Hardcover ISBN: | 978-1-4704-4157-9 |
Product Code: | MBK/126 |
List Price: | $79.00 |
MAA Member Price: | $71.10 |
AMS Member Price: | $63.20 |
Sale Price: | $51.35 |
eBook ISBN: | 978-1-4704-5423-4 |
Product Code: | MBK/126.E |
List Price: | $75.00 |
MAA Member Price: | $67.50 |
AMS Member Price: | $60.00 |
Sale Price: | $48.75 |
Hardcover ISBN: | 978-1-4704-4157-9 |
eBook: ISBN: | 978-1-4704-5423-4 |
Product Code: | MBK/126.B |
List Price: | $154.00 $116.50 |
MAA Member Price: | $138.60 $104.85 |
AMS Member Price: | $123.20 $93.20 |
Sale Price: | $100.10 $75.73 |
Hardcover ISBN: | 978-1-4704-4157-9 |
Product Code: | MBK/126 |
List Price: | $79.00 |
MAA Member Price: | $71.10 |
AMS Member Price: | $63.20 |
Sale Price: | $51.35 |
eBook ISBN: | 978-1-4704-5423-4 |
Product Code: | MBK/126.E |
List Price: | $75.00 |
MAA Member Price: | $67.50 |
AMS Member Price: | $60.00 |
Sale Price: | $48.75 |
Hardcover ISBN: | 978-1-4704-4157-9 |
eBook ISBN: | 978-1-4704-5423-4 |
Product Code: | MBK/126.B |
List Price: | $154.00 $116.50 |
MAA Member Price: | $138.60 $104.85 |
AMS Member Price: | $123.20 $93.20 |
Sale Price: | $100.10 $75.73 |
Book Details2019; 264 ppMSC: Primary 11
Number Theory Revealed: An Introduction presents a fresh take on congruences, power residues, quadratic residues, primes, and Diophantine equations, as well as hot topics like cryptography, factoring, and primality testing. Students are also introduced to beautiful enlightening questions like the structure of Pascal's triangle mod p, Fermat's Last Theorem for polynomials, and modern twists on traditional questions. This book provides careful coverage of all core topics in a standard introductory number theory course with pointers to some exciting further directions.
An expanded edition, Number Theory Revealed: A Masterclass, offers a more comprehensive approach, adding additional material in further chapters and appendices. It is ideal for instructors who wish to tailor a class to their own interests and gives well-prepared students further opportunities to challenge themselves and push beyond core number theory concepts, serving as a springboard to many current themes in mathematics.
This book is part of Number Theory Revealed: The Series. Find full tables of contents, sample problems, hints, and appendices, as well as updates about forthcoming related volumes here.
About the Author:
Andrew Granville is the Canada Research Chair in Number Theory at the University of Montreal and professor of mathematics at University College London. He has won several international writing prizes for exposition in mathematics, including the 2008 Chauvenet Prize and the 2019 Halmos-Ford Prize, and is the author of Prime Suspects (Princeton University Press, 2019), a beautifully illustrated graphic novel murder mystery that explores surprising connections between the anatomies of integers and of permutations.
ReadershipUndergraduate and graduate students interested in introductory number theory.
Table of Contents
Title page
Gauss’s Disquisitiones Arithmeticae
The language of mathematics
Preliminary Chapter on Induction
0.1. Fibonacci numbers and other recurrence sequences
0.2. Formulas for sums of powers of integers
0.3. The binomial theorem, Pascal’s triangle, and the binomial coefficients
Articles with further thoughts on factorials and binomial coefficients
Additional exercises
A paper that questions one’s assumptions is
Chapter 1. The Euclidean algorithm
1.1. Finding the gcd
1.2. Linear combinations
1.3. The set of linear combinations of two integers
1.4. The least common multiple
1.5. Continued fractions
1.6. Tiling a rectangle with squares
Additional exercises
Divisors in recurrence sequences
Appendix 1A. Reformulating the Euclidean algorithm
1.8. Euclid matrices and Euclid’s algorithm
1.9. Euclid matrices and ideal transformations
1.10. The dynamics of the Euclidean algorithm
Chapter 2. Congruences
2.1. Basic congruences
2.2. The trouble with division
2.3. Congruences for polynomials
2.4. Tests for divisibility
Additional exercises
Binomial coefficients modulo 𝑝
The Fibonacci numbers modulo 𝑑
Appendix 2A. Congruences in the language of groups
2.6. Further discussion of the basic notion of congruence
2.7. Cosets of an additive group
2.8. A new family of rings and fields
2.9. The order of an element
Chapter 3. The basic algebra of number theory
3.1. The Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic
3.2. Abstractions
3.3. Divisors using factorizations
3.4. Irrationality
3.5. Dividing in congruences
3.6. Linear equations in two unknowns
3.7. Congruences to several moduli
3.8. Square roots of 1 (mod 𝑛)
Additional exercises
Reference on the many proofs that √2 is irrational
Appendix 3A. Factoring binomial coefficients and Pascal’s triangle modulo 𝑝
3.10. The prime powers dividing a given binomial coefficient
3.11. Pascal’s triangle modulo 2
References for this chapter
Chapter 4. Multiplicative functions
4.1. Euler’s 𝜙-function
4.2. Perfect numbers. “The whole is equal to the sum of its parts.”
Additional exercises
Appendix 4A. More multiplicative functions
4.4. Summing multiplicative functions
4.5. Inclusion-exclusion and the Möbius function
4.6. Convolutions and the Möbius inversion formula
4.7. The Liouville function
Additional exercises
Chapter 5. The distribution of prime numbers
5.1. Proofs that there are infinitely many primes
5.2. Distinguishing primes
5.3. Primes in certain arithmetic progressions
5.4. How many primes are there up to 𝑥?
5.5. Bounds on the number of primes
5.6. Gaps between primes
Further reading on hot topics in this section
5.7. Formulas for primes
Additional exercises
Appendix 5A. Bertrand’s postulate and beyond
5.9. Bertrand’s postulate
5.10. The theorem of Sylvester and Schur
Bonus read: A review of prime problems
5.11. Prime problems
Prime values of polynomials in one variable
Prime values of polynomials in several variables
Goldbach’s conjecture and variants
Other questions
Guides to conjectures and the Green-Tao Theorem
Chapter 6. Diophantine problems
6.1. The Pythagorean equation
6.2. No solutions to a Diophantine equation through descent
No solutions through prime divisibility
No solutions through geometric descent
6.3. Fermat’s “infinite descent”
6.4. Fermat’s Last Theorem
A brief history of equation solving
References for this chapter
Additional exercises
Appendix 6A. Polynomial solutions of Diophantine equations
6.6. Fermat’s Last Theorem in ℂ[𝕥]
6.7. 𝑎+𝑏=𝑐 in ℂ[𝕥]
Chapter 7. Power residues
7.1. Generating the multiplicative group of residues
7.2. Fermat’s Little Theorem
7.3. Special primes and orders
7.4. Further observations
7.5. The number of elements of a given order, and primitive roots
7.6. Testing for composites, pseudoprimes, and Carmichael numbers
7.7. Divisibility tests, again
7.8. The decimal expansion of fractions
7.9. Primes in arithmetic progressions, revisited
References for this chapter
Additional exercises
Appendix 7A. Card shuffling and Fermat’s Little Theorem
7.11. Card shuffling and orders modulo 𝑛
7.12. The “necklace proof” of Fermat’s Little Theorem
More combinatorics and number theory
7.13. Taking powers efficiently
7.14. Running time: The desirability of polynomial time algorithms
Chapter 8. Quadratic residues
8.1. Squares modulo prime 𝑝
8.2. The quadratic character of a residue
8.3. The residue -1
8.4. The residue 2
8.5. The law of quadratic reciprocity
8.6. Proof of the law of quadratic reciprocity
8.7. The Jacobi symbol
8.8. The squares modulo 𝑚
Additional exercises
Further reading on Euclidean proofs
Appendix 8A. Eisenstein’s proof of quadratic reciprocity
8.10. Eisenstein’s elegant proof, 1844
Chapter 9. Quadratic equations
9.1. Sums of two squares
9.2. The values of 𝑥²+𝑑𝑦²
9.3. Is there a solution to a given quadratic equation?
9.4. Representation of integers by 𝑎𝑥²+𝑏𝑦² with 𝑥,𝑦 rational, and beyond
9.5. The failure of the local-global principle for quadratic equations in integers
9.6. Primes represented by 𝑥²+5𝑦²
Additional exercises
Appendix 9A. Proof of the local-global principle for quadratic equations
9.8. Lattices and quotients
9.9. A better proof of the local-global principle
Chapter 10. Square roots and factoring
10.1. Square roots modulo 𝑛
10.2. Cryptosystems
10.3. RSA
10.4. Certificates and the complexity classes P and NP
10.5. Polynomial time primality testing
10.6. Factoring methods
References: See [CP05] and [Knu98], as well as:
Additional exercises
Appendix 10A. Pseudoprime tests using square roots of 1
10.8. The difficulty of finding all square roots of 1
Chapter 11. Rational approximations to real numbers
11.1. The pigeonhole principle
11.2. Pell’s equation
11.3. Descent on solutions of 𝑥²-𝑑𝑦²=𝑛,𝑑>0
11.4. Transcendental numbers
11.5. The 𝑎𝑏𝑐-conjecture
Further reading for this chapter
Additional exercises
Appendix 11A. Uniform distribution
11.7. 𝑛𝛼 mod 1
11.8. Bouncing billiard balls
Chapter 12. Binary quadratic forms
12.1. Representation of integers by binary quadratic forms
12.2. Equivalence classes of binary quadratic forms
12.3. Congruence restrictions on the values of a binary quadratic form
12.4. Class numbers
12.5. Class number one
References for this chapter
Additional exercises
Appendix 12A. Composition rules: Gauss, Dirichlet, and Bhargava
12.7. Composition and Gauss
12.8. Dirichlet composition
12.9. Bhargava composition
Hints for exercises
Recommended further reading
Back Cover
Additional Material
In 'Number Theory Revealed: An Introduction,' Andrew Granville presents a fresh take on the classic structure of a number theory textbook. While it includes the standard topics that one would expect to find in a textbook on elementary number theory, it is also filled throughout with related problems, different approaches to proving key theorems, and interesting digressions that will be of interest even to more advanced readers. At the same time, it assumes relatively little background --- starting, for example, with an introductory chapter on induction --- making it accessible to a wide audience.
Nathan McNew (Towson University), MAA Reviews -
I strongly recommend the reading of 'Number Theory Revealed' (the 'Masterclass' in particular) not only to all mathematicians but also to anybody scientifically inclined and curious about what mathematics is and how it is done. Not only are the topics well chosen and well presented, but this book is a real page-turner. How often can you say that about a mathematical textbook? Chapeau!
Marco Abate, The Mathematical Intelligencer
RequestsReview Copy – for publishers of book reviewsDesk Copy – for instructors who have adopted an AMS textbook for a courseExamination Copy – for faculty considering an AMS textbook for a coursePermission – for use of book, eBook, or Journal contentAccessibility – to request an alternate format of an AMS title
- Book Details
- Table of Contents
- Additional Material
- Reviews
- Requests
Number Theory Revealed: An Introduction presents a fresh take on congruences, power residues, quadratic residues, primes, and Diophantine equations, as well as hot topics like cryptography, factoring, and primality testing. Students are also introduced to beautiful enlightening questions like the structure of Pascal's triangle mod p, Fermat's Last Theorem for polynomials, and modern twists on traditional questions. This book provides careful coverage of all core topics in a standard introductory number theory course with pointers to some exciting further directions.
An expanded edition, Number Theory Revealed: A Masterclass, offers a more comprehensive approach, adding additional material in further chapters and appendices. It is ideal for instructors who wish to tailor a class to their own interests and gives well-prepared students further opportunities to challenge themselves and push beyond core number theory concepts, serving as a springboard to many current themes in mathematics.
This book is part of Number Theory Revealed: The Series. Find full tables of contents, sample problems, hints, and appendices, as well as updates about forthcoming related volumes here.
About the Author:
Andrew Granville is the Canada Research Chair in Number Theory at the University of Montreal and professor of mathematics at University College London. He has won several international writing prizes for exposition in mathematics, including the 2008 Chauvenet Prize and the 2019 Halmos-Ford Prize, and is the author of Prime Suspects (Princeton University Press, 2019), a beautifully illustrated graphic novel murder mystery that explores surprising connections between the anatomies of integers and of permutations.
Undergraduate and graduate students interested in introductory number theory.
Title page
Gauss’s Disquisitiones Arithmeticae
The language of mathematics
Preliminary Chapter on Induction
0.1. Fibonacci numbers and other recurrence sequences
0.2. Formulas for sums of powers of integers
0.3. The binomial theorem, Pascal’s triangle, and the binomial coefficients
Articles with further thoughts on factorials and binomial coefficients
Additional exercises
A paper that questions one’s assumptions is
Chapter 1. The Euclidean algorithm
1.1. Finding the gcd
1.2. Linear combinations
1.3. The set of linear combinations of two integers
1.4. The least common multiple
1.5. Continued fractions
1.6. Tiling a rectangle with squares
Additional exercises
Divisors in recurrence sequences
Appendix 1A. Reformulating the Euclidean algorithm
1.8. Euclid matrices and Euclid’s algorithm
1.9. Euclid matrices and ideal transformations
1.10. The dynamics of the Euclidean algorithm
Chapter 2. Congruences
2.1. Basic congruences
2.2. The trouble with division
2.3. Congruences for polynomials
2.4. Tests for divisibility
Additional exercises
Binomial coefficients modulo 𝑝
The Fibonacci numbers modulo 𝑑
Appendix 2A. Congruences in the language of groups
2.6. Further discussion of the basic notion of congruence
2.7. Cosets of an additive group
2.8. A new family of rings and fields
2.9. The order of an element
Chapter 3. The basic algebra of number theory
3.1. The Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic
3.2. Abstractions
3.3. Divisors using factorizations
3.4. Irrationality
3.5. Dividing in congruences
3.6. Linear equations in two unknowns
3.7. Congruences to several moduli
3.8. Square roots of 1 (mod 𝑛)
Additional exercises
Reference on the many proofs that √2 is irrational
Appendix 3A. Factoring binomial coefficients and Pascal’s triangle modulo 𝑝
3.10. The prime powers dividing a given binomial coefficient
3.11. Pascal’s triangle modulo 2
References for this chapter
Chapter 4. Multiplicative functions
4.1. Euler’s 𝜙-function
4.2. Perfect numbers. “The whole is equal to the sum of its parts.”
Additional exercises
Appendix 4A. More multiplicative functions
4.4. Summing multiplicative functions
4.5. Inclusion-exclusion and the Möbius function
4.6. Convolutions and the Möbius inversion formula
4.7. The Liouville function
Additional exercises
Chapter 5. The distribution of prime numbers
5.1. Proofs that there are infinitely many primes
5.2. Distinguishing primes
5.3. Primes in certain arithmetic progressions
5.4. How many primes are there up to 𝑥?
5.5. Bounds on the number of primes
5.6. Gaps between primes
Further reading on hot topics in this section
5.7. Formulas for primes
Additional exercises
Appendix 5A. Bertrand’s postulate and beyond
5.9. Bertrand’s postulate
5.10. The theorem of Sylvester and Schur
Bonus read: A review of prime problems
5.11. Prime problems
Prime values of polynomials in one variable
Prime values of polynomials in several variables
Goldbach’s conjecture and variants
Other questions
Guides to conjectures and the Green-Tao Theorem
Chapter 6. Diophantine problems
6.1. The Pythagorean equation
6.2. No solutions to a Diophantine equation through descent
No solutions through prime divisibility
No solutions through geometric descent
6.3. Fermat’s “infinite descent”
6.4. Fermat’s Last Theorem
A brief history of equation solving
References for this chapter
Additional exercises
Appendix 6A. Polynomial solutions of Diophantine equations
6.6. Fermat’s Last Theorem in ℂ[𝕥]
6.7. 𝑎+𝑏=𝑐 in ℂ[𝕥]
Chapter 7. Power residues
7.1. Generating the multiplicative group of residues
7.2. Fermat’s Little Theorem
7.3. Special primes and orders
7.4. Further observations
7.5. The number of elements of a given order, and primitive roots
7.6. Testing for composites, pseudoprimes, and Carmichael numbers
7.7. Divisibility tests, again
7.8. The decimal expansion of fractions
7.9. Primes in arithmetic progressions, revisited
References for this chapter
Additional exercises
Appendix 7A. Card shuffling and Fermat’s Little Theorem
7.11. Card shuffling and orders modulo 𝑛
7.12. The “necklace proof” of Fermat’s Little Theorem
More combinatorics and number theory
7.13. Taking powers efficiently
7.14. Running time: The desirability of polynomial time algorithms
Chapter 8. Quadratic residues
8.1. Squares modulo prime 𝑝
8.2. The quadratic character of a residue
8.3. The residue -1
8.4. The residue 2
8.5. The law of quadratic reciprocity
8.6. Proof of the law of quadratic reciprocity
8.7. The Jacobi symbol
8.8. The squares modulo 𝑚
Additional exercises
Further reading on Euclidean proofs
Appendix 8A. Eisenstein’s proof of quadratic reciprocity
8.10. Eisenstein’s elegant proof, 1844
Chapter 9. Quadratic equations
9.1. Sums of two squares
9.2. The values of 𝑥²+𝑑𝑦²
9.3. Is there a solution to a given quadratic equation?
9.4. Representation of integers by 𝑎𝑥²+𝑏𝑦² with 𝑥,𝑦 rational, and beyond
9.5. The failure of the local-global principle for quadratic equations in integers
9.6. Primes represented by 𝑥²+5𝑦²
Additional exercises
Appendix 9A. Proof of the local-global principle for quadratic equations
9.8. Lattices and quotients
9.9. A better proof of the local-global principle
Chapter 10. Square roots and factoring
10.1. Square roots modulo 𝑛
10.2. Cryptosystems
10.3. RSA
10.4. Certificates and the complexity classes P and NP
10.5. Polynomial time primality testing
10.6. Factoring methods
References: See [CP05] and [Knu98], as well as:
Additional exercises
Appendix 10A. Pseudoprime tests using square roots of 1
10.8. The difficulty of finding all square roots of 1
Chapter 11. Rational approximations to real numbers
11.1. The pigeonhole principle
11.2. Pell’s equation
11.3. Descent on solutions of 𝑥²-𝑑𝑦²=𝑛,𝑑>0
11.4. Transcendental numbers
11.5. The 𝑎𝑏𝑐-conjecture
Further reading for this chapter
Additional exercises
Appendix 11A. Uniform distribution
11.7. 𝑛𝛼 mod 1
11.8. Bouncing billiard balls
Chapter 12. Binary quadratic forms
12.1. Representation of integers by binary quadratic forms
12.2. Equivalence classes of binary quadratic forms
12.3. Congruence restrictions on the values of a binary quadratic form
12.4. Class numbers
12.5. Class number one
References for this chapter
Additional exercises
Appendix 12A. Composition rules: Gauss, Dirichlet, and Bhargava
12.7. Composition and Gauss
12.8. Dirichlet composition
12.9. Bhargava composition
Hints for exercises
Recommended further reading
Back Cover
In 'Number Theory Revealed: An Introduction,' Andrew Granville presents a fresh take on the classic structure of a number theory textbook. While it includes the standard topics that one would expect to find in a textbook on elementary number theory, it is also filled throughout with related problems, different approaches to proving key theorems, and interesting digressions that will be of interest even to more advanced readers. At the same time, it assumes relatively little background --- starting, for example, with an introductory chapter on induction --- making it accessible to a wide audience.
Nathan McNew (Towson University), MAA Reviews -
I strongly recommend the reading of 'Number Theory Revealed' (the 'Masterclass' in particular) not only to all mathematicians but also to anybody scientifically inclined and curious about what mathematics is and how it is done. Not only are the topics well chosen and well presented, but this book is a real page-turner. How often can you say that about a mathematical textbook? Chapeau!
Marco Abate, The Mathematical Intelligencer