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Game Theory, Alive
Anna R. Karlin University of Washington, Seattle, WA
Yuval Peres Microsoft Research, Redmond, WA
Game Theory, Alive
Hardcover ISBN:  978-1-4704-1982-0
Product Code:  MBK/101
List Price: $79.00
MAA Member Price: $71.10
AMS Member Price: $63.20
Sale Price: $51.35
eBook ISBN:  978-1-4704-3667-4
Product Code:  MBK/101.E
List Price: $75.00
MAA Member Price: $67.50
AMS Member Price: $60.00
Sale Price: $48.75
Hardcover ISBN:  978-1-4704-1982-0
eBook: ISBN:  978-1-4704-3667-4
Product Code:  MBK/101.B
List Price: $154.00 $116.50
MAA Member Price: $138.60 $104.85
AMS Member Price: $123.20 $93.20
Sale Price: $100.10 $75.73
Game Theory, Alive
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Game Theory, Alive
Anna R. Karlin University of Washington, Seattle, WA
Yuval Peres Microsoft Research, Redmond, WA
Hardcover ISBN:  978-1-4704-1982-0
Product Code:  MBK/101
List Price: $79.00
MAA Member Price: $71.10
AMS Member Price: $63.20
Sale Price: $51.35
eBook ISBN:  978-1-4704-3667-4
Product Code:  MBK/101.E
List Price: $75.00
MAA Member Price: $67.50
AMS Member Price: $60.00
Sale Price: $48.75
Hardcover ISBN:  978-1-4704-1982-0
eBook ISBN:  978-1-4704-3667-4
Product Code:  MBK/101.B
List Price: $154.00 $116.50
MAA Member Price: $138.60 $104.85
AMS Member Price: $123.20 $93.20
Sale Price: $100.10 $75.73
  • Book Details
    2017; 372 pp
    MSC: Primary 91

    We live in a highly connected world with multiple self-interested agents interacting and myriad opportunities for conflict and cooperation. The goal of game theory is to understand these opportunities.

    This book presents a rigorous introduction to the mathematics of game theory without losing sight of the joy of the subject. This is done by focusing on theoretical highlights (e.g., at least six Nobel Prize winning results are developed from scratch) and by presenting exciting connections of game theory to other fields such as computer science (algorithmic game theory), economics (auctions and matching markets), social choice (voting theory), biology (signaling and evolutionary stability), and learning theory. Both classical topics, such as zero-sum games, and modern topics, such as sponsored search auctions, are covered. Along the way, beautiful mathematical tools used in game theory are introduced, including convexity, fixed-point theorems, and probabilistic arguments.

    The book is appropriate for a first course in game theory at either the undergraduate or graduate level, whether in mathematics, economics, computer science, or statistics. The importance of game-theoretic thinking transcends the academic setting—for every action we take, we must consider not only its direct effects, but also how it influences the incentives of others.


    Undergraduate and graduate students and professors interested in game theory and decision making.

  • Table of Contents
    • Analyzing games: Strategies and equilibria
    • Combinatorial games
    • Two-person zero-sum games
    • Zero-sum games on graphs
    • General-sum games
    • Existence of Nash equilibria and fixed points
    • Games in existensive form
    • Evolutionary and correlated equilibria
    • The price of anarchy
    • Random-turn games
    • Designing games and mechanisms
    • Stable matching and allocation
    • Fair division
    • Cooperative games
    • Social choice and voting
    • Auctions
    • Truthful auction in win/lose settings
    • VCG and scoring rules
    • Matching markets
    • Adaptive decision making
    • Linear programming
    • Some useful probability toolds
    • Convex functions
    • Solution sketches for selected exercises
  • Reviews
    • "Game Theory, Alive" is a wonderful book and is to be highly recommended, either for teaching or self-study...this reviewer would not be surprised if "Game Theory, Alive" becomes the standard text for an introductory course on Game Theory.

      Amir Babak Aazami, Clark University
    • This is an attractive candidate as a text for a mathematically rigorous course in game theory at the upper undergraduate or elementary graduate level. It offers an appealing and versatile selection of topics (including some modern ones), clear and well-motivated exposition, a good selection of examples, and a nicely-chosen selection of exercises (some but not all of which have solutions in the back of the book). People who teach, or simply have an interest in game theory, will certainly find this book worth a look.

      Mark Hunacek, MAA Reviews
    • Game theory's influence is felt in a wide range of disciplines, and the authors deliver masterfully on the challenge of presenting both the breadth and coherence of its underlying world-view. The book achieves a remarkable synthesis, introducing the reader to the blend of economic insight, mathematical elegance, scientific impact, and counter-intuitive punch that characterizes game theory as a field.

      Jon Kleinberg, Cornell University, 2006 Nevanlinna Prize winner
    • A game theory textbook by people who love ... games! It covers many classic as well as recent topics of game theory. Its rigorous treatment, interspersed with illuminating examples, makes it a challenging pleasure to read.

      Sergiu Hart, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
    • This beautifully written book introduces the reader to the rich and flourishing subject of game theory. From an exhaustive account of basics of the classical theory to a wide range of modern themes—including auctions, matching markets, sequential decision making—the book presents a great variety of topics in a rigorous yet entertaining manner. The authors guide the reader through the intricacies of game theory with an exquisite mathematical elegance. For anyone interested in the topic, experts and beginners alike, this book is a must.

      Gábor Lugosi, Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, Spain
    • It is great to have a comprehensive game theory textbook including so many modern topics.

      Éva Tardos, Cornell University
  • Requests
    Review Copy – for publishers of book reviews
    Desk Copy – for instructors who have adopted an AMS textbook for a course
    Examination Copy – for faculty considering an AMS textbook for a course
    Permission – for use of book, eBook, or Journal content
    Accessibility – to request an alternate format of an AMS title
2017; 372 pp
MSC: Primary 91

We live in a highly connected world with multiple self-interested agents interacting and myriad opportunities for conflict and cooperation. The goal of game theory is to understand these opportunities.

This book presents a rigorous introduction to the mathematics of game theory without losing sight of the joy of the subject. This is done by focusing on theoretical highlights (e.g., at least six Nobel Prize winning results are developed from scratch) and by presenting exciting connections of game theory to other fields such as computer science (algorithmic game theory), economics (auctions and matching markets), social choice (voting theory), biology (signaling and evolutionary stability), and learning theory. Both classical topics, such as zero-sum games, and modern topics, such as sponsored search auctions, are covered. Along the way, beautiful mathematical tools used in game theory are introduced, including convexity, fixed-point theorems, and probabilistic arguments.

The book is appropriate for a first course in game theory at either the undergraduate or graduate level, whether in mathematics, economics, computer science, or statistics. The importance of game-theoretic thinking transcends the academic setting—for every action we take, we must consider not only its direct effects, but also how it influences the incentives of others.


Undergraduate and graduate students and professors interested in game theory and decision making.

  • Analyzing games: Strategies and equilibria
  • Combinatorial games
  • Two-person zero-sum games
  • Zero-sum games on graphs
  • General-sum games
  • Existence of Nash equilibria and fixed points
  • Games in existensive form
  • Evolutionary and correlated equilibria
  • The price of anarchy
  • Random-turn games
  • Designing games and mechanisms
  • Stable matching and allocation
  • Fair division
  • Cooperative games
  • Social choice and voting
  • Auctions
  • Truthful auction in win/lose settings
  • VCG and scoring rules
  • Matching markets
  • Adaptive decision making
  • Linear programming
  • Some useful probability toolds
  • Convex functions
  • Solution sketches for selected exercises
  • "Game Theory, Alive" is a wonderful book and is to be highly recommended, either for teaching or self-study...this reviewer would not be surprised if "Game Theory, Alive" becomes the standard text for an introductory course on Game Theory.

    Amir Babak Aazami, Clark University
  • This is an attractive candidate as a text for a mathematically rigorous course in game theory at the upper undergraduate or elementary graduate level. It offers an appealing and versatile selection of topics (including some modern ones), clear and well-motivated exposition, a good selection of examples, and a nicely-chosen selection of exercises (some but not all of which have solutions in the back of the book). People who teach, or simply have an interest in game theory, will certainly find this book worth a look.

    Mark Hunacek, MAA Reviews
  • Game theory's influence is felt in a wide range of disciplines, and the authors deliver masterfully on the challenge of presenting both the breadth and coherence of its underlying world-view. The book achieves a remarkable synthesis, introducing the reader to the blend of economic insight, mathematical elegance, scientific impact, and counter-intuitive punch that characterizes game theory as a field.

    Jon Kleinberg, Cornell University, 2006 Nevanlinna Prize winner
  • A game theory textbook by people who love ... games! It covers many classic as well as recent topics of game theory. Its rigorous treatment, interspersed with illuminating examples, makes it a challenging pleasure to read.

    Sergiu Hart, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
  • This beautifully written book introduces the reader to the rich and flourishing subject of game theory. From an exhaustive account of basics of the classical theory to a wide range of modern themes—including auctions, matching markets, sequential decision making—the book presents a great variety of topics in a rigorous yet entertaining manner. The authors guide the reader through the intricacies of game theory with an exquisite mathematical elegance. For anyone interested in the topic, experts and beginners alike, this book is a must.

    Gábor Lugosi, Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, Spain
  • It is great to have a comprehensive game theory textbook including so many modern topics.

    Éva Tardos, Cornell University
Review Copy – for publishers of book reviews
Desk Copy – for instructors who have adopted an AMS textbook for a course
Examination Copy – for faculty considering an AMS textbook for a course
Permission – for use of book, eBook, or Journal content
Accessibility – to request an alternate format of an AMS title
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