Hardcover ISBN: | 978-0-8218-7295-6 |
Product Code: | PSPUM/85 |
List Price: | $139.00 |
MAA Member Price: | $125.10 |
AMS Member Price: | $111.20 |
eBook ISBN: | 978-0-8218-9391-3 |
Product Code: | PSPUM/85.E |
List Price: | $135.00 |
MAA Member Price: | $121.50 |
AMS Member Price: | $108.00 |
Hardcover ISBN: | 978-0-8218-7295-6 |
eBook: ISBN: | 978-0-8218-9391-3 |
Product Code: | PSPUM/85.B |
List Price: | $274.00 $206.50 |
MAA Member Price: | $246.60 $185.85 |
AMS Member Price: | $219.20 $165.20 |

Hardcover ISBN: | 978-0-8218-7295-6 |
Product Code: | PSPUM/85 |
List Price: | $139.00 |
MAA Member Price: | $125.10 |
AMS Member Price: | $111.20 |
eBook ISBN: | 978-0-8218-9391-3 |
Product Code: | PSPUM/85.E |
List Price: | $135.00 |
MAA Member Price: | $121.50 |
AMS Member Price: | $108.00 |
Hardcover ISBN: | 978-0-8218-7295-6 |
eBook ISBN: | 978-0-8218-9391-3 |
Product Code: | PSPUM/85.B |
List Price: | $274.00 $206.50 |
MAA Member Price: | $246.60 $185.85 |
AMS Member Price: | $219.20 $165.20 |
Book DetailsProceedings of Symposia in Pure MathematicsVolume: 85; 2012; 484 ppMSC: Primary 14; 18; 19; 22; 53; 58; 81; 83
The nature of interactions between mathematicians and physicists has been thoroughly transformed in recent years. String theory and quantum field theory have contributed a series of profound ideas that gave rise to entirely new mathematical fields and revitalized older ones. The influence flows in both directions, with mathematical techniques and ideas contributing crucially to major advances in string theory. A large and rapidly growing number of both mathematicians and physicists are working at the string-theoretic interface between the two academic fields.
The String-Math conference series aims to bring together leading mathematicians and mathematically minded physicists working in this interface.
This volume contains the proceedings of the inaugural conference in this series, String-Math 2011, which was held June 6–11, 2011, at the University of Pennsylvania.
ReadershipGraduate students and research mathematicians interested in string theory, algebraic geometry, and differential geometry.
Table of Contents
Plenary talks
M. Aganagic and S. Shakirov — Refined Chern-Simons theory and knot homology
P. Aspinwall and R. Plesser — Elusive worldsheet instantons in heterotic string compactifications
M. Cheng and J. Duncan — The largest Matheiu group and (mock) automorphic forms
R. Donagi, J. Guffin, S. Katz and E. Sharpe — (0,2) quantum cohomology
M. Douglas — Foundations of quantum field theory
S. Gukov and M. Stosic — Homological algebra of knots and BPS states
M. Marcolli — Motivic structures in QFT
G. Moore and Y. Tachikawa — On 2d TQFT’s whose values are holomorphic symplectic varieties
Y. Ruan — The Witten equation and the geometry of the Landau-Ginzburg model
L.-S. Tseng and S.-T. Yau — Non-Kähler Calabi-Yau manifolds
S. Schafer-Nameki — F theory GUTs: Global aspects and phenomenology
M. Wijnholt — Higgs bundles and string phenomenology
Contributed talks
D. Baraglia — Topological T-duality with monodromy
N. Behr and S. Fredenhagen — Variable transformation defects
E. Bergshoeff and F. Riccioni — The D-brane U-scan
N. Carqueville and M. Kay — An invitation to algebraic topological string theory
A. Francis, T. Jarvis, D. Johnson and R. Suggs — Landau-Ginzburg mirror symmetry for orbifolded Frobenius algebras
J. Fullwood and M. van Hoeij — Hirzebruch invariants of elliptic fibrations
S. Gregorian — $G_2$ structure deformations and warped products
M. Hamanaka — Noncommutative solitons and quasi-determinants
B. Jurke — Computing cohomology on toric varieties
T. Kragh — Fibrancy of symplectic homology in cotangent bundles
D. Pomerleano — Curved string topology and tangential Fukaya categories
T. Rahn — Target space dualities of heterotic grand unified theories
F. Ruffino — Freed-Witten anomaly and D-brane gauge theories
J. Seo — Singularity structure and massless dyons of pure Seiberg-Witten theories with SU and Sp gauge groups
A. Sheshmani — Introduction to the theory of higher rank stable pairs and virtual localization
N. Sibilla — HMS for punctured tori and categorical maping class group actions
J. Yagi — Vanishing chiral algebras and Hohn-Stolz conjecture
Additional Material
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The nature of interactions between mathematicians and physicists has been thoroughly transformed in recent years. String theory and quantum field theory have contributed a series of profound ideas that gave rise to entirely new mathematical fields and revitalized older ones. The influence flows in both directions, with mathematical techniques and ideas contributing crucially to major advances in string theory. A large and rapidly growing number of both mathematicians and physicists are working at the string-theoretic interface between the two academic fields.
The String-Math conference series aims to bring together leading mathematicians and mathematically minded physicists working in this interface.
This volume contains the proceedings of the inaugural conference in this series, String-Math 2011, which was held June 6–11, 2011, at the University of Pennsylvania.
Graduate students and research mathematicians interested in string theory, algebraic geometry, and differential geometry.
Plenary talks
M. Aganagic and S. Shakirov — Refined Chern-Simons theory and knot homology
P. Aspinwall and R. Plesser — Elusive worldsheet instantons in heterotic string compactifications
M. Cheng and J. Duncan — The largest Matheiu group and (mock) automorphic forms
R. Donagi, J. Guffin, S. Katz and E. Sharpe — (0,2) quantum cohomology
M. Douglas — Foundations of quantum field theory
S. Gukov and M. Stosic — Homological algebra of knots and BPS states
M. Marcolli — Motivic structures in QFT
G. Moore and Y. Tachikawa — On 2d TQFT’s whose values are holomorphic symplectic varieties
Y. Ruan — The Witten equation and the geometry of the Landau-Ginzburg model
L.-S. Tseng and S.-T. Yau — Non-Kähler Calabi-Yau manifolds
S. Schafer-Nameki — F theory GUTs: Global aspects and phenomenology
M. Wijnholt — Higgs bundles and string phenomenology
Contributed talks
D. Baraglia — Topological T-duality with monodromy
N. Behr and S. Fredenhagen — Variable transformation defects
E. Bergshoeff and F. Riccioni — The D-brane U-scan
N. Carqueville and M. Kay — An invitation to algebraic topological string theory
A. Francis, T. Jarvis, D. Johnson and R. Suggs — Landau-Ginzburg mirror symmetry for orbifolded Frobenius algebras
J. Fullwood and M. van Hoeij — Hirzebruch invariants of elliptic fibrations
S. Gregorian — $G_2$ structure deformations and warped products
M. Hamanaka — Noncommutative solitons and quasi-determinants
B. Jurke — Computing cohomology on toric varieties
T. Kragh — Fibrancy of symplectic homology in cotangent bundles
D. Pomerleano — Curved string topology and tangential Fukaya categories
T. Rahn — Target space dualities of heterotic grand unified theories
F. Ruffino — Freed-Witten anomaly and D-brane gauge theories
J. Seo — Singularity structure and massless dyons of pure Seiberg-Witten theories with SU and Sp gauge groups
A. Sheshmani — Introduction to the theory of higher rank stable pairs and virtual localization
N. Sibilla — HMS for punctured tori and categorical maping class group actions
J. Yagi — Vanishing chiral algebras and Hohn-Stolz conjecture