Comparison of staggered and cell-centered Lagrangian and ALE hydrodynamical methods [ MR 2605271 ]
Mária Lukáčová-Medviďová and Eitan Tadmor — On the entropy stability of Roe-type finite volume methods [ MR 2605272 ]
Aziz Madrane and Eitan Tadmor — Entropy stability of Roe-type upwind finite volume methods on unstructured grids [ MR 2605273 ]
Fabien Marche and Christophe Berthon — A robust high order VFRoe scheme for shallow water equations [ MR 2605274 ]
Siddhartha Mishra and Eitan Tadmor — Vorticity preserving schemes using potential-based fluxes for the system wave equation [ MR 2605275 ]
Tohru Nakamura and Shinya Nishibata — Half space problem for the compressible Navier-Stokes equation [ MR 2605276 ]
Martin Nolte and Dietmar Kröner — Computing the effective Hamiltonian for a time-dependent Hamiltonian [ MR 2605277 ]
Ronghua Pan and Kun Zhao — Initial boundary value problems for compressible Euler equations with damping [ MR 2605278 ]
Marica Pelanti and François Bouchut — A relaxation method for modeling two-phase shallow granular flows [ MR 2605279 ]
Yue-Jun Peng and Jérémy Ruiz — Riemann problem for Born-Infeld systems [ MR 2605280 ]
Ellen Peterson, Michael Shearer, Thomas P. Witelski and Rachel Levy — Stability of traveling waves in thin liquid films driven by gravity and surfactant [ MR 2605281 ]
Mikhail V. Popov and Sergey D. Ustyugov — Piecewise parabolic method on a local stencil for hyperbolic conservation laws [ MR 2605282 ]
Xin Qian, Jorge Balbás, Amitava Bhattacharjee and Hongang Yang — A numerical study of magnetic reconnection: a central scheme for Hall MHD [ MR 2605283 ]
Mario Ricchiuto and Andreas Bollermann — Accuracy of stabilized residual distribution for shallow water flows including dry beds [ MR 2605284 ]
Olivier Rouch and Paul Arminjon — Using the entropy production rate to enhance artificial compression [ MR 2605285 ]
Olga Rozanova — Blow up of smooth solutions to the barotropic compressible magnetohydrodynamic equations with finite mass and energy [ MR 2605286 ]
Giovanni Russo and Alexander Khe — High order well balanced schemes for systems of balance laws [ MR 2605287 ]
Vladimir M. Shelkovich — Transport of mass, momentum and energy in zero-pressure gas dynamics [ MR 2605288 ]
Wen Shen — On a model of granular flow [ MR 2605289 ]
Keh-Ming Shyue — A simple unified coordinates method for compressible homogeneous two-phase flows [ MR 2605290 ]
Dmitry L. Tkachev and Aleksander M. Blokhin — Courant-Friedrich’s hypothesis and stability of the weak shock [ MR 2605291 ]
Rony Touma — Unstaggered central schemes for MHD and SMHD [ MR 2605292 ]
Yoshihiro Ueda, Tohru Nakamura and Shuichi Kawashima — Stability of planar stationary wave for damped wave equation with nonlinear convection in half space [ MR 2605293 ]
Daniel Wright, Martin Frank and Axel Klar — The minimum entropy approximation to the radiative transfer equation [ MR 2605294 ]