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Algebra: A Graduate Course
I. Martin Isaacs University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI
Hardcover ISBN:  978-0-8218-4799-2
Product Code:  GSM/100
List Price: $135.00
MAA Member Price: $121.50
AMS Member Price: $108.00
eBook ISBN:  978-1-4704-1164-0
Product Code:  GSM/100.E
List Price: $85.00
MAA Member Price: $76.50
AMS Member Price: $68.00
Hardcover ISBN:  978-0-8218-4799-2
eBook: ISBN:  978-1-4704-1164-0
Product Code:  GSM/100.B
List Price: $220.00 $177.50
MAA Member Price: $198.00 $159.75
AMS Member Price: $176.00 $142.00
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Algebra: A Graduate Course
I. Martin Isaacs University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI
Hardcover ISBN:  978-0-8218-4799-2
Product Code:  GSM/100
List Price: $135.00
MAA Member Price: $121.50
AMS Member Price: $108.00
eBook ISBN:  978-1-4704-1164-0
Product Code:  GSM/100.E
List Price: $85.00
MAA Member Price: $76.50
AMS Member Price: $68.00
Hardcover ISBN:  978-0-8218-4799-2
eBook ISBN:  978-1-4704-1164-0
Product Code:  GSM/100.B
List Price: $220.00 $177.50
MAA Member Price: $198.00 $159.75
AMS Member Price: $176.00 $142.00
  • Book Details
    Graduate Studies in Mathematics
    Volume: 1001994; 516 pp
    MSC: Primary 00; Secondary 12; 13; 16; 20

    This book, based on a first-year graduate course the author taught at the University of Wisconsin, contains more than enough material for a two-semester graduate-level abstract algebra course, including groups, rings and modules, fields and Galois theory, an introduction to algebraic number theory, and the rudiments of algebraic geometry. In addition, there are some more specialized topics not usually covered in such a course. These include transfer and character theory of finite groups, modules over artinian rings, modules over Dedekind domains, and transcendental field extensions.

    This book could be used for self study as well as for a course text, and so full details of almost all proofs are included, with nothing being relegated to the chapter-end problems. There are, however, hundreds of problems, many being far from trivial. The book attempts to capture some of the informality of the classroom, as well as the excitement the author felt when taking the corresponding course as a student.

    Originally published by Brooks Cole/Cengage Learning as ISBN: 978-0-534-19002-6


    Graduate students and research mathematicians interested in algebra.

  • Table of Contents
    • Part One. Noncommutative algebra
    • Chapter 1. Definitions and examples of groups
    • Chapter 2. Subgroups and cosets
    • Chapter 3. Homomorphisms
    • Chapter 4. Group actions
    • Chapter 5. The Sylow theorems and $p$-groups
    • Chapter 6. Permutation groups
    • Chapter 7. New groups from old
    • Chapter 8. Solvable and nilpotent groups
    • Chapter 9. Transfer
    • Chapter 10. Operator groups and unique decompositions
    • Chapter 11. Module theory without rings
    • Chapter 12. Rings, ideals, and modules
    • Chapter 13. Simple modules and primitive rings
    • Chapter 14. Artinian rings and projective modules
    • Chapter 15. An introduction to character theory
    • Part Two. Commutative algebra
    • Chapter 16. Polynomial rings, PIDs, and UFDs
    • Chapter 17. Field extensions
    • Chapter 18. Galois theory
    • Chapter 19. Separability and inseparability
    • Chapter 20. Cyclotomy and geometric constructions
    • Chapter 21. Finite fields
    • Chapter 22. Roots, radicals, and real numbers
    • Chapter 23. Norms, traces, and discriminants
    • Chapter 24. Transcendental extensions
    • Chapter 25. the Artin-Schreier theorem
    • Chapter 26. Ideal theory
    • Chapter 27. Noetherian rings
    • Chapter 28. Integrality
    • Chapter 29. Dedekind domains
    • Chapter 30. Algebraic sets and the Nullstellensatz
  • Reviews
    • Unlike similar textbooks, this volume steers away from chapter-end problems by including full details of all proofs as problems are presented.

      SciTech Book News
    • This is a book to be warmly welcomed. The presentation throughout is a model of clarity, and the proofs are precise and complete. The careful reader will learn (much) from it, not only mathematics, but also (and more importantly) how to think mathematically.

      Mathematical Reviews
    • Isaacs' Algebra, A Graduate Course is a pedagogically important book, to be highly recommended to fledgling algebraists—and every one else, for that matter.

      MAA Reviews
    • Most of these extra topics are not usually covered in first-year graduate algebra courses, or in introductory textbooks on modern algebra, but here they are woven into the main text in very natural, effective and instructive a manner, thereby offering a wider panorama of abstract algebra to the interested reader. This profound algebra text will prepare any zealous reader for further steps into one or more of the many branches of algebra, algebraic number theory, or algebraic geometry. Also, it will maintain its well-established role as one of the excellent standard texts on the subject, as a highly recommendable source for instructors, and as an utmost valuable companion to the various other great textbooks in the field.

      Zentralblatt MATH
  • Requests
    Review Copy – for publishers of book reviews
    Desk Copy – for instructors who have adopted an AMS textbook for a course
    Examination Copy – for faculty considering an AMS textbook for a course
    Permission – for use of book, eBook, or Journal content
    Accessibility – to request an alternate format of an AMS title
Volume: 1001994; 516 pp
MSC: Primary 00; Secondary 12; 13; 16; 20

This book, based on a first-year graduate course the author taught at the University of Wisconsin, contains more than enough material for a two-semester graduate-level abstract algebra course, including groups, rings and modules, fields and Galois theory, an introduction to algebraic number theory, and the rudiments of algebraic geometry. In addition, there are some more specialized topics not usually covered in such a course. These include transfer and character theory of finite groups, modules over artinian rings, modules over Dedekind domains, and transcendental field extensions.

This book could be used for self study as well as for a course text, and so full details of almost all proofs are included, with nothing being relegated to the chapter-end problems. There are, however, hundreds of problems, many being far from trivial. The book attempts to capture some of the informality of the classroom, as well as the excitement the author felt when taking the corresponding course as a student.

Originally published by Brooks Cole/Cengage Learning as ISBN: 978-0-534-19002-6


Graduate students and research mathematicians interested in algebra.

  • Part One. Noncommutative algebra
  • Chapter 1. Definitions and examples of groups
  • Chapter 2. Subgroups and cosets
  • Chapter 3. Homomorphisms
  • Chapter 4. Group actions
  • Chapter 5. The Sylow theorems and $p$-groups
  • Chapter 6. Permutation groups
  • Chapter 7. New groups from old
  • Chapter 8. Solvable and nilpotent groups
  • Chapter 9. Transfer
  • Chapter 10. Operator groups and unique decompositions
  • Chapter 11. Module theory without rings
  • Chapter 12. Rings, ideals, and modules
  • Chapter 13. Simple modules and primitive rings
  • Chapter 14. Artinian rings and projective modules
  • Chapter 15. An introduction to character theory
  • Part Two. Commutative algebra
  • Chapter 16. Polynomial rings, PIDs, and UFDs
  • Chapter 17. Field extensions
  • Chapter 18. Galois theory
  • Chapter 19. Separability and inseparability
  • Chapter 20. Cyclotomy and geometric constructions
  • Chapter 21. Finite fields
  • Chapter 22. Roots, radicals, and real numbers
  • Chapter 23. Norms, traces, and discriminants
  • Chapter 24. Transcendental extensions
  • Chapter 25. the Artin-Schreier theorem
  • Chapter 26. Ideal theory
  • Chapter 27. Noetherian rings
  • Chapter 28. Integrality
  • Chapter 29. Dedekind domains
  • Chapter 30. Algebraic sets and the Nullstellensatz
  • Unlike similar textbooks, this volume steers away from chapter-end problems by including full details of all proofs as problems are presented.

    SciTech Book News
  • This is a book to be warmly welcomed. The presentation throughout is a model of clarity, and the proofs are precise and complete. The careful reader will learn (much) from it, not only mathematics, but also (and more importantly) how to think mathematically.

    Mathematical Reviews
  • Isaacs' Algebra, A Graduate Course is a pedagogically important book, to be highly recommended to fledgling algebraists—and every one else, for that matter.

    MAA Reviews
  • Most of these extra topics are not usually covered in first-year graduate algebra courses, or in introductory textbooks on modern algebra, but here they are woven into the main text in very natural, effective and instructive a manner, thereby offering a wider panorama of abstract algebra to the interested reader. This profound algebra text will prepare any zealous reader for further steps into one or more of the many branches of algebra, algebraic number theory, or algebraic geometry. Also, it will maintain its well-established role as one of the excellent standard texts on the subject, as a highly recommendable source for instructors, and as an utmost valuable companion to the various other great textbooks in the field.

    Zentralblatt MATH
Review Copy – for publishers of book reviews
Desk Copy – for instructors who have adopted an AMS textbook for a course
Examination Copy – for faculty considering an AMS textbook for a course
Permission – for use of book, eBook, or Journal content
Accessibility – to request an alternate format of an AMS title
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