Hardcover ISBN: | 978-1-4704-1884-7 |
Product Code: | SURV/201 |
List Price: | $129.00 |
MAA Member Price: | $116.10 |
AMS Member Price: | $103.20 |
eBook ISBN: | 978-1-4704-2002-4 |
Product Code: | SURV/201.E |
List Price: | $125.00 |
MAA Member Price: | $112.50 |
AMS Member Price: | $100.00 |
Hardcover ISBN: | 978-1-4704-1884-7 |
eBook: ISBN: | 978-1-4704-2002-4 |
Product Code: | SURV/201.B |
List Price: | $254.00 $191.50 |
MAA Member Price: | $228.60 $172.35 |
AMS Member Price: | $203.20 $153.20 |

Hardcover ISBN: | 978-1-4704-1884-7 |
Product Code: | SURV/201 |
List Price: | $129.00 |
MAA Member Price: | $116.10 |
AMS Member Price: | $103.20 |
eBook ISBN: | 978-1-4704-2002-4 |
Product Code: | SURV/201.E |
List Price: | $125.00 |
MAA Member Price: | $112.50 |
AMS Member Price: | $100.00 |
Hardcover ISBN: | 978-1-4704-1884-7 |
eBook ISBN: | 978-1-4704-2002-4 |
Product Code: | SURV/201.B |
List Price: | $254.00 $191.50 |
MAA Member Price: | $228.60 $172.35 |
AMS Member Price: | $203.20 $153.20 |
Book DetailsMathematical Surveys and MonographsVolume: 201; 2014; 318 ppMSC: Primary 55; 57; 18; 14; 13
The theory of topological modular forms is an intricate blend of classical algebraic modular forms and stable homotopy groups of spheres. The construction of this theory combines an algebro-geometric perspective on elliptic curves over finite fields with techniques from algebraic topology, particularly stable homotopy theory. It has applications to and connections with manifold topology, number theory, and string theory.
This book provides a careful, accessible introduction to topological modular forms. After a brief history and an extended overview of the subject, the book proper commences with an exposition of classical aspects of elliptic cohomology, including background material on elliptic curves and modular forms, a description of the moduli stack of elliptic curves, an explanation of the exact functor theorem for constructing cohomology theories, and an exploration of sheaves in stable homotopy theory. There follows a treatment of more specialized topics, including localization of spectra, the deformation theory of formal groups, and Goerss–Hopkins obstruction theory for multiplicative structures on spectra. The book then proceeds to more advanced material, including discussions of the string orientation, the sheaf of spectra on the moduli stack of elliptic curves, the homotopy of topological modular forms, and an extensive account of the construction of the spectrum of topological modular forms. The book concludes with the three original, pioneering and enormously influential manuscripts on the subject, by Hopkins, Miller, and Mahowald.
ReadershipGraduate students and research mathematicians interested in algebraic topology and the arithmetic of modular forms.
Table of Contents
Part I
Corbett Redden — Chapter 1. Elliptic genera and elliptic cohomology
Carl Mautner — Chapter 2. Ellliptic curves and modular forms
André G. Henriques — Chapter 3. The moduli stack of elliptic curves
Henning Hohnhold — Chapter 4. The Landweber exact functor theorem
Christopher L. Douglas — Chapter 5. Sheaves in homotopy theory
Tilman Bauer — Chapter 6. Bousfield localization and the Hasse square
Jacob Lurie — Chapter 7. The local structure of the moduli stack of formal groups
Vigleik Angeltveit — Chapter 8. Goerss–Hopkins obstruction theory
Michael J. Hopkins — Chapter 9. From spectra to stacks
Michael J. Hopkins — Chapter 10. The string orientation
Michael J. Hopkins — Chapter 11. The sheaf of $E_\infty $-ring spectra
Mark Behrens — Chapter 12. The construction of $\mathit {tmf}$
André G. Henriques — Chapter 13. The homotopy groups of $\mathit {tmf}$ and of its localizations
Part II
Michael J. Hopkins and Haynes R. Miller — Ellitpic curves and stable homotopy I
Michael J. Hopkins and Mark Mahowald — From elliptic curves to homotopy theory
Michael J. Hopkins — $K(1)$-local $E_\infty $-ring spectra
Additional Material
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The theory of topological modular forms is an intricate blend of classical algebraic modular forms and stable homotopy groups of spheres. The construction of this theory combines an algebro-geometric perspective on elliptic curves over finite fields with techniques from algebraic topology, particularly stable homotopy theory. It has applications to and connections with manifold topology, number theory, and string theory.
This book provides a careful, accessible introduction to topological modular forms. After a brief history and an extended overview of the subject, the book proper commences with an exposition of classical aspects of elliptic cohomology, including background material on elliptic curves and modular forms, a description of the moduli stack of elliptic curves, an explanation of the exact functor theorem for constructing cohomology theories, and an exploration of sheaves in stable homotopy theory. There follows a treatment of more specialized topics, including localization of spectra, the deformation theory of formal groups, and Goerss–Hopkins obstruction theory for multiplicative structures on spectra. The book then proceeds to more advanced material, including discussions of the string orientation, the sheaf of spectra on the moduli stack of elliptic curves, the homotopy of topological modular forms, and an extensive account of the construction of the spectrum of topological modular forms. The book concludes with the three original, pioneering and enormously influential manuscripts on the subject, by Hopkins, Miller, and Mahowald.
Graduate students and research mathematicians interested in algebraic topology and the arithmetic of modular forms.
Part I
Corbett Redden — Chapter 1. Elliptic genera and elliptic cohomology
Carl Mautner — Chapter 2. Ellliptic curves and modular forms
André G. Henriques — Chapter 3. The moduli stack of elliptic curves
Henning Hohnhold — Chapter 4. The Landweber exact functor theorem
Christopher L. Douglas — Chapter 5. Sheaves in homotopy theory
Tilman Bauer — Chapter 6. Bousfield localization and the Hasse square
Jacob Lurie — Chapter 7. The local structure of the moduli stack of formal groups
Vigleik Angeltveit — Chapter 8. Goerss–Hopkins obstruction theory
Michael J. Hopkins — Chapter 9. From spectra to stacks
Michael J. Hopkins — Chapter 10. The string orientation
Michael J. Hopkins — Chapter 11. The sheaf of $E_\infty $-ring spectra
Mark Behrens — Chapter 12. The construction of $\mathit {tmf}$
André G. Henriques — Chapter 13. The homotopy groups of $\mathit {tmf}$ and of its localizations
Part II
Michael J. Hopkins and Haynes R. Miller — Ellitpic curves and stable homotopy I
Michael J. Hopkins and Mark Mahowald — From elliptic curves to homotopy theory
Michael J. Hopkins — $K(1)$-local $E_\infty $-ring spectra