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AMS Page a Day Calendar
Evelyn Lamb Freelance writer, Salt Lake City, UT
Print ISBN:  978-1-4704-4957-5
Product Code:  MBK/128
List Price: $25.00
MAA Member Price: $22.50
AMS Member Price: $20.00
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AMS Page a Day Calendar
Evelyn Lamb Freelance writer, Salt Lake City, UT
Print ISBN:  978-1-4704-4957-5
Product Code:  MBK/128
List Price: $25.00
MAA Member Price: $22.50
AMS Member Price: $20.00
  • Product Details
    2019; 372 pp
    MSC: Primary 00; 01; 97

    The AMS Page a Day Calendar is a collection of 366 mathematical morsels. Each day features a fun math fact, a tidbit of math history, a piece of art made using mathematics, a mathematical puzzle or activity, or another mathematical delight. Topics range from the serious to the silly, from the abstract to the very real. The calendar features mathematics done by people from different races, genders, geographic locations, and time periods. Anyone interested in mathematics will learn something new and have their imagination sparked by something they find in the calendar. It will be a mathematical companion for your year.

  • Additional Material
2019; 372 pp
MSC: Primary 00; 01; 97

The AMS Page a Day Calendar is a collection of 366 mathematical morsels. Each day features a fun math fact, a tidbit of math history, a piece of art made using mathematics, a mathematical puzzle or activity, or another mathematical delight. Topics range from the serious to the silly, from the abstract to the very real. The calendar features mathematics done by people from different races, genders, geographic locations, and time periods. Anyone interested in mathematics will learn something new and have their imagination sparked by something they find in the calendar. It will be a mathematical companion for your year.

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