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Seventeen Papers on Functions of Complex Variables

eBook ISBN: | 978-1-4704-3243-0 |
Product Code: | TRANS2/32.E |
List Price: | $165.00 |
MAA Member Price: | $148.50 |
AMS Member Price: | $132.00 |

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Seventeen Papers on Functions of Complex Variables
eBook ISBN: | 978-1-4704-3243-0 |
Product Code: | TRANS2/32.E |
List Price: | $165.00 |
MAA Member Price: | $148.50 |
AMS Member Price: | $132.00 |
Book DetailsAmerican Mathematical Society Translations - Series 2Volume: 32; 1963; 393 ppMSC: Primary 30
Table of Contents
M. Lavrent′ev — Boundary problems in the theory of univalent functions
V. I. Krylov — On functions regular in a half-plane
L. I. Volkovyskiĭ — Determination of the type of certain classes of simply connected Riemann surfaces
L. I. Volkovyskiĭ — Convergent sequences of Riemann surfaces
S. Ja. Havinson — On some extremal problems of the theory of analytic functions
A. A. Gol′dberg — Defects of meromorphic functions
B. N. Rahmanov — On the theory of univalent functions
Hua Loo-Keng — On the theory of functions of several complex variables. I. A complete system of orthogonal functions in the hyperbolic space of matrices
L. K. (Hua Loo-Keng) Hua — On the theory of functions of several complex variables. II. A complex orthonormal system in the hyperbolic space of the Lie-hypersphere
Hua Loo-Keng — On the theory of functions of several complex variables. III. A complete orthonormal system in the hyperbolic space of symmetric and skew symmetric matrices
Hua Loo-Keng — Inequalities involving determinants
L. I. Ronkin — On types of an entire function of two complex variables
M. M. Džrbašian — On the integral representation and expansion in generalized Taylor series of entire functions of several complex variables
A. A. Kozmanova — Pólya’s theorem for entire functions of two complex variables
M. Š. Stavskiĭ — The relation between the rate of growth of an entire function of several complex variables and the set of singular points of its associated function
B. Ja. Levin and I. V. Ostrovskiĭ — On the dependence of the growth of an entire function on the distribution of the zeros of its derivatives (On a question of G. Pólya and A. Wiman)
N. N. Meĭman — Solution of the fundamental problems of the theory of polynomials and entire functions least deviating from zero
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- Table of Contents
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M. Lavrent′ev — Boundary problems in the theory of univalent functions
V. I. Krylov — On functions regular in a half-plane
L. I. Volkovyskiĭ — Determination of the type of certain classes of simply connected Riemann surfaces
L. I. Volkovyskiĭ — Convergent sequences of Riemann surfaces
S. Ja. Havinson — On some extremal problems of the theory of analytic functions
A. A. Gol′dberg — Defects of meromorphic functions
B. N. Rahmanov — On the theory of univalent functions
Hua Loo-Keng — On the theory of functions of several complex variables. I. A complete system of orthogonal functions in the hyperbolic space of matrices
L. K. (Hua Loo-Keng) Hua — On the theory of functions of several complex variables. II. A complex orthonormal system in the hyperbolic space of the Lie-hypersphere
Hua Loo-Keng — On the theory of functions of several complex variables. III. A complete orthonormal system in the hyperbolic space of symmetric and skew symmetric matrices
Hua Loo-Keng — Inequalities involving determinants
L. I. Ronkin — On types of an entire function of two complex variables
M. M. Džrbašian — On the integral representation and expansion in generalized Taylor series of entire functions of several complex variables
A. A. Kozmanova — Pólya’s theorem for entire functions of two complex variables
M. Š. Stavskiĭ — The relation between the rate of growth of an entire function of several complex variables and the set of singular points of its associated function
B. Ja. Levin and I. V. Ostrovskiĭ — On the dependence of the growth of an entire function on the distribution of the zeros of its derivatives (On a question of G. Pólya and A. Wiman)
N. N. Meĭman — Solution of the fundamental problems of the theory of polynomials and entire functions least deviating from zero
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