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Classification and Orbit Equivalence Relations
Greg Hjorth University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA
Classification and Orbit Equivalence Relations
Hardcover ISBN:  978-0-8218-2002-5
Product Code:  SURV/75
List Price: $129.00
MAA Member Price: $116.10
AMS Member Price: $103.20
eBook ISBN:  978-1-4704-1302-6
Product Code:  SURV/75.E
List Price: $125.00
MAA Member Price: $112.50
AMS Member Price: $100.00
Hardcover ISBN:  978-0-8218-2002-5
eBook: ISBN:  978-1-4704-1302-6
Product Code:  SURV/75.B
List Price: $254.00 $191.50
MAA Member Price: $228.60 $172.35
AMS Member Price: $203.20 $153.20
Classification and Orbit Equivalence Relations
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Classification and Orbit Equivalence Relations
Greg Hjorth University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA
Hardcover ISBN:  978-0-8218-2002-5
Product Code:  SURV/75
List Price: $129.00
MAA Member Price: $116.10
AMS Member Price: $103.20
eBook ISBN:  978-1-4704-1302-6
Product Code:  SURV/75.E
List Price: $125.00
MAA Member Price: $112.50
AMS Member Price: $100.00
Hardcover ISBN:  978-0-8218-2002-5
eBook ISBN:  978-1-4704-1302-6
Product Code:  SURV/75.B
List Price: $254.00 $191.50
MAA Member Price: $228.60 $172.35
AMS Member Price: $203.20 $153.20
  • Book Details
    Mathematical Surveys and Monographs
    Volume: 752000; 195 pp
    MSC: Primary 03; Secondary 22; 54

    Actions of Polish groups are ubiquitous in mathematics. In certain branches of ergodic theory and functional analysis, one finds a systematic study of the group of measure-preserving transformations and the unitary group. In logic, the analysis of countable models intertwines with results concerning the actions of the infinite symmetric group.

    This text develops the theory of Polish group actions entirely from scratch, ultimately presenting a coherent theory of the resulting orbit equivalence classes that may allow complete classification by invariants of an indicated form. The book concludes with a criterion for an orbit equivalence relation classifiable by countable structures considered up to isomorphism.

    This self-contained volume offers a complete treatment of this active area of current research and develops a difficult general theory classifying a class of mathematical objects up to some relevant notion of isomorphism or equivalence.

    Greg Hjorth received the Carol Karp Prize for outstanding work on turbulence and countable Borel equivalence relations from the Association of Symbolic Logic.


    Graduate students and research mathematicians interested in set theory, and topological groups and Lie groups.

  • Table of Contents
    • Chapters
    • 1. An outline
    • 2. Definitions and technicalities
    • 3. Turbulence
    • 4. Classifying homeomorphisms
    • 5. Infinite dimensional group representations
    • 6. A generalized Scott analysis
    • 7. GE groups
    • 8. The dark side
    • 9. Beyond Borel
    • 10. Looking ahead
  • Additional Material
  • Reviews
    • Presents a beautiful example of a theory whose creation and consequences, in one way or another, involve most fields of mathematics.

      Bulletin of the LMS
    • This monograph is an important contribution to the ongoing study ... of definable equivalence relations on Polish spaces ... essential reading for anyone interested in the subject of definable equivalence relations, but is also important for mathematicians working in areas lying outside the usual boundaries of set theory.

      Zentralblatt MATH
  • Requests
    Review Copy – for publishers of book reviews
    Permission – for use of book, eBook, or Journal content
    Accessibility – to request an alternate format of an AMS title
Volume: 752000; 195 pp
MSC: Primary 03; Secondary 22; 54

Actions of Polish groups are ubiquitous in mathematics. In certain branches of ergodic theory and functional analysis, one finds a systematic study of the group of measure-preserving transformations and the unitary group. In logic, the analysis of countable models intertwines with results concerning the actions of the infinite symmetric group.

This text develops the theory of Polish group actions entirely from scratch, ultimately presenting a coherent theory of the resulting orbit equivalence classes that may allow complete classification by invariants of an indicated form. The book concludes with a criterion for an orbit equivalence relation classifiable by countable structures considered up to isomorphism.

This self-contained volume offers a complete treatment of this active area of current research and develops a difficult general theory classifying a class of mathematical objects up to some relevant notion of isomorphism or equivalence.

Greg Hjorth received the Carol Karp Prize for outstanding work on turbulence and countable Borel equivalence relations from the Association of Symbolic Logic.


Graduate students and research mathematicians interested in set theory, and topological groups and Lie groups.

  • Chapters
  • 1. An outline
  • 2. Definitions and technicalities
  • 3. Turbulence
  • 4. Classifying homeomorphisms
  • 5. Infinite dimensional group representations
  • 6. A generalized Scott analysis
  • 7. GE groups
  • 8. The dark side
  • 9. Beyond Borel
  • 10. Looking ahead
  • Presents a beautiful example of a theory whose creation and consequences, in one way or another, involve most fields of mathematics.

    Bulletin of the LMS
  • This monograph is an important contribution to the ongoing study ... of definable equivalence relations on Polish spaces ... essential reading for anyone interested in the subject of definable equivalence relations, but is also important for mathematicians working in areas lying outside the usual boundaries of set theory.

    Zentralblatt MATH
Review Copy – for publishers of book reviews
Permission – for use of book, eBook, or Journal content
Accessibility – to request an alternate format of an AMS title
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