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Espaces de Configuration Généralisés - Espaces Topologiques $i$-acycliques - Suites Spectrales Basiques
Alberto Arabia Université Paris Diderot-Paris 7, Paris, France
A publication of the Société Mathématique de France
Espaces de configuration generalises - Espaces topologiques i-acycliques - Suites spectrales basiques
Softcover ISBN:  978-2-85629-934-0
Product Code:  SMFMEM/170
List Price: $75.00
AMS Member Price: $60.00
Please note AMS points can not be used for this product
Espaces de configuration generalises - Espaces topologiques i-acycliques - Suites spectrales basiques
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Espaces de Configuration Généralisés - Espaces Topologiques $i$-acycliques - Suites Spectrales Basiques
Alberto Arabia Université Paris Diderot-Paris 7, Paris, France
A publication of the Société Mathématique de France
Softcover ISBN:  978-2-85629-934-0
Product Code:  SMFMEM/170
List Price: $75.00
AMS Member Price: $60.00
Please note AMS points can not be used for this product
  • Book Details
    Mémoires de la Société Mathématique de France
    Volume: 1702021; 248 pp
    MSC: Primary 55; 20; 18; 11

    A note to readers: This book is in French.

    This memoir presents a new approach to generalized configuration spaces of a locally compact space \(M\). The approach is two-fold. The first part applies only to \(i\)-acyclic spaces, which class contains noncompact contractible spaces, and, if \(X\) is \(i\)-acyclic, contains also the open subspaces of \(X\) and the products \(X \times M\) by any space \(M\). The second part describes a procedure which extrapolates cohomological properties of configuration spaces of \(i\)-acyclic spaces \(X\) to general topological spaces \(M\).

    View the abstract.

    A publication of the Société Mathématique de France, Marseilles (SMF), distributed by the AMS in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico. Orders from other countries should be sent to the SMF. Members of the SMF receive a 30% discount from list.


    Graduate students and research mathematicians.

  • Additional Material
  • Requests
    Review Copy – for publishers of book reviews
    Accessibility – to request an alternate format of an AMS title
Volume: 1702021; 248 pp
MSC: Primary 55; 20; 18; 11

A note to readers: This book is in French.

This memoir presents a new approach to generalized configuration spaces of a locally compact space \(M\). The approach is two-fold. The first part applies only to \(i\)-acyclic spaces, which class contains noncompact contractible spaces, and, if \(X\) is \(i\)-acyclic, contains also the open subspaces of \(X\) and the products \(X \times M\) by any space \(M\). The second part describes a procedure which extrapolates cohomological properties of configuration spaces of \(i\)-acyclic spaces \(X\) to general topological spaces \(M\).

View the abstract.

A publication of the Société Mathématique de France, Marseilles (SMF), distributed by the AMS in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico. Orders from other countries should be sent to the SMF. Members of the SMF receive a 30% discount from list.


Graduate students and research mathematicians.

Review Copy – for publishers of book reviews
Accessibility – to request an alternate format of an AMS title
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